Page 58 of The Puck Chase

“See you later,” I say without question, and he nods more firmly this time, licking the remnants of our kiss from his lips, and this time when I leave his room, I am feeling a little more sure of us.

When I make it back to the house, I am surprised to find Alexander already awake and sitting at the breakfast bar, and just as I am about to ask what the hell he is doing up so early, I hear the tell-tale moans of my captain’s girlfriend. I guess Nova and Maddie are at it again. The two of them are so fucking obsessed with each other, I’m surprised they can still fucking walk. And I’m sure that fucker Harper is probably doing the same with his girl somewhere.

“Well, if it isn’t the dirty stop out,” Alexander says by way of greeting, pouring me a cup of tea, when I so desperately fucking need coffee, and I roll my eyes at the dick.

“And how do you know I’m not just getting home from the city?” I ask, and the British fucker scoffs a laugh, as I pour myself a coffee and take a deep swill.

“Because your car has been sitting in the driveway since last night,” he replies, sipping his tea with a smug smile, before he asks, “Well, did it hurt? When Daemon topped your ass?”

I choke on my fucking coffee.

“What makes you think I was with Daemon?” I ask, even though I know damn well he knows exactly what’s been going on with us. The fucker probably realized it before we did. “And why the fuck would you just presume I’m not the top?” I add, totally offended, and Alexander only laughs.

“Please, Archer, we both know you reek of bottom energy,” he sighs, finishing his tea, and immediately pouring himself another cup.

This prick.

“What the fuck is bottom energy?” I ask in outrage, and now it’s his turn to roll his eyes.

“A top wouldn’t have to ask,” he muses, sipping his tea, and moving his focus back to the newspaper.

“I hope Satan himself spawns you the girl of your dreams,” I spit, before snatching away his newspaper and flinging it across the room.

“At least she’d be hot,” he replies with a shrug, before nodding his head towards a large red envelope sitting on the counter.

“A courier dropped that off for you this morning, it’s from your mother,” he tells me, just as we hear our captain’s loud fucking grunt through the floor, as he finds his release.

“How do you know?” I ask, slipping off my stool and moving to grab it, and he smiles.

“Because I opened it and read it, of course,” he responds without remorse, and I roll my eyes at the prick again, reopening the already opened envelope, pulling out all the information for my mother’s charity event next week, and spreading it out across the counter.

Her company always throws a huge fundraising event at the beginning of every year, and it’s always a huge hit. The theme for this one is The Carnival, and from the plans she has shown me, I know it’s going to be fucking huge. Especially since they have rented out a huge manor, with adjoining maze, and enough land to house a small amusement park. I always love attending, but I think this year will be bigger and better than ever.

“Well, seeing as though as you’re already all up in my fucking business, do you want to come?” I ask Alexander, flicking my stare back up to his, but he is already shaking his head.

“As much as I would love to spend some time with the lovely Claire,” he sighs, emphasizing my mom’s name like a fuckingdick. “I, in fact, already have plans to spend a few days seeing my parents, and catching up with some old friends next week, since they were busy over Christmas.”

I nod because now that he says it, I remember that he already told me this, and as I open my mouth to respond, Nova appears with a smug smile plastered across his face. He nods his head at me in greeting, a blush-stained Maddie tight on his heels, wearing only his jersey, and I can’t help but smirk as he leads her to one of the stools.

“Well, good morning, lovebirds,” I coo, sipping my coffee, as I glare knowingly at my best friend’s girlfriend, who stares at me right back. “It certainly sounded like my captain was giving you a good workout, Princess,” I add with a smirk, and now it’s Nova’s turn to glare, but of course his girl doesn’t back down.

“Oh, your captain always gives me a good workout, Arch, but I’m more interested in who you were working out with, considering your bed was empty all night,” she tosses back with a sweet, sardonic smile, just as Nova slides her a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, Gray, it’s not like you to have sleepovers with your conquests,” Nova adds, and I spy Alexander smirking into his fucking teacup from the corner of my eye.

“Says the one who now has permanent fucking sleepovers, like a whipped fucking puppy,” I snap back, and Nova only barks a laugh, as he rounds the counter, and pushes between his girlfriend’s thighs with a smug fucking smile.

“And I’ve never been happier,” he purrs, grabbing her throat in the same way Daemon does to me, tipping her head back before plunging his tongue in her mouth and kissing her senseless.

I roll my eyes, more than used to their fucking bullshit in the last few weeks. The two of them are like dogs in heat, fucking anywhere and everywhere, and from the sounds coming fromhis room every night, it shows no signs of stopping. I’d find them insufferable, if I weren’t so sick with fucking jealousy.

“Well, as much as I’d love to stay and watch the free show, I need to shower,” I grunt, downing the rest of my coffee and dumping my mug in the sink, moving to leave.

“Your bed buddy didn’t let you shower?” Alexander asks, with a knowing smirk, and I give him the finger, as I storm towards the stairs.

“I hate you all,” I call out, making them all laugh.

“Love you too, buddy,” Nova calls out to my back, before I hear Maddie squeal, and Alexander scold them about not fucking on the counter again.