Page 1 of Stay, Swear.



Standing in the window of my bedroom, I look out over my backyard. It’s nothing extravagant, but I know I’m going to miss it, just like I’m going to miss the rest of this house. Footsteps in the hall bring my attention over to my bedroom door. My Mom stands in the doorway, looking as solemn as I feel.

“Hey, my sweet Phoenix. Are you ready?” Her voice seems strained and pained.

“Is anyone really ready for something like this?” My heart breaks knowing I’m going to walk out of this house and never be the same person again.

“You are, you can do this, we have our codes memorized. We’ll still talk, I promise. The main priority though, is what?”

“To make sure they can never find me, that I stay safe.” I huff out.

We’ve gone over this for years, this plan has been in motion since court was over. They won’t be in jail forever, and when they get out they can’t find me. The first place they’ll look is here, they’ll stalk her to find me, so we’ve got to be proactive instead of reactive. It doesn’t matter that we have so many years until they’re even eligible for parole. I need to set up my own life somewhere else.

Carrie isn’t my biological mom, but you can’t tell us that. She stepped in on one of the scariest days of my life and never turned back. She sat with me through surgeries, therapy sessions, and countless nightmares. My real mom died when I was six, at the hands of my biological father. The story is extensive, and for lack of better words, it fucking sucks.

She takes me by the shoulders and just stares into my eyes for a moment. Once we both start tearing up she pulls me into a hug. My mom gives the best hugs, she puts every ounce of love she has for you into them. I’m not typically a hugger, but with her I make an exception. She pulls back, teary eyed, and runs her hands over my hair. “You’re going to do amazing things, sweet girl, and why is that?”

A smirk pulls at the corner of my lips, but I answer her, “because I’m worthy, I’m strong, and smart. I can do this.”

“Yes, my sweet Phoenix, you can. Head held high, you’ve got this.”

We hug one last time before we both make our way to the front door. With one last look back at my mom, I grab my duffle bags and leave the house that’s been mine for the past four years. As I pull off my street, tears start to stream down my face, I’m going to miss her so much. However this is what’s for the best. Ohio is so far from Arizona, they’ll never find me there. Taking a deep breath I repeat my story one more time.

“My name is Brittany Mitchell. I’m eighteen and a freshman at Arizona State University. I’m from Phoenix. No siblings or Dad. One mom who still lives at home.”



Standing in the corner of this extremely old octagon in this run down warehouse, I’m finding myself second guessing my decision to take this fight. My opponent is a squirrely motherfucker. James Hill stands about six foot four if I had to guess and about two hundred and thirty pounds of muscle. His basketball shorts are the only clothing on his body. I’ve got about two inches in height and twenty pounds of pure muscle on him. I’m also dressed similarly, the only difference being I wear a bright red mouth guard. That’s because my brothers are ruthless, they’ll never let me live it down if I’m walking around with missing teeth. He’s unpredictable and known for fighting dirty, which says something when we’re already fighting underground.

I’m the best in this circuit. That’s not me being cocky, it’s the truth. I’ve been fighting at The Pit since before my sixteenth birthday. I can’t remember a single time before my Da and his enforcer started training me and my brothers. That being said, the video I watched just before walking out here is clouding my brain. My every thought around the images now burned into my retinas.

My best friend, Ryan, is in front of me bent down so we’re eye to eye as I sit on this stool. He’s calm as he uses a rag to wipe the blood off my brow, “Okay, Kie it’s time to stop fucking around. Get in there and finish him. We’ll grab your cash, then we can go find some good pussy for the night.”

Ryan’s smirking at me because he knows usually cash and women are the way to turn my mood around. That was before the video though. Now all I want is to take all this rage out on someone. James just happens to be the unlucky guy who decided to talk shit today.

Nodding to Ry, the bell rings to signal it’s time for another round. Pushing up to my feet and clapping my hand on Ryan’s shoulder, my feet carry my tired body to the middle of the octagon. Taking a second to shake my arms out and set my stance, James makes his way to the center as well. My hands come up to guard my face just in time for the bell to ring. We circle each other a few times before I swing out with lightning speed and pop him on the jaw. His head snaps around as my hands come back to protect my face instinctively. I’m able to tag him a few more times in the body before deciding I’m done playing with him. I’m ready to get out of here.

Dropping my shoulder and shoving it into his stomach as I grab his legs and slam him into the floor. On the way down he throws a wild punch, aiming at nothing but making contact with the side of my head nonetheless. My vision blurs for a second as I get on his hips. Shaking the stars from my eyes, I force myself to focus. Raining my fists down all over his chest, head, arms, and face. All I can think about is that video, the images, the audio, the turning in my stomach that threatens to have me emptying its contents, again. Most importantly, how I can never allow my brothers to see it.

One moment I’m on James trying to get the K.O. The next thing I know Ryan has yanked me off of a bloody unconscious body. “Fucking quit it, Kieran. You got him. Stop!” My wild eyes snap to him as my erratic breathing tries to regulate. “He’s down Kieran. Let’s go.” We hop out of the octagon and I’m finally able to look around at the crowd. Everyone is going insane chanting my name, no doubt because they just won a shit ton of money betting on me.

After collecting my winnings and throwing on my hoodie and sneakers we head through the crowd to find the exit. James’ brother comes barreling towards me, I think his name is Troy, Trae, or Travis, maybe Trent? I don’t know, but what I do know is that he’s headed straight for me. Ry looks at me and raises a singular brow.

“I’ll be fine, go grab the car so we can get out of here. I’m right behind you.” He continues on as I wait for Trace to make his way fully to me. Stopping, I wait until he stops directly in front of me practically snarling at me.

“I don’t know what the fuck you thought that was Byrne, but once a man is unconscious you fucking stop. My brother’s been rushed to the hospital potentially with brain damage because of you.”

Putting my hands out and trying not to snap on him I remind him, “Listen, I didn’t set this shit up. Your brother came to me, not the other way around. Talk to him about it when his bell stops ringing.”

“You think this is funny? Let’s see if your brother’s think it’s funny when they’re feeling what I am.”

Before I’m understanding what the fuck he’s saying I feel it. The white hot pain in my side from being stabbed. Looking down at my side, it’s all I can do to watch him rip the six inch blade out of my side then plunge it in between my ribs. He repeats the process twice more before I drop to the ground, the knife clattering beside me.

Tristan takes off into the crowd as everyone starts screaming and panicking. I’m freezing, my entire body is in a soul shattering pain. White dots dance in my vision and all I know for sure is that I’m going to die here. Spitting and coughing blood out of my mouth. I think I hear voices, and hands grabbing at me. There’s no way to be sure though, because my eyes won’t open and everything sounds like I’m underwater. The last thing I think as the blackness takes over is that I didn’t hide the video well enough. They’re going to find it, and I can’t protect them from this because I’m going to be as dead as our parents.