“But why? Why don’t you just live here? My Uncles live here. You can too.” Oh, his sweet heart.
“Well, your Uncles lived here before you did. Your Daddy isn’t my brother so I can’t live here.” A look of pure frustration covers his handsome little face. He sits with his arms folded while Clara and I go back to snuggling him and watching the movie. After a few minutes he huffs and jumps off the couch. Clara and I look at each other in question but neither of us say a word as we watch his little four and a half year old self march straight over to the door to his Daddy’s office. He knocks on the door. It swings open a moment later and none other than the man who has been the center of all my ‘self care’ sessions since he bossed me around while wringing every ounce of pleasure from my body takes up the door frame. Kieran squats down to his level, a gentle smile taking over his too handsome face. “Hey, Bear. What’s up?”
Rhett is still staring him down with a look that he’ll use to run the world one day, I’m sure of it.
“Where’s Rowan?” I’m pretty sure every person in hearing distance jaw drops.
“Woah.” Gone is the smile on Kieran’s face. “Why are youcalling your Da by his name? That’s not very nice, and I’m sure it’ll hurt his feelings.”
His tough guy exterior drops in an instant and his little bottom lip quivers right before he starts crying. Kieran is jerked back by none other than Rowan, causing him to fall back onto his perfect ass. Roe scoops Rhett up and hugs him to his chest, “Hey, shh it’s okay. What’s wrong?”
I’ve heard that Rowan’s a force to be reckoned with outside of this house. But inside of it? He melts at a moments notice if Clara or Rhett even jut their lip out.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t want to hurt your feelings. I just want Auntie to live with us.”
Oh, my sweet boy. He was ready to go toe to toe with his Da for me.
“Who said Auntie can’t live with us?”
“She did, because she’s not your brother.”
Rowan’s stone cold glare comes to me. “You made my son mad at me, Mitchell?”
Clara cuts in before I can say anything, “Down, boy. She was explaining why she doesn’t live here. Actually, I’msoglad you’re done with work for tonight. Rhett needs a bath and bedtime.”
Rowan’s eyes soften at his wife, he’s so obsessed with her that it’s unreal. “I’ll do bedtime solo, but you have to come to bed tonight.”
Clara stares him down for a solid minute before relenting, “Deal, but Britt’s coming too. I’m not leaving her down here alone.”
“Veto, I’m not sharing my bed with anyone but you and Rhett. She can have the guest room.”
I toss my hand up, “Sheis right here, and I’ll just go home later that’s no big deal.” Out of the corner of my eye I see Kieran stiffen at the suggestion.
“Auntie can sleep with me!” Rhett chimes in.
“Perfect, Little Bear, that’s a great idea.” Roe smirks because he knows he’s won this one.
“Okay, Rhett. You have to go to bed like a big boy or I won’t sleep in your room okay?”
“Okay!” He wiggles down out of his dads arms before taking his hand and leading him upstairs.
Like I said, he’s going to rule the world one day.
* * *
We’ve gossiped, drank wine, and watched three new scary movies. Now we’re leaning on each other while yawning and half asleep. I’m starting to nod off when I feel Rowan stand in front of the couch. He pushes the hair off Clara’s forehead then gently tilts me so I lay down on the couch. I’m in that half awake half asleep state when I hear Rowan.
“She’s so worn out. I don’t know what’s going on with her lately. I’m going to take her to bed, then I’ll come back and get Brittany.”
“I’ll take her. She’s going to Rhett’s room, right?” That was Kieran. I was going to offer to walk myself, but now I’m not saying a word. I’ve craved his touch since that night.
“Yeah, she’s supposed to, but Rhett’s already in our bed after a nightmare. You can put her in his room, or the spare room. Thanks.”
“Don’t worry about it. Get Clara to bed. They both looklike they haven’t slept well in weeks.”
I feel fingertips brush my hair out of my face, the zap of electricity tells me exactly who just touched me. The next thing I know I’ve been scooped into strong arms and cradled against Kieran’s warm, strong chest. My head leaning on his shoulder, and the rhythmic sound of his heart almost pulling me completely under the blanket of sleep. We reach the top of the steps when he leans down and kisses the top of my head.