Without tearing us apart, he pushes me until the back of my legs hit the bed and then I am falling, with him still on me, until my back hits the mattress and the kiss never falters. I can feel him everywhere, all at once, and it’s too much, yet will never ever be enough.
“Fuck, Hallie,” he growls, trailing his mouth down my jaw and onto my neck, as I squirm beneath him, searching for some much needed friction. “You taste so fucking good,” he adds, coming back up and slamming his lips on mine.
I moan into his mouth, not caring if I run out of air, just not wanting this moment right here to end.
Knock. Knock.
“Everything okay in there guys,” Maddie asks through the door, and Josh groans.
“Fuck off, I’m talking to my wife,” he shouts back, and I can’t help but laugh, as he comes back again, kissing and fucking my mouth with his tongue like I am the best thing he has ever tasted.Then his teeth sink into my lip, biting down hard until I yelp, like some sort of out of control animal.
Then he pulls back and looks at me in a way I have never seen, like he is seeing me differently, seeing us differently, and for the first time ever I feel hope that we could be something more.
“That was for running away from me, don’t do it again, Hals, you’re mine now,” he tells me, pressing another gentle kiss to my mouth, making me swoon, before a coldness hits me as he pulls his body off of me and stands.
Sitting up on my elbows, my legs still spread wide to accommodate him, I pant, “Where the hell are you going?”
His eyes trail over every inch of my body as he bites his lip and shakes his head. “I’ve got practice and I’m already late.”
I immediately sit up and glare at him. “You have practice? Then what the hell are you doing here?”
Josh bends down, cupping my cheeks and kissing me one last time. “I’m making sure my girl knows who she belongs to.” And then with that, he is pulling back and tossing me a wink. “See you later, Mrs. Peters.”
He saunters to the door, throwing it open, only to reveal Maddie on the other side, who looks between the two of us and states, “Nova already left.”
Josh laughs, “As if I was going to go over there with that prick anyway.” Then he is gone down the hall, and I wait until I hear the sound of the front door slamming, until I look my best friend in the eye.
“Ice cream andGrey’s?” she asks, and I’m already nodding.
“Ice cream andGrey’s,” I agree, shoving off my bed and following her downstairs.
Which is how I find myself spending the morning holed up on the sofa withMcDreamyand telling my best friend everything that has happened.
“Oh my god, I do not need to know that you saw my brother’s penis,” Maddie groans, fake gagging, as she discards the ice cream she was eating.
“You said you wanted the whole story,” I point out with a shrug, and she shakes her head.
“Yeah, well now I don’t want to hear another word, you guys are fucking gross.”
“Oh please, like I don’t hear Nova ringing your bell multiple times a night,” I toss back, holding my hand up towards her. “High five by the way.”
Her face is a picture of modesty, before she smirks and smacks her palm against mine. You should always high five your friend about great dick, it’s good manners.
Then after a couple of hours of TV and gossiping, we decide to get our homework out of the way considering we will be busy tomorrow with another Sunday dinner spent at her parents, and by the time we have done that I am beyond starving. My stomach is growling for attention, reminding me I have only consumed ice cream so far today.
“Want me to make us some lunch?” Maddie offers, clearing away her books, but I am already shaking my head.
“No, I know exactly what I want, and nothing else will do,” I tell her, tossing my own books into my bag and shoving it under the table as I stand and stretch.
“You know my brother’s dick isn’t on the menu right?” Maddie jokes far too easily, and I can feel the blush from the inside out.
“No you bitch, I meant a burger from this diner Josh takes me to,” I recall, remembering the mouthwatering cheeseburger, fries, and milkshake I had the night he taught the kids at the community center.
We’ve been back a couple of times together and I have quickly become obsessed. Finding a new staple to add to my rotation of foods, and right now it’s the only thing I want to eat.
“What diner?” Maddie asks, and when I tell her the name she still looks equally confused. “Oh, I’ve never been there before, but it sounds good, let me just go and throw some shoes on.”
We both quickly get ready to leave, and then take the scenic route by the lake at the back of our house to get into town. It’s a little chilly, but the fresh air is distracting me from checking my phone to see if Josh has messaged me. I’m not really sure where we stand after everything that happened this morning. I know he said I’m his, but I don’t exactly know what that means. I mean, if we are being technical then my heart has always been his, and the ring on my finger only increases that, but it still doesn’t mean I know where we truly stand.