Page 16 of Stay, Swear.

After turning off the light in my bedroom, toeing off his shoes and socks, and discarding his jeans he slides into the bed behind me. He pulls me over to him so my head is resting on his peck and my arm is draped over his torso. Taking his hand and pulling my leg over so I’m half straddling his strong thigh we settle in.

“Comfortable?” Kieran asks, bringing his hands up to massage my scalp. I let out a half groan, half moan as my body completely melts into his.

“I could lay here for at least a week.”

His lips press to the top of my head, “Good, go to sleep, Brittany. I’ve got you.”

* **

I woke up this morning to a note on the pillow beside me. Kieran let me know he had a ‘work emergency’ and he would text me later. That was before six this morning. It’s now five in the evening and still no sign of him. I’ve contemplated texting him first, but have quickly pushed the thought away every time it comes up. He said he would text me not for me to text him. Trying and failing to not check my phone for the millionth time today, I decide I’m not waiting around for him anymore. I’m going out. I’m a strong independent woman. I donotneed to sit around on my only day off and wait for my phone to ring.


Chapter Nine


I’ve been running around all over Jersey searching for Daniel Smith. Yes, that’s his real name. Did my brother’s send me on this goose chase after I came home with a mysterious black eye, and I told them it was from Ryan again?

Also, yes.

They don’t believe me, but honestly I don’t really care. They have no proof so they’re forced to keep their theories between themselves.

Mac and Declan joined me about two hours ago once I had found his actual address. He wasn’t there, and from the looks of it he was in a hurry to leave. So now the person who would bring us one step closer to Jordan Hudson is in the wind. We’re all sitting in awkward silence, and I’m pretty sure our driver would rather die than sit in this car with us. Seriously, the tension is thick and out of all the Byrne’s we’re the threemost stubborn. No one’s going to break first.

My phone vibrates against my leg bringing me back to earth. Pulling it out of my pocket right before it goes to voicemail I accept the call without checking who it is, “Byrne.” Both of my brothers look at me in confusion. They’re nosy by nature and I never answer my phone like this unless I don’t know who’s on the other end.


My brow furrows in confusion. “Mo Stóirín?” Now my nosy brothers are really paying attention to me.

“What’s that mean? Store-een. You said it the other night too.”

Smirking into the phone because I can hear the buzz in her voice, “Where are you Brittany? Let me come get you.”

“Nooo, no way. We were one night it’s done now.”

Hearing the slight slur in her words, I decide to push her and see what she’s willing to tell me. I’ve also got to be careful what I say, I do have listeners.

“Do you want it to only be that?”

She snort laughs into the phone, “It doesn’t matter, people like me don’t get to keep people like you. Not with all the light I shadow. Anyway, gotta go. It’s my turn for the bathroom.”

Panic zips through my veins, what is she talking about? Where is she? “Britt wait, where are you? Let me come get you.”

“You can’t. I don’t know much about your big bad job, Kieran BYRNE. But what I do know is you can’t come to Kneipe to get me. Gotta go Mystery Man, byeee.”

“No, Britt, don’t—” beep beep beep. Shit, she hung up.

Dec is the first to speak, “Want to tell us what the fuck that was?”

My finger comes up to my chin and taps it while I pretend to think, “Yeah, no. Thanks for asking though.” We’re pulling up to the house as I finish my sentence.

Jumping out of the car my eyes lock on Mac’s, “You didn’t hear shit, because there isn’t shit to hear. Keep it that way until I say otherwise.” Mac nods, and I catch Declan’s nod too. Sprinting to my car and jumping into the driver seat my eyes fly to my brothers who have barely made it out of the SUV. Waiting to make sure they’re safely out of the driveway before I make my way past them and into German territory.

* * *

Pulling up to Kneipe I’m well aware that I have about ten minutes max to get in and out before the Germans are alerted that I’m here. Heading straight into the bar it takes me about three seconds for me to find her. Brittany is sitting at the bar talking to the bartender. Shit, It’s Jakob Fischer. Not only did he use to be best friends with Declan, but his dad does business with us. No shot am I making it out of here unseen. Not that a six and a half foot man makes it many places without being seen in the first place. Shaking my head at my own thoughts I make my way to Britt, her laugh rings out over the crowd.