Page 74 of The Puck Chase

Everest looks between them and me, before he decides to follow, and I can’t help thinking I am missing something, but before I can ask, Claire is at my side once more. “Let’s get these pancakes dished up, we’ve got a busy day ahead, and it isn’t long before you and Archer need to be at the tailors,” she tells me, stroking my cheek once more making me pull my stare from the men who just left back to her, and I nod with a smile.

It isn’t long before they return, Archer saying nothing as he joins me back at the island, and I serve him up some pancakes.

“You good?” I finally ask him, forcing him to look at me, as he shovels food into his mouth, then I watch as he eyes his mom and sister, before lowering his voice.

“We fucked four times yesterday, and now I’m eating your delicious pancakes, I am more than good,” he tells me with a wink and I roll my eyes.

“That’s not what I meant and you know it,” I tell him, but he only shrugs, shoveling more of the pancakes into his mouth and ignoring me completely.

After that, we all enjoy a relatively quick breakfast. Claire’s phone pretty much rings nonstop, as she tries to finalize everything for tonight, and I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by it all, but looking at Archer and Aurora it seems they are used to it. Archer eventually clears our plates, throwing them in the dishwasher, before gesturing for me to follow him.

We both quickly get changed, and before I even have a chance to talk to him, we are rushing out of the house and heading to the fitting. The tailor shop is just as over the top as Archer’s house, filled with pretentious workers who seem to sense I don’t belong as soon as I step through the door, but the second Archer gives them his last name, we are ushered to a private room. Then multiple racks are dragged in, filled with a mixture of tuxedos and suits and I appraise them all with a frown.

“I thought this thing was a carnival, why the fuck do we need to wear a suit?” I finally ask, feeling utterly perplexed as I rifle through the racks, and Archer snorts a laugh.

“Trust me, when Claire Gray is involved, you will always be wearing a suit,” he replies, not seeming annoyed by that fact in the slightest.

“And you don’t find that completely over the top? This suit is five thousand dollars,” I snap in outrage. “That’s an absolutely ridiculous amount to spend on a suit.” I’m shaking my head at it all, but Archer only laughs again.

“If you think this is over the top and ridiculous, wait until you see the carnival,” he purrs in response, pulling a suit off the rack and thrusting it toward me. “Take this one, it will look amazing when I peel it off of you later,” he adds with a wink, and I grunt,snatching it from his hands, and readjusting myself as I head to try it on.

“I may have had a terrible childhood, but I’ve been to a fucking damn carnival, Gray, I know what to expect,” I shout over the dressing room door, and once again he snorts a laugh, but remains silent.

It isn’t until hours later, when we pull up at a grand manor with an array of fancy cars waiting in line to attend said carnival, that I understand his laughter.

I guess I definitely didn’t know what to expect.

Every year, I think my mother has outdone herself and every year she proves me wrong. When she first told me about the carnival theme for this year, I thought it was perfect. Down to earth, and understated in comparison to recent themes, but as we pull up to Hilton Manor, I remember who my mother truly is.

Frank Hilton is a friend of the family, and was more than happy to let my mother throw the party of the year on the grounds of his grand home. Of course, those grounds just so happen to expand across almost fifteen thousand acres, set right on the water. His net worth rivals Alexander’s parents, and I know he and Finn Hilton, Frank’s son, are friends. Despite knowing that, I really did expect something a little more understated.

A thought that is squashed instantly, as our limo pulls up beside the fountain at the end of their long driveway, where one of the staff members promptly opens our doors. I almost laugh at the confusion on Daemon’s face as we step out and he surveys our surroundings, it’s as if he has never seen anything like it. It only strikes me now that he probably hasn’t, and I quickly push the thought aside before it sours my entire mood.

My mother founded her investment company after Aurora and I were born, and my father used his contacts to get it off the ground. I don’t think either of them expected it to turn into a multimillion dollar empire, and every year she throws this huge party to give back to multiple charities, some of which will be here tonight.

The front of the house is decorated in big, beautiful red and white pieces of fabric, the logo of my mother’s company embroidered in the center of them in gold. Hanging below that is the list of all the charities being represented tonight, and it reminds me of why she does this, of why I attend. I turn to see Daemon’s eyes lingering on the banners in wonder, but then he is quickly distracted by the acrobats, fire breathers, and men on stilts waiting to greet us, as we are ushered through the manor and out into the backyard.

The whole place has been completely transformed, starting with a large dance floor and bar, sitting beneath a huge big top tent. It’s decorated with stunning lights and the roses that my mother stressed about. The space is surrounded by stalls housing small carnival games and elevated carnival-themed food. Further back is an array of rides and attractions, including a carousel, a Ferris wheel, a house of mirrors, teacups, bumper cars, and let’s not forget the already built-in Hilton Hedge Maze. Even by my standards it’s over the top, and I’ve had years to get used to it, but I’m not surprised when I turn to Daemon and find him staring in awe.

“Okay, I’ve never been to this kind of carnival,” he muses, looking at me with wide and concerned eyes, and I can’t help but bark a laugh as I toss my arm around his shoulders.

“Trust me, baby, no one has.” I grab us both a glass of champagne from a passing server, nodding in thanks, then lead him into the lion's den that is my mother’s party.

We are accosted by no less than ten people as we make our way through the crowd, all wanting to get in with some member of my family somehow. There are businessmen who want meetings with my mother, someone needing representation from David, and a few girls all asking if Everest is still single. Daemon rolls his eyes at all of them, remaining quiet at my side, until we eventually find my family, along with the Blakes and the Hazes.

Aurora is playing a shooting game with the help of Everest, while Griffin and Harden watch in mild amusement, every time Ever curses at her for making them lose. My father, David, Harden, and Griffin’s father, are in a deep discussion, as my mother, Katrina, and Harden’s mother all gush over the party.

“Oh, there’s my boys,” my mother coos, when she spots us, pulling me in for a hug, and then gently cupping Daemon’s face. It seems she’s already learned that his face is somewhere he can tolerate being touched by people. “You two look very handsome,” she adds, appraising the suits she dropped eight thousand dollars on, before motioning to Harden’s mom. “Gemma, this is Daemon, I told you about him.”

Gemma Haze’s eyes instantly fill with recognition, and something else, as she places down her champagne flute and holds out her hand. “Oh, yes of course, you’re Archer’s boyfriend?” she replies brightly, and a flash of panic swirls in my stomach at her description.

Daemon and I haven’t exactly confirmed the parameters of our relationship yet, but to my surprise, Daemon doesn’t evenmiss a beat. “Yes, his boyfriend,” he replies curtly, emphasizing the word slightly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Haze, I’ve heard a lot about you from Aurora,” he adds, shaking her hand, and Mrs. Haze looks positively smitten.

“Oh, she’s such a sweetheart, that girl,” she purrs in response, flashing her stare towards my sister, and I notice her son is now watching us closely, as her hold on Daemon lingers.

Again, Daemon doesn’t miss a beat, snatching his hand from hers and stepping further into my side, and my arm instinctively wraps around his waist. “Yes, she is,” he smiles politely, before surveying the rest of them. “If you’ll excuse us, I’ve never been to a party quite as amazing as this one, and Archer promised me a ride on the Ferris wheel,” he replies with ease, nodding at them all, before entwining our hands, as my mother beams at us.

“Oh yes, go and have fun you two lovebirds, we can catch up back at the house later,” she grins widely, looking at us as if she is already planning our wedding, and I quickly drag Daemon away, before she can force him to be fitted with another suit.