Archer is there, like I knew he was, and he’s joined by Reign, the familiar laugh I recognized, along with Brianna and Georgia who we were talking to inside. Alexander is spread out along the back of the hot tub, his torso leaning on a post for support, with Brianna riding him reverse cowgirl style. He has her legs spread over his thighs, allowing Georgia to fit her head between them, where she is licking them both. Yet my eyes are fixated on the fourth member of their party, who has his hand fisted in Georgia’s hair, as he fucks her from behind.
Once again I find that silent and detached look in his eye, like the fucking and sharing isn’t enough, he needs more, and I can’t help but scoff. It’s quiet, almost silent, yet still he hears me. Archer's head snaps around in search of the culprit until his stare lands on me, his eyes changing from detached to delighted. I expect some bullshit taunt or joke, alerting the others to my presence, but instead he just watches me, watches me watching him, until I am completely frozen in place, unable to move.
What the fuck is happening? Why can’t I move? And why do I think that even if I could, I wouldn’t? I mean, I know I should, I even know I should want to, but it’s like that first night all over again. His stare is inviting, intoxicating even, and I don’t think he even knows he’s doing it. He’s looking at me like he wants something from me, and the idea of what it could be seems utterly ridiculous, especially considering the position he is currently in.
When I cock a brow at him in silent question, that insufferable smirk of his spreads across his jaw, as his hand leaves Georgia’s hair and joins his other on her hip. Then with his eyes locked on mine he begins fucking her, and I mean really fucking her, thrusting into her like he is on a mission to rip her apart, and most people would find the display hot, erotic even. I mean, what’s not to enjoy about two beautiful women being shared by two beautiful men, but when one of those men is ArcherfuckingGray, it’s easy to forget about the rest.
The arrogant asshole groans deeply, his fingers digging into the skin at Georgia’s hip bone making her moan, as I remain frozen in place, unable to look away. “You like that, don’t you?” he asks, his stare fixated on mine, and though I’m sure he must be talking to her, his words somehow feel like they are meant for me. Georgia nods between Brianna’s thighs, moaning in delight, but Archer doesn’t seem to notice or care, not when his stare is swallowing me whole. “I know, I can feel it,” he purrs inpleasure, snapping his hips harder and harder. “I like it too,” he adds, still focused on me, and again it’s like that night all over again.
I remember the way he looked at me, the wayhewatchedme. I remember his moans, as I fucked that girl to suck him even deeper, and I remember the look in his eyes as I did it. It’s the same look he has now, and all I feel is confused. What the fuck is wrong with him? Why the fuck is he doing this again? I can’t stand the arrogant asshole, but why can’t I fucking look away?
His body moves the way it does on the ice, quick, lethal, fucking magical if I have to be honest and admit it, and for some reason, despite the other three people with him, my focus is only on him. Now this isn’t unusual, it’s not really a secret I try to hide, that I enjoy watching other people’s pleasure, but not fucking his. Anyone but fucking him, yet still I remain frozen.
I lap up every moan, as he ruts into her without pause, the water lapping around his ass and thigh muscles with every snap of his hips, and I know when he’s close. I can see it, feel it, and just for a second I imagine something else, someone else, and I almost stumble from the force of the image, making both Brianna and Reign aware of my presence.
Archer looks disappointed, as Reign breaks the spell between us and calls out, “Fancy joining us, Forbes?” His words are half-moaned in that accent of his, that have most people obeying his every word, but my gaze remains on his roommate.
I don’t respond, because I can’t, not when Archer is still fucking that girl like a man gone mad. No, I have to get out of here. I storm towards them and Archer’s eyes brighten a little, until he realizes I am exiting towards the left of the house, and leaving them behind. And when I finally break our stare, he does the worst thing in the fucking world and utters one fucking word.
“Forbes.” The word is shouted but then ends on a deep moan, as he comes long and loud, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t fucking block it out.
Yet still I don’t stop, I push through the gate, storm across their front yard, and run across the street, bursting through my own front door, and not slowing down until I reach my room. Slamming the door behind me, I take my first real breath, shaking my head of the fresh sounds and images now haunting me there, and curse my fucking teammate silently.
God I fucking hate him, but want to know what I hate even more?
That my cock is rock fucking hard.
Ihaven’t slept, not a wink. I’m too wired, and I wish I could say it was because I finally ticked off having a foursome from my bucket list, but it’s not. In fact, I have been staring at the clock in the kitchen for over an hour, waiting for it to reach 6 a.m. That’s an acceptable time to kick one night stands out, right? It’s currently 5:54 a.m, and my head is pounding from too much alcohol and lack of sleep, but the pain is nothing in comparison to the weight of Georgia’s head on my arm. I want it off, I want these girls gone, and I want an explanation for what the fuck happened last night.
Fuck it. What’s six minutes anyway?
“Time to go, ladies,” I call out, pushing out of the embrace that has been making me sick for the last few hours, and jump to my feet.
Alexander doesn’t even stir from his spot on the other sofa, but Brianna leans up giving me the death glare, yet with mascara running down her face, she just looks like a pissed off panda bear. And I know I’m being a prick and that neither of them deserve to be treated this way, but I’m on the verge of a mental fucking breakdown, so I really can’t care for their feelings right now.
“It’s too early for your asshole switch to flip, Arch,” Brianna groans, laying her head back on Reign’s chest, but I can feel Georgia already sitting up behind me to leave.
Reaching down to the floor I grab both their dresses where they dumped them last night and toss them in their direction. Georgia accepts hers with a grim smile that has bile and regret swirling in my gut, but as usual, B looks like she wants to fucking end me. Yet I don’t care, I can’t, not when my head is fucked after what happened last night, and I just need some space to think.
“I’m not being an asshole, it’s just time for you to go,” I tell her as nicely as I can manage, making my way into the kitchen and praying the freezer is stocked enough.
I hear them both getting ready and grabbing their shoes, as I pull out the supplies I need to make a protein smoothie, and when I turn around to grab the blender, my eyes collide with Georgia’s. She doesn’t look pissed off in the slightest, she’s actually used to this, and all that does is make me feel even worse than I already do.
“See you around?” she asks knowingly, and the confidence in her tone makes me feel like a piece of shit for always leading her on.
“Yeah, I’ll see you around, Gigi,” I reply softly, realizing Nova is right, this year has to be different, just to stop me from feeling like this again, and she doesn’t deserve to be treated like this, no one does.
I watch them both leave before I dump all of the ingredients into a blender and turn it on high, much to the dismay of my roommate. “Bloody hell, you wanker, didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to wake someone up,” he groans, as the noise startles him awake, but I ignore him and focus on the blender. By the time he makes it to the counter where I am standing, I am filling a glass and pushing it his way, making him groan again. “You wake a man up, the least you could do is make him a pot of tea, not this green shit,” he complains, looking at the glass like I have given him poison.
I pour my own smoothie and one for our captain, before I eye him and reply, “I just threw out Brianna and Georgia so you didn’t have to deal with them, make your own fucking tea.”
My words have his grimace turning to a smirk. “I fucking love you, mate,” he replies, rounding the counter to hug me, and it’s only then I notice he is still fucking naked.
“Fucking hell, Alexander, get away from me with that fucking monster,” I curse, storming away from him towards the stairs, taking them two at a time until I reach my captain’s room.
I pound on the door with my fist, not caring about the time, or how fucking loud I am being, the fucker promised me some real cardio, and right now, I fucking need it. When I don’t get an answer, I bang again, leaning in close so my voice can be heard as I shout, “Don’t make me break down the door, Darkmore.”