Panic floods my system at her words, as I try to recall every single thing Nova has told me about his mom being sick, yet I can’t remember any of it. Instead I feel the impact of her words like a knife to my fucking gut, and I know my best friend feels the same, as his face turns completely white. More words are shared between them, but I don’t hear a single one, already grabbing my keys and gesturing for Nova to follow me.
His entire body is shaking as he climbs in the car, and when a tear hits his cheek, it stings me like a shard of fucking glass. I drive across town like a mad man, running red lights and slipping in and out of lanes as neither of us says a word, and by the time we reach the hospital, Nova’s face is stained in tears. I find a parking spot, and we both jump from the car, storming towards the doors, until he stumbles slightly, and my arm reaches out to steady him.
“It’s okay, brother, I got you,” I tell him softly as his red eyes meet mine, and he nods, only once, before we push inside and go in search of his mom.
“I’m looking for my mother, Diana Darkmore,” he commands by way of greeting, when we find the desk we need, startling two of the nurses there.
“Nova?” A third one asks, looking between us both, until my best friend steps closer to her. “I’m Jennifer, we spoke on the phone, let me take you through so you can speak to the doctor, but it’s family only,” she tells him, nodding down the corridor,and when Nova looks back at me in question I am already shaking my head.
“Go on, brother, go and check on Mrs. D, I’ll be right here,” I force out, not knowing if I can face whatever the doctor might say, and he nods mindlessly, moving to leave, before pausing and looking back at me.
“I can’t lose her, Arch,” he chokes out, and I step forward and pull him into a tight hug.
“You are not losing her,” I tell him, needing to hear those words myself, as my best friend cries into my shoulder. “Diana Darkmore is as badass as her fucking son, and she isn’t going anywhere.”
“Thank you, brother,” he whispers gently, and I pat his back, letting him squeeze me as tight as he needs, before he pulls back and nods.
Then he is gone and I am left alone, already pulling out my phone and walking away from the nurses station, before the other two can try and talk to me. I find the contact I had to use only last night, and hit the call button again before I can even second guess it, and the phone barely even rings, before I am greeted with an exasperated sigh.
“I said okay, Josh,” Maddie snaps, and I don’t even have the energy to be confused as to why she thinks I am Josh right now.
“Maddie, it’s Archer,” I say softly, and she is no doubt once again wondering why the hell I am calling her.
“What happened, is he okay?” she rushes out in a panic, the same panic I heard in her voice last night when I called about the fight. The same one I am feeling burning in my gut right now.
“Nova’s fine,” I tell her, which isn’t technically a lie, he is fit and healthy, but I’m not sure if I would say the same for his mental state. “It’s his mom,” I add in a whisper, unable to even bring myself to even say her name.
“His mom? Diana? What happened, is she okay?” Question after question falls from her mouth, and I recall Nova telling me that Diana and Maddie used to be close before the fallout with her father, and it only makes me feel worse.
“She’s in the hospital,” I say even quieter than before, like just saying it out loud might make things even worse. “I know I shouldn’t be calling you again, but I think you should come.”
If there is anyone who can be there for Nova right now if things go south, then it’s her, because if something happens to Diana, I’m not sure I would be able to survive it, let alone help him do it.
“I’m on my way,” she snaps, before ending the call, and I find somewhere to sit and wait, and then shoot off a text to let her know where I am.
I’m not sure how much time passes, but the next thing I know Maddie is rushing towards me in a panic, and I smile softly as I rise to my feet to greet her. “I’m sorry about this,” I start, but then she cuts me off, as her body slams into mine, pulling me in for a hug.
“Thank you for calling,” she gasps, her words muffled by my chest, and unlike with Nova, I sink into her embrace, letting myself bathe in the much needed comfort.
“I didn’t know what else to do, he was in a bad way,” I grumble into her hair, letting the fear and panic consume me, as Maddie pulls away. “I knew Diana was sick, but I didn’t know how bad, he didn’t tell me.”
“Where is he?” Maddie asks, her eyes flying around the room, and I smile softly at seeing how much she cares about my best friend.
“He went back to her when we got here,” I nod in the direction he left with the nurse, and Maddie’s eyes assess the direction I gestured to, as I add, “I haven’t seen him since, butI couldn’t bring myself to leave, not without knowing if they are okay.”
When her eyes move back to me, I feel her watching me closely, before she forces a fake smile to her face and pulls my hand into hers. “Everything is going to be fine, we’ll just wait here for news together.” All I can do is nod, leading her to take a seat with me, and then we watch and wait.
Hours pass by and we continue to wait silently, Maddie ignoring multiple calls on her phone, and me shooting off texts to update the guys about what is going on. They all send their love for Nova and his mom, and Coach tells me to let him know if we need anything, and I wish it made me feel better, but until I see my best friend, I can’t relax.
By the time the sun sets, Maddie has fallen asleep on my shoulder, which isn’t surprising since she spent half the night looking after Nova at our house last night. And I should probably feel the same. I know I am tired to my bones, but I am too wired to sleep, my eyes watching those damn doors like a fucking hawk.
It isn’t until I am replying to a text from Alexander with no update, that Nova finally storms toward me, his eyes looking lighter as they flick from me to his girl.
“I called her, she’s been here for hours, wouldn’t stop talking and fidgeting, I’m glad she finally fell asleep,” I say with a soft smile, shifting a little to try and relieve some of the numbness in my body from staying still for so long, except it wakes her instantly, and I sigh.
“What happened, is he okay?” she asks frantically as my movement startles her awake, until she notices Nova glaring down at her. “Nova,” she chokes out in relief at just the sight of him, before she remembers why we are all here. “Is Diana okay?” she rushes out in question, and I see my best friend’s stare soften.
If he weren’t already gone for her, he would be now.