Page 39 of The Puck Chase

I move my head faster, my tongue harder, my hand rougher, letting him fuck my mouth, as I fuck my fist, and pain has never felt so good. Sensing how much more I can take he pushes further, deeper, shoving his dick rougher and harder against my tongue, until tears are streaming down my face, and it only makes him crazier. Yet still I don’t stop, I can’t, not until I taste his salty release on my tongue, a thought that has me swallowing around his length when he hits the back of my throat once more.

“Daemon,” he groans out, long and loud, and honestly I don’t care if he wakes up the whole fucking house. Let them hear him moan my name, let them watch as he fucks my mouth so perfectly that I will never be the same again.

Sweat begins to line his forehead, as he grips my head even tighter in his hold, fucking me like I have never been fucked before. Bruising my throat with his cock and staining my face with tears, but he doesn’t stop, and I don’t want him to. I take it, swallowing every inch of him over and over, until he is grunting and panting with every snap of his hips.

He hits the back of my throat again, pulling moans from my own, as a splutter of praise falls from his lips. “Yes, Daemon, take it, I fucking need you to take it,” he spits desperately, tipping his head back, and I can tell he’s close from the way his entire body shudders, making me fuck my hand even faster.

When I swallow around him again he explodes, calling out my name loudly, as he tumbles over the edge, and hot spurts of his delicious cum paint the back of my throat like a fucking canvas. My hand doesn’t falter for a second, jerking him until every last drop is on my tongue, and then my own hips snap into my other fist, chasing my release with the heavy weight of him still inside my mouth.

My own release dances up my spine, with his still on my tongue, and my throat burns from his assault, the pain lighting me up inside, as cum shoots from the end of my dick onto the floor in an erotic display. Fuck. That was good, too good, and when I rise to my feet, Archer is watching me like I am the answer to all his fucking prayers, and I know I’ve taken it too far.

Fuck. Why do I do this?

Leaning forward, I brush my cum-covered fingers across his mouth, before reaching upward to seal my lips to his, tasting my release. He opens his mouth instantly, expecting the kiss, except I don’t kiss him. I spill his cum across his tongue so it mixeswith my own, massaging them together until he is dragging me against his lean body, moaning into my mouth. His cock is still out, and I can feel the heat of his tip burning through my shirt, and fuck I want to taste him again, but I can’t. Everything I touch I break, and I won’t be his fucking downfall, so instead of lingering, I pull back and memorize his pleasure-dazed face. I want him, but I can’t have him.

“Did you like me sucking your cock, Gray?” I ask, watching as he swallows the mixture of our cum without pause, nodding furiously. “Then congrats, I’mpretty sureyou’re bisexual too,” I grunt, pushing away from him roughly and stumbling back, until I can grab the bottle of water I came down for. “Goodnight,” I add with a nod, before fleeing the kitchen and retreating to the safety of my room, with only one thought in my mind.

ArcherfuckingGray is the best thing I have ever tasted.

I am so fucked.

After a nightwhere my sleep was plagued by my fucking teammate and not my trauma, I am ready to forget all about last night and move on. So imagine my surprise, when I round the corner and once again come face to face with Archer Gray in my fucking kitchen. Both him and Reign are sitting at my breakfast bar, sipping coffee like they fucking own the place, and when I lock eyes with Archer, my heart begins to thunder in my chest.

He smiles, opening his mouth to speak, but I cut him off, as I snap, “What the fuck are you two still doing here?”

Archer instantly frowns, making me feel like more of a prick than usual, especially when I feel like I can still taste him on my tongue. Yet of course, he takes it on his chin like he does every other time, smirking as he replies, “And good morning to youtoo,Forbes,” he spits, emphasizing my last name in a way that cuts right through me, before he adds, “How did you sleep?”

I eye him with warning before I grit, “Like a damn baby, now fuck off back to your own house.”

His frown only deepens, as I pour myself a cup of coffee and lean on the counter by the fridge, so close to where I was on my knees for him not even twelve hours ago. Yet I act as if it doesn’t bother me in the slightest, as Reign laughs. “Damn, and I here I thought you’d be giving outwarmwelcomes,” he purrs, with a sweet, almost knowing smile, eying me over his cup, and I can’t help but glare at him.

“Careful now, you only just got rid of that black eye from Halloween, wouldn't want you to end up with another,” I warn darkly, but his smirk only widens.

“Alright, don’t get your knickers in a twist, Forbes. Besides, I’mpretty sureArcher wouldn’t approve of you hitting on me,” he muses, before shaking his head and adding, “I’m sorry, I mean hitting me.”

I open my mouth to respond, as Archer stares at his friend, as if trying to rip open his mind and read his thoughts. Yet before I can say anything, Hallie wanders into the kitchen, wearing only my best friend’s jersey, with him hot on her heels, and when he spies to the two pricks sitting at the counter he grumbles, “What the fuck are you guys still doing here?”

Reign smirks, delighted to be getting under both mine and Josh’s skin, as he raises his cup of coffee in the air. “Ahhh it’s the newlyweds,” he toasts, and I flick my eyes between him and Archer, who is still watching his friend closely, before he sighs, looking from me to Josh.

“We were too hungover to leave before coffee,” Archer explains, looking at me once more, before smirking and focusing on Hallie. “Nice legs, Mrs. Peters,” he purrs, and I grind my jaw, itching to grab him and punish his fucking mouth, butthankfully, Josh storms towards him and smacks him across the back of his head.

“Keep your eyes off my wife, and her legs, you little man whore,” my best friend commands, and I don’t think I have ever loved him more.

Hallie quickly shifts behind the counter, hiding her bare legs from Archer and his fucking prying eyes, and even though it’s not her fault, I can’t help but look at her in disdain. Yet when her eyes meet mine, she smiles softly. “Morning, Daemon,” she greets me brightly, and I soften a little, but knowing I can’t bring myself to speak right now, all I do is nod.

Archer watches us both closely before focusing back on Josh. “Peters, we are heading to the rink later for a game if you want, nothing major, just us and a few of the guys from the team.” He doesn’t bother extending the invite to me, nor does he look in my direction as he invites my best friend, and I’m grateful to be finding ourselves back in our usual territories, no matter how hot last night was.

“I can’t, I’ve got family dinner at my parent’s house, where I have to tell my father I ignored his wedding plans and went ahead with my own,” Josh replies, shaking his head, and both Archer and Reign smirk.

“Well that sounds fun,” Reign drawls, still watching me closely, and I try not to fidget beneath his scrutiny.

“Oh yeah, it will be the perfect family catch up,” Josh claps back, the weight of having to deal with his father clinging to him in a way I know all too well, as he moves to stand beside his new wife.

“No worries, man,” Archer replies with a smile, as if they are somehow friends now, before he stands and dumps his now empty mug in the sink, and Reign quickly follows suit. “I guess we'll just see you at practice tomorrow,” he adds, staring at me in wonder like he expects me to say something, but he shakeshis head slightly and once again focuses on Hallie. “And Hals, I’ll see you and your nice legs in class,” he adds with a wink, before Reign gives me one last lingering look, pushing him out of the room and muttering something about a death wish.

Problem is, I’m not sure if he is talking about Josh, or me.

My eyes are still staring after where they just exited, as my best friend curses, “I’m gonna kill that fucker one of these days, he’s a pain in the ass.”