Page 23 of Stay, Swear.

Chapter Twelve


I’ve never felt like this before and no I don’t mean in love. Absolutely not. I mean I’ve never wanted to be in the presence of a man. Men make me wary. They have ulterior motives and they are inherently evil. I especially do not like men that are so much bigger than me but Kieran is proving that he may be the exception not the rule. He just makes me feel so comfortable. His presence calms me and his cock is huge.

What? A girl’s allowed to appreciate all the aspects of her hook up buddy.

I think we’re just hook up buddies? Do hookup buddies spend half the day snuggling and watching movies? Probably not, but it’s fine. Like Kieran said; we make the rules here.

I’m pulled out of my daydreaming by Mr. Hall tapping on my desk. My eyes lift up to his to find an amused smirk onhis handsome face, “Daydreaming on the job, Ms. Mitchell?”

“Busted. I’m sorry, Mr. Hall, what can I help you with?”

“Well first off you can call me Jackson or Jax like I’ve been asking you to since your first day.”

Now it’s my turn to smirk, “Besides that, Mr. Hall.”

He lets out a loud belly laugh, “Okay, fine. I’ll try again tomorrow. I just wanted to check and see if you have my notes all ready for court Monday?”

“Yes, I have them right here.” I hand him the file folders, labeled, and notes in the exact order he’ll need them.

“Brittany, you save my life daily.”

“And I’ll continue to if you let me call you Mr. Hall.”

He thumbs through the folders, “Yeah, probably not, but I like your enthusiasm. Got any big plans since we’re off this weekend?”

“We’re off this weekend?” This is the first I’m hearing of it.

“Surprise.” Mr. Hall does ‘jazz hands’ and smiles at me.

Jackson Hall is a beautiful man in his own right. About six foot four inches, light brown hair, whiskey eyes, and freshly pressed suits. His jaw is squared with a constant five o’clock shadow. He’s extremely handsome. We’re friendly and he’s a really good boss to have. There’s no feelings there on either side. He’s not asking to be sleazy, he’s asking because he really is curious. We never have more than a day off a week, and that’s fine with me because I need the money. This sudden weekend off is not typical at all, but far be it from me to bite the hand that’s giving me an extra day off.

“Well I guess so. I’ve got a date tomorrow with a friend, besides that I’ll probably sleep until I can’t sleep anymore. What about you? Why are we off this weekend?”

“A date with a friend? Sounds dramatic. I will be doingthings my employee shouldn’t know about. Especially when she’s practically a baby and we’re off because I say we are. I think we need a weekend to reset we’ve been working nonstop. I’m tired, so I can only imagine you are too.”

I can’t help the scoff that comes out, “You’re barely older than me.”

He turns to head back to his office waving me off, “A win is a win, Mitchell. A win is a win.”

* * *

The rest of the afternoon moves at a snail’s pace. I’ve got everything done and ready to leave by seven. Which honestly is a step up from the eight I’ve been leaving at. Knocking on Jackson’s door as I’m passing it I give him a wave and keep moving. I hear him get up first then his voice right behind that.

“Hey Britt, are you headed out?”

“Yeah, I’ve got it all ready to go. Anything I forgot just text me and I’ll do it from home this weekend.”

“Perfect, I’m heading out too. Let’s walk together it’s already getting dark.”

We live in the same complex. I just have a two bedroom apartment, while he has the penthouse. It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell him that it’s fine and I’ll see him Monday, but the thought that Robert’s out there somewhere has me second guessing myself.

I’d be ignorant to think he’s not going to come after me. I’m the reason he was locked up and the reason his alleged “one billion dollar” trafficking business was busted.

“Actually, that’d be perfect. You know how finicky the citycan be at night.”

He nods and moves to grab his things. “Yeah, it makes me nervous that you walk home alone when we pull these late nights. It’s not safe.”