Rowan: Kieran. Where are you coming from?
Kieran: Gotta go. Driving. See you in the morning.
Mac: He picked Brittany up from a bar in German territory then took her home. He’s been there long enough so I have questions, but not long enough that I think they fucked. But we aren’t supposed to tell Clara, or you… oops.
Sully: OOOOHHHHH you’re in troubleeeeee
Kieran: You’re dead to me D&M
Declan: Hey! I didn’t say a single word.
Mac: Yeah, yeah. I hear you *eye roll emoji*
Kieran: *middle finger emojis*
Well, guess I’m not going home to sleep. Time to face the brothers…
Chapter Ten
Waking up to my head pounding, my mouth dry, and my memories from last night rushing back is not how I wanted to start my day. The bar, the hot bartender, getting carried to bed, a forehead kiss, and the man with the kindest eyes and most charming smile. Seeing Kieran with his guard down does something to me. It makes me want to see that side of him all the time. My phone pings, and I reach over to grab it, immediately noticing I have two missed texts and a new voicemail. After Jax called at five this morning and told me he had court all day and didn’t need me I went right back to sleep. Deciding to check the texts first my fingerprint unlocks the phone and I navigate to my texts. One from Clara, and one from Kieran.
Clara: Sleep over soon? I’m DROWNING in testosteronehere.
Unable to stop myself, I laugh as I type out my reply.
Brittany: Ah, yes, all that sexy man testosterone at your house. Sounds torturous. Count me in, not this coming Saturday, but next? My only day off that week is Sunday. You can come here when I get off?
Clara: You’re foul. Also sold, I’ll come over as soon as you get off then we can spend the whole day together Sunday too.
Sending her the heart and thumbs up emoji I move over to Kieran’s text.
Kieran: Good morning, Mo Stóirín. What are you doing?
Brittany: Just woke up, I’m off today.
Kieran: Hang out with me?
Brittany: Do people that do, well what you do, get days off?
I’m trying not to type out ‘people who work for the mafia’ Who knows who has his phone tapped. His response is instant.
Kieran: Believe it or not we do. Today happens to be mine. So what do you say?
Brittany: Can’t I’m busy. Maybe some other time. Have a good day off, Kieran.
Shaking my head at myself for playing so hard to get, I don’t check his response and decide to stay in bed and be hungover all day.
* **
I’ve been in bed all morning watching romance movies that make you cry, and snuggling deep into my blankets. It’s about noon when a loud knock startles me. I jump up and stand in the doorway to my room. Scared of who may be on the other side, I don’t make a sound.