Ican’t stop thinking about the sexy vice principal, even as I head to my first period and take the empty seat beside Ethan.
Class is already in session, but thankfully, my teacher doesn’t do more than give me a passing glance and a tiny nod of acknowledgment.I might’ve just died if she made me stand on a chair and introduce myself.
Who the fuck is Christian Montgomery? How is he the vice principal of a high school when he looks as if he just graduated himself? He looks to be twenty-five at the oldest. And why haven’t I heard anything about him from the other students? Surely, they would gossip about the sexy staff member if he’s been here a while…and even if he hasn’t.
I make a mental note to ask Lissa about him as soon as I see her. If anyone were to know the details surrounding the elusive vice principal, it’d be her.
Shoving all thoughts of Mr. Montgomery out of my head, I focus on my first class of the day, grateful that the curriculum seems to be following a similar setup to the one at my old school. The last thing I need is to get behind on my first day of school.It’s hard enough being the new kid. It’s even harder being the new kid who’s failing five of her classes.
Been there. Done that. Got the T-shirt.
I’m not dumb. Not at all, actually. But it’s more difficult than one would think it’d be to transfer from school to school, all moving at different paces. One day, I would be studying molecular biology. The next, I would need to quickly brush up on the water properties of lakes. I probably try harder than any other student around, desperately trying not to fall too far behind.
I don’t get the chance to talk to Ethan during our first class, though I can feel his penetrating gaze on me throughout the lesson. I will my cheeks not to burst into flames at the gentle caress of his gaze. I refuse to freaking blush.
When our teacher finally dismisses us, Ethan is at my table before I can even blink, an easy smile on his face as he fiddles with his glasses.
“You have AP Lit next period, right? With Ashton?”
“I don’t know who this Ashton person is, but I do know Jake is in that class with me.” I shove my textbook back into my bag and then stand, swinging my backpack over my shoulder in the process.
Ethan’s hand is slightly extended, almost as if he wishes to take my bag from me, but when I quirk a brow at him, hecasts me a sheepish smile and quickly lowers his arm.
“You remember where all the AP classes are, right?” He opens the door to the classroom for me and steps aside to let me pass.
Butterflies erupt in my stomach before I can squash them. “Second floor, correct?”
“Yeah. The Lit class should be on the right side of the hallway. I would take you there myself, but I have to get to gymclass on the opposite side of the school.” He rolls his eyes, but that easygoing smile never fades from his face.
“I’m lucky that I’m not required to take gym class this semester.” I shudder dramatically. “Running and me? We don’t get along too well.”
Fighting and me, on the other hand…
But thinking of fighting always inevitably makes me think of Grayson, and that’s something I refuse to do. I know I have no right whatsoever to be pissed at him—we’re not together, and he’s never shown any inclination that he wants to be more than just my friend—but jealousy and unrequited love are fickle things. They defy all logic and common sense, reverting you to a primordial cavewoman who bangs on her chest and screams, “MINE!”
“Yeah, I’m not the biggest fan of gym class either. I took it to have another class with Emery, but…” A frown overtakes his face as he rubs his hand through his messy golden locks. Just as quickly, he smiles, though it doesn’t reach his eyes. “Anyway, you’ll like AP Literature. I took it last year, and the teacher is hilarious. And my friend Ashton will be there too.”
“You keep talking about this Ashton guy…and another one. What was his name again?”
“Reid.” Ethan nervously fiddles with the straps of his backpack. “You’ll meet him later today. I think.” The last two words are said almost under his breath. Then louder, he adds, “Reid’s a good man. Promise. It’s not what you think.”
I give him a quizzical look. “I don’t think anything. I don’t even know him.”
“Yeah, well…” Once again, Ethan agitatedly runs his fingers through his hair, disrupting the strands even further. I’m beginning to believe that’s a nervous habit of his. “Things with him are complicated, okay? And things aren’t always as they seem.”
“That’s not ominous at all…” I chuckle and roll my eyes.
I make a mental note to search for Reid and Ashton in my next few classes, maybe introduce myself. But if they’re as hot as the twins, I might just self-combust before I can even get a word in.
We stop walking at the stairwell, though it doesn’t appear as if either one of us is in a hurry to get to our next class. Unlike my other schools that gave us only three minutes between class times, we have a solid ten minutes to traverse these halls. That’s enough time to go to the bathroom, grab a drink from the cafeteria, and even talk to your friends. I feel almost spoiled, truly.
“Sorry. I don’t mean to be weird.” Ethan’s nose crinkles in a way I shouldn’t find adorable.
Nope. Most definitely not. Ugh. I blame my overactive libido and my long-suppressed hormones.