“I don’t need a damn babysitter Rowan. Let’s not forget that before you entered the picture I was Rhett’s second parent in almost every aspect. You’re here now and I’m so happy you’re the husband and dad they need. You can be stressed all you want, but you will NOT treat me like I can’t be trusted. I got them out of that house of horrors. Don’t disrespect me by acting like I’m going to hurt them. Never forget I loved them first.” By the time I’m done I’m practically vibrating with rage. I won’t be treated like I’m a new person that they’re unsure of. They can suck my ass. The entire time my hand keeps its same rhythm in my sweet godson’s hair.
Declan lets out a low whistle, “Looks like you pissed off thewrong one Roe. I’ll do whatever you want me to. Just know if she starts planning your untimely demise I’m not stopping her.” Rowan glares at me, but I’m not easily intimidated anymore so I glare right back.
Finally he huffs out a breath of annoyance and drops his hands from his hips dramatically, “Fine. But give me your phone. I’m putting all our numbers in here just in case anything happens. I mean if he so much as looks like he’s going to cough I need you to text one of us.”
Tossing my unlocked phone to him I can’t help but roll my eyes. “Stop micromanaging me, Rowan. Put the numbers in and I’ll use them if I need to. But this isn’t my first rodeo. It’s just yours.”
He grumbles to himself as he puts the numbers in. Before he hands it back to me I hear Dec and Roe’s phones go off.
“I texted us all in a group chat so we all have your number too. You’ll answer when we call or text.” He hands me my phone then quickly turns on his heels before stomping out of the room. “I’m going to take care of my wife. Declan will be in my office handling some things if you need him.”
As he disappears up the stairs I lift a brow and look to Declan who just shrugs and coughs to hide his laugh. “Impressive Ms. Mitchell, I’ll be down the hall if you need me.” Giving me a sharp nod he puts his hands in his pockets and leaves the living room. Leaning my head back against the back of the couch I let my eyes drift shut, as I attempt to process what the fuck that was all about.
* **
Waking up, the first thing I notice is that I’m lying on the couch instead of sitting up now. Rhett wiggled his way onto my chest and we’ve been covered with a big fluffy blanket. Blinking my eyes open they scan the living room. I startle in surprise when a set of medium green eyes lock onto mine. Shaggy hair lays wildly across his forehead. It’s so long that it’s almost in his eyes. Whispering out of habit more than anything, “Did you cover us up?”
He gives me a lazy smile that rivals his older brother’s. It’s the same one that’s been flooding my mind for weeks. “Yeah, you both looked cold. I was sent down here to check on you guys. I also took a picture. Mainly because I figured you’d appreciate it, but also to send proof of life.”
Shooting him a glare and giving the most unladylike huff of annoyance I can, “Tell Rowan I said he can jump off the roof. I’m not going to ‘prove’ myself to the new member of our dynamic. He stepped into my family unit, not the other way around.”
Mac’s eyes are huge by the time I’m done, his hands come up in surrender, “Woah, chill. Rowan didn’t send me. Kieran did.”
Okay. Now I’m confused.
“Yeah Kieran, care to explain why he’s been so paranoid about me checking on you and if you need anything ?”
I’m stunned. Has he been thinking about me too? Oh, come on Brittany, get it together. That man can, and probably does, have half the female population falling at his feet. We slept together once and snuggled twice. There’s no way he’s even given it another thought. He, like Rowan, probably just thinks I’m incompetent to look after my godson.
“Probably because you guys walk around here thinking anyone without the last name Byrne is going to sneak him into a storage container and run off to India with him.” I’m going for obvious sarcasm, but I can tell by the fire in Mac’s eyes he’s not in the mood for my shit.
“Right, well just so we’re clear, we would tear anyone who tried to take him from us limb from limb before feeding the remains to a pig and putting their teeth in acid so there was no trace left of them. We don’t care if you were‘here first’or not. No one messes with what’s ours.”
Yeah, fuck that.
“Get the fuck away from me Byrne. Tell your brother I’m fine, and tell your oldest brother as soon as Rhett’s better I’m leaving and I’ll meet up with Rhett and Clara solo from now on. Thanks for letting me stay last night, but I got it. Messages are received loud and clear. I’ll stay out of your way as much as possible, but in response I expect all six of you to leave me the fuck alone.” Mac’s eyes soften and if I didn’t know better I’d swear his feelings are hurt.
Cutting him off because I’m over these macho alpha-hole men, “I’m done with this conversation, Mac. Let me spend time with my sweet boy in peace.” His eyes are downcast and his shoulders slumped but he nods and walks away without another word. Grabbing my phone to mute all their numbers I find a couple of texts from Kieran and a missed voicemail from a number I don’t recognize. Muting the other brothers I decide to check Kieran’s texts first.
Kieran: So this wasn’t the way I expected to get your number but I’ll take it.
Kieran: How’s Bear feeling? I miss him.
Kieran: I can’t stop thinking about you.
Kieran: At least send me proof of life before I have to force Mac to go check on you. He gets cranky when I’m out on business and he can’t find me. You donotwant to deal with him right now.
Kieran: Okay, you leave me no choice, Brave Girl.
Shaking my head at his craziness I don’t respond and click on the voicemail bringing my phone up to my ear. A voice that makes my blood run cold slides through the receiver. “Ms. Mitchell, this is Officer McKinneon, I was the detective on your case. I just wanted to let you know that your father has been granted parole effective Friday. He is ordered to stay in the state of Ohio, and if you still reside in the state he has to stay one thousand feet away from you at all times. Failure to do so will result in a parole violation and he will be sent back to prison. If you have any questions feel free to call me back at this number. I’ll call with his parole officer’s information when it becomes available to me. Try to have a good rest of your Sunday Ms. Mitchell. I’ll talk to you soon.”
My trembling hand pulls the phone from my ear as I kill the call. Tears are streaming down my face. This can’t be happening. He’s supposed to have nine more years.I’msuppose to have nine more years. I’m going to get Rhett feeling better then I have to go. I need to figure things out and get out from under the thumb’s of the Byrne men. Taking shaking breaths I work hard to calm my frayed nerves and appear fine. I can feel Rhett shifting in my arms which means he should be up soon. Hopefully sans migraine.