Desiree, apparently, has second hour AP Literature and third hour Chemistry with me. She practically drags me from room to room, garnering more than a few stares along the way. Evidently, Desiree doesn’t normally adopt anyone as a friend, hence the constant gawking from other students.
Now I just need to figure outwhyshe decided to kidnap me…
We enter our third period class, and I look around anxiously, hoping to catch a glimpse of the twins. My heart sinks when I don’t spot either of them.
“They’re still gone,” Desiree murmurs, as if she somehow has sensed the direction of my thoughts. She tosses a strand of perfectly curled hair over her shoulder. “But they’ll probably be back by lunch.”
Jealousy momentarily pierces my chest at how casually Desiree talks about the twins.
As if she knows them.
As if she’s aware of everything they do and say.
The shock of such an irrational emotion makes me stumble a few steps forward. I bring a hand to my chest and begin to rub atthe skin there, trying to will my rampant heartbeat back under control.
What the fuck?
I’m not the type of girl to get jealous, especially concerning guys I barely know. Grayson is the one and only exception I have to the whole “jealousy” rule, but in my defense, I’ve been in love with that fuck face for years now.
Desiree’s watching me with unencumbered amusement, her eyes sparkling as if she’s in on a secret that I don’t yet know.
“We’ve already chosen our lab partners for the semester, but maybe the teacher will allow you to work with me and Mimi.” She jerks her chin towards one of the beautiful girls I noticed before.
Mimi has long, cascading blonde hair that’s so straight, I half wonder if she spends hours flat ironing it. There’s not a single strand out of place. The gold is highlighted by white streaks that appear entirely natural—no hair dye to be seen.
She flashes a bright smile as soon as she sees us and moves to stand.
“Desie!” She waves enthusiastically before turning her smile towards me. It’s warm and surprisingly genuine on her pretty face.
I don’t know what I expected when Dec and Jake referred to Desiree and her friends as the Queen Bees of the school, but it wasn’t this. Aren’t the popular girls usually bitchy bullies?
I’ve been reading way too many romance books.
“You must be Izzy,” Mimi continues in her lilting, high-pitched voice. She throws her arms around me before I can say anything, bombarding me with her sugary-sweet perfume. “I’m Madeline, but everyone calls me Mimi.” She pulls away to survey my face, and her smile broadens, unveiling perfect dimples on each of her cheeks. “You’re so pretty!”
“Mimi, curb the enthusiasm,” Desiree says dryly, but I hear the undercurrent of amusement and affection in her voice.
Mimi’s cheeks pinken. “Sorry.” She ducks her head forward until her shiny, straight hair curtains her face from view. “I just get a little excited sometimes.”
I laugh softly. For some reason, I want to put this woman at ease. “You would get along great with my new foster sister. You guys are both…” I struggle to find an adequate word.
Mimi’s head pops up, and she offers me a megawatt smile. “Awesome?”
Desiree snorts. “Really, Mims? Awesome? That’s the word you choose to use?”
“What’s wrong with awesome?” Mimi’s lips push out in a teasing pout.
“It just sounds kind of…childish, you know? No one uses the word awesome anymore.”
“How about on fleek?” Mimi winks conspiratorially. “Is that better?”
Desiree gives a full-body shudder. “I will disown you as my friend if you refer to yourself as that.”
“Rad? Can I call myself rad?”
“No. That’s not allowed either.”