Page 24 of Stay, Swear.

“I’m fine, I can fight if I need to.”

He shakes his head at me, something I can’t decipher flashes in his eyes.

“I’m sure you can Rousey, but it’d still make me feel better if you let me walk you.”

He leads us out of the office and home to the apartments. We talk about work and cases that are coming up quickly. When we make our way inside the lobby we say our goodbyes and part ways. He has an elevator that’s just for his apartment and I have to use the one for the commoners.

After making my way inside, taking my shoes off, tossing my purse on the kitchen island, and pouring a big glass of wine I get settled on my couch. Checking my phone I see that I have two missed calls from Rowan. Pressing his name and bringing the phone up to my ear I wait for him to pick up. I don’t have to wait long, he answers on the first ring.


“Rowan. Are my people okay?”

I can hear the fondness in his voice as he answers, “They’re fine. I just left them in the backyard, actually. I was calling to talk to you about the other week.”

My hackles instantly rise, “Okay.”

He takes a deep breath before slowly letting it out, “Listen, I was an asshole. It wasn’t fair to be mean, or treat you poorly because I was insecure.”

“What do you have to be insecure about, Rowan? You’ve got them, they’re yours. You rescued them from a lifetime ofhurt and destruction. Honestly, it’s the main reason I tolerate you.”

He scoffs, “Tolerate me? What have I done?”

I guess it’s only fair to be honest if he’s going to be up front. “You took them from me. I’m not sure what you know about me, Byrne, but I don’t have much family. I didn’t come from a place like yours, but I’ve had them. My sister and nephew by choice. Then you and your brothers, in all of your big, grumpy, gruff, and sex on legs glory. You guys decided to open your kind, secretly sweet hearts to a family who wasn’t yours to take. They were mine, but you took them anyway. Now I’m the sad family dog that was left in the rain. Just watching through the window outside trying to be happy that they’re happy. So yes, Rowan, I tolerate you.”

Rowan doesn’t answer for so long that I check to see if he hung up, he didn’t.

“I didn’t know you felt like that. Does Clara know? I’m really sorry. You’re not the dog in the rain, Britt. For one, we don’t leave Parker in the rain.” He lets the humor in his voice come through just briefly before he switches back to his typical all business tone.

“You’re just as much family to me as they are. They didn’t abandon you for me. They brought you with them. You’ve just been too stubborn to see that. I feel insecure because you knew them before me. You saved them Britt, not me. You know things I have no idea about. Important things like his migraines. What else did I miss out on because I didn’t get to them sooner?”

His voice sounds so vulnerable that it hurts my heart. He’s really grappling with this. Before I can respond my phone beeps with an incoming call, checking I see it’s Kieran.Well, that’s weird. Letting it go to voicemail I focus on my conversation with Roe.

“You can’t blame yourself for what Preston did to them. That’s not your cross to bear. You’ve loved them and helped them heal from the moment you stepped in the picture. Yeah, you were mean to me and I didn’t deserve that. At the same time, you don’t deserve to beat yourself up about things that are out of your control.”

“Thank you. Promise I didn’t call to get a pep talk, but I can’t say I didn’t need it. I’m really sorry for going all Papa Bear on you. That wasn’t fair of me and I should have dealt with my emotions better.”

Deciding to accept his apology, he seems sincere, “I appreciate the apology, and am glad we can put this behind us. I miss your patio couch.”

Rowan barks out a laugh, “What?”

“I said what I said. It’s just so comfortable. My eyes close every time I snuggle into it, and you know what they say.. If you can’t be rich, have rich friends.”

“I can’t say I’ve ever heard that phrase before now.”

“Of course you haven’t, you’ve always been the rich friend.” I smile at our light hearted banter. I really do like Rowan, not to mention Clara’s going to be so happy about us making up. My phone beeps, Kieran’s trying me again. “Hey, Rowan, I’ve got another call coming in, but we’re all good. Thanks for the call.”

“Thank you for accepting my apology. I expect to see you over here soon?”

“You got it.” We say our goodbyes and I click over to Kie right before the phone goes to voicemail.

“Britt.” He says my name on a relieved exhale. “I wasworried. Are you home?”

“Worried? About little ol me? I can handle myself, Byrne.”

“I’m sure you can, but that doesn’t stop me from worrying. How was work?”

“Work was work, another long day. But I have a rare weekend off so I can’t complain too much. How was your day at— er— just how was your day I guess?”