Page 80 of The Puck Decoy

The countdown begins, everyone chanting around us, but the only thing I see is him. “Hallie, I…” he starts, as the cheers ring out, but I slam my lips to his, stealing whatever he was about to say with a kiss, because even if I can’t keep him forever, I can still keep this moment.

Our mouths move in sync, kissing one another has become as natural as breathing, and it’s all I can do not to break down and cry. I feel him everywhere, as I curl my hands into his hair, and he holds me against him like he never wants to let go. My tongue caresses his own, and I swallow his deep groan, enjoying his rough touch, as he tries and fails to get me even closer to him.

When we pull apart, the words are right there on the tip of my tongue. Just three little words that if I say there is no taking them back, and I want to. I want to say them, I want him to hear them, but what about rule number three? What about what he said in return?

Don’t worry, Hals, you already know I’m not wired to find and appreciate something as simple as love.

His words from Thanksgiving come rushing back, and bile rises in my stomach as I open my mouth, but the only three words that come out are, “Ready to go?”

He blinks back from me as if he was expecting me to say something else, but then puts a lazy smile across his mouth. “Sure, baby, I’m ready. I’ll go find Daemon and meet you at the door, okay?” He drops a kiss to my head, before he disappears into the crowd, and watching him leave hurts more than it should.

No, I can’t do this anymore. The second we get home I am going to tell him, even if it kills me.

I make my way through the crowd, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone, considering I watched Maddie and Nova slip out just as Josh and I made our way to the dance floor. As for the rest of the team, I’m sure they are around somewhere, but I don’t have the energy to find them, so instead, I do what Josh asked and go and wait by the door for him and Daemon.

“Leaving so soon,” a smug voice curls around me, and I turn to find Josh’s father strolling down the hall from his office, looking me up and down, his eyes zeroing in on the letter J that dangles from my neck.

“Mayor Peters,” I greet with a smile as fake as his. “The party was amazing as always, but yes we are heading out.”

He doesn’t stop until he is right in front of me, his proximity sickening, as he purrs, “Hallie, we are family now, I think it’s time you called me Hugo.”

My cheeks ache from keeping my smile in place but still I nod and correct myself. “Hugo.”

His own smile is approving now, as he assesses me closely before adding, “I’m so glad you married my son.” His tone is filled with charm and I almost snort.

“Yeah I’m sure you are,” I reply as sweetly as I can manage, flicking my stare back towards the party and praying Josh comes and saves me.

“No really I am, and not just because of the validity your last name holds,” he explains, as if saying bullshit like that is the most natural thing in the world, and I guess in his world, it is. “But because out of every girl I put on that list of names, yours was the most well-suited to him.”

My heart starts pounding in my ears as his words wash over me. “List of names?” I repeat, my hands beginning to shake, and his smile turns wicked.

“Yes, you know the list of names I gave my son, of approved women he could choose a wife from. I mean, you were in excellent company of course, Dear, but out of everyone I am so glad he chose you.”

I suddenly find it hard to breathe as I am vaulted back to the night Josh proposed, my mind dissecting through every single word he said to me.

My father will leave Maddie alone as long as I marry someone of his choosing.

That’s what he said, those were his exact words, I didn’t mix them up or mishear them. That is exactly what he said to me.

And he chose me?

I asked him outright, so sure I got him wrong, and he nodded. There wasn’t a mention of a list, or any other names, he said he needed to marry me and I agreed. I agreed because I thought he had no other option, and despite my feelings for him, and how much worse it was going to make things for me, I wanted to help.

How fucking stupid was I?

Hugo is still staring at me in delight, as if he orchestrated this entire thing, and it takes everything I have not to cry. Instead I put a smile on my face and respond, “Oh yes, of course, that list.”

The lie slips off my lips with ease, as Josh and Daemon appear from the ballroom and head towards us, Josh’s eyes already lined with anger as he takes in his father’s proximity to me.

“Everything okay?” he asks, his focus solely on Hugo, and for once I’m thankful for his lack of attention.

“Yes, everything is fine.” Four little words, one big lie, yet Josh doesn’t let his gaze stray towards me to see if it’s true or false.

Daemon stares at me like the lie is written right across my face, and all I can do is drop my eyes to the floor.

“Then let’s go,” Josh snaps, slipping his hand into mine, and without another word, the three of us are leaving his father behind and climbing back into the car that brought us here.

I’m not sure where Levi or Landon are, but at this moment I don’t care, because the only thing I can focus on is the list of names. The whole ride home that’s my only thought. From the car, to the sidewalk, all the way up the stairs, my only focus is that stupid list of names.