The halls are already beginning to thin out, and I still need to head to the office to retrieve whatever paperwork they have for me. Or fill out paperwork. Or something. Honestly, I have no idea why I’m even heading to the office in the first place.
“What’s your name?” Emery turns to face me completely, as if trying to ignore that Ethan even exists.
That theory’s only confirmed when Emery shifts his muscular body so he’s nudging his twin out of the way.
“But she likes to go by Izzy,” Ethan interjects from just over Emery’s shoulder, sounding more resigned than angry.
When I glance at his face, his lips are curved into a tight frown and his eyes are pained. A sort of wistful desperation distorts his features as he stares at his twin before he masks it.
Emery’s jaw clenches at his brother’s interruption before he nods once. “Izzy. That’s a beautiful name.”
He shoves his hands into his front pockets and offers me a charming smile—one so wicked and salacious that it’s capable of setting me aflame.
It’s also a practiced smile that looks all too natural on his face.
I can’t help but wonder how many women he’s flashed this particular smile at. That thought is completely irrational…as is the sudden burst of jealousy in my chest.
I shake my head to clear it of such outrageous thoughts before extending a hand in greeting. “And you must be Emery. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
Emery’s face falls instantly, a scowl replacing his cocky smirk. “What exactly has this asshole?—?”
“You don’t look like the type of guy who eats sand for lunch,” I say innocently. “But maybe you add some seasoning to make it taste better?” He gapes at me, at a loss for words, so I continue. “I also can’t see you as the type of man to pretend your basketball is your girlfriend and cuddle her at night. But then again, to each their own.”
“What…?” His brows furrow together, but when he sees the blossoming smile on my face, they smooth out. “You’re fucking with me, aren’t you?”
“Maybe.” I give him a gentle smile to show that I’m only teasing. “But it truly is nice to meet you. I hate to cut this short?—”
“You have to leave?” Emery asks briskly.
“I have to go to the office,” I explain. “Paperwork.”
I wrinkle my nose to show him just how much Ilovethat prospect. Honestly, you would think that all of this would’ve been taken care of beforehand. This seems like a waste of time, if you ask me.
“Well, I can show you the way, if you want…” He bites down on his bottom lip and gives me a slow, lust-filled once-over.
God, this is the type of man who will drag me into a closet, rip down my pants, and fuck me against the janitor’s shelf. And I can’t say I would mind. Everything about him just screams “sex.”
Damn hormones.
It’s been only a few minutes at this new school, and already, I’m imagining having sex with not one buttwoof my classmates. Twins!
“Let the girl be, Emery.” The cold voice drags my attention off of Emery and Ethan and towards the girl who has now joined us—the same girl Emery was talking to only moments before. “You don’t need to add another notch to your bedpost. Honestly, I don’t even understand how that thing is still standing. Haven’t you chipped away enough of it yet?”
Emery’s eyes flare with anger as the girl subtly moves in between us and stops when she’s directly in front of me.
She extends a hand with a sugary-sweet smile. “I’m Desiree. And you are…?”
I take a moment to survey her, my heart transforming into cement with every second that passes. I’m not one to compare myself to another girl, but with Desiree…it’s really hard not to. She’s beautiful. And she obviously knows Emery, if their interaction is anything to go by.
Her brown hair hangs in perfect ringlets just to her breasts, which strain against her white blouse. The skirt she wears stops in the middle of her thighs and shows long, slender legs I would kill for. Her makeup looks to have been applied by a professional. I can’t spot a single blemish or blotch.
But I shove all of my insecurities away and force myself to smile, force myself to take a step closer with my own hand extended.
There’s always this stigma in the world that women need to compete against each other. For men, for jobs, for respect. Irefuse to be someone who puts another person down to make myself feel better. So what if Desiree is beauty personified? So what if she seems to be familiar with Emery and even Ethan, if her smug grin is any indication?