Yet when I stroll back into my room, I find our clothes tidied away, the lights turned down, and Josh sitting up in my bed, still shirtless with Percy snuggled under his arm. My TV is on and he has the next episode ofCriminal Mindslined up ready to go. His eyes flick to mine, and the smile he offers me is almost coma-inducing. There is no trace of panic or regret, just the face of the same boy I have loved since I was nine.
“You don’t mind if I stay, right? I thought I could watch you fawn overDr. Reid,” he muses, patting the spot beside him on my bed, as if he didn’t just have me spread out on it. My heart races at the memory, but my feet are moving towards him before my mouth can even form a response.
It’s only when I reach the bed that I spy a pair of pajamas laid out for me, along with some fresh underwear, and when I flick my eyes back to him, he is watching me carefully. I know that if I told him to leave, he would in an instant, yet for once I don’t want to be alone. I like having him in my space, I alwayshave, and I’m glad he didn’t slip out without saying goodbye, no matter what just happened between us.
My throat still aches from taking him, and I have to swallow thickly as I untie my robe and slip it off, so I can put on the stuff he left out for me. His eyes flare wide as it hits the floor, his stare trailing over every inch of my skin like it’s the most beautiful thing he has ever seen in his life, and for some reason I don’t feel shy. I don’t rush to cover up, I let him see me, all of me, taking my time to pick up the panties and step into them. Shimmying my hips as I slide them up my legs and into place, and only then do I reach for the Fairfield U tank he picked out for me, slipping it over my head.
My nipples are hard and begging for attention, and if he stares at me like this any longer I am going to be back on my knees, only this time I will be begging. That thought is only intensified when he reaches down to adjust his now hard again cock and curses, “Fuck, who knew putting clothesoncould be so erotic.”
I laugh, sliding into the sheets beside him, surprised to realize he is only in his boxers, and I can’t help but think how easy it would be to slip them down and climb on top of him. The thought has me rubbing my thighs together, those two orgasms I’ve already had clearly are not enough when it comes to him.
With his stare still on me, the only thing I can think to say is, “You stole Percy.”
Josh scoffs, “I don’t think it counts as stealing if I am the one who got you the damn penguin, but let’s just say I’m enjoying joint custody for the night.” Then he lifts up the arm holding him and pulls me into his body like it’s the most normal thing in the world for us. “Now be quiet and watch your little boyfriend,” he adds, picking up the remote and pressing play, and I laugh.
“You sound jealous,” I muse, keeping my eyes on the screen, even when I feel his gaze burning into the side of my face.
“What do I have to be jealous of, Tink?” he asks, reaching across my body, picking up my left hand, and tapping my wedding ring. “You belong to me now, remember, which means the only boyfriends you are allowed are fictional.” He places my hand down and taps it like that’s all he needs to say, focusing back on the screen.
Butterflies swarm my insides, as I try to do the same, yet casually reply, “Oh well that’s good, because there are a lot of those.”
His head snaps back to me. “How many?”
I shrug, pretending I am following what is happening on the TV screen. “At least a hundred that I can think of off the top of my head.”
I don’t see his reaction, but he stares at me for a few seconds, before blowing out a breath. “Damn, that’s some tough competition.”
Smirking, I snuggle more into his side as I mutter, “Oh you have no idea.”
For the next couple of hours we cuddle up together watching TV, and it’s probably the most relaxed I have ever seen him. That point is only proven when I turn to ask if he is ready for another episode, and I find him sleeping softly beside me, Percy tucked under his chin. I can’t help but smile as I look at them, reaching for my phone and snapping a picture, before I quietly slip out of bed. I make quick work of going to the toilet, turning off the TV, and getting back into bed ready for sleep, and as soon as I turn on my side, he reaches out in his sleep and pulls my body into his.
Dreams don’t come easy after that, because for once my reality is better.
My sleep is restless,and when the sound of an alarm that isn’t my own starts blaring, I curse into my pillow, as Josh unwraps himself from around me. I flick my eyes open to watch him reach over and turn it off, and then, like a psycho, he just instantly climbs out of bed. There is no hitting snooze, no waiting for him to fully wake up, nope, he is just up and out of bed.
I keep my head on my pillow and my eyes closed, ignoring him as he darts around the room, slipping back into his clothes with ease, before leaning down and whispering, “Hals, I’ve got to get home and get changed for class.”
My eyes flick open to meet his, and I nod, feeling a lot more nervous to be around him than I did yesterday. Maybe my post-orgasm haze has worn off. He pauses a moment, looking a little unsure, before he nods back and then turns to leave, and when the door closes behind him, I can’t stop the sense of dread that creeps over me.
Before that feeling can fully take over, my bedroom door flies back open and he storms towards me, his lips slamming to mine before I can take another breath. He kisses me with more intensity than yesterday, if that’s even possible, before he pulls back and smiles at me softly.
“Meet me after practice today? We can go to the center together.” His question lingers in the air between us, and all I can do is nod, making his smile even wider. His lips meet mine again and I curl my hands around his neck, feeling desperate for more of him, for more of us, and when he groans into my mouth, I almost drag him back into the bed. “Fuck, Tink, you really know how to kick-start a man’s day,” he grits, standing up and adjusting his hard cock behind his pants.
“You haven’t seen anything yet,” I boast back without thinking, and his eyes darken.
“Trust me, Hals, what I have seen will be imprinted into my mind for eternity,” he says with a wink, and I blush as he backs away from the bed and adds, “Until later, wife.”
Then he’s gone, taking my heart, and my orgasms, with him.
Walking out of Hallie’s bedroom, with her half-dressed body still between the sheets begging to be touched, is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. Every cell inside of my body was begging me to climb back in next to her and spend the day with my cock buried deep inside her, but here we are. Today is the last day of classes before Christmas break and I have multiple assignments to hand in, which is the only reason I walked out of her room this morning.
Yesterday was a whirlwind, but the shit show of a dinner at my parents’ house was soon erased from my mind with the image of Hallie on her knees crawling towards me.Fuck. Never have I wielded that power over someone, and never have I enjoyed it more. She was so fucking perfect, her mouth like a heaven I have never felt, and from the way her pussy feltstretched around my finger, I know sinking into her sweet cunt will be a dream.
I feel myself hardening in my jeans at the thought, and I am grateful for the desk I am sitting behind so I don’t fucking embarrass myself in front of the whole class. I am barely listening to my business professor, too distracted by my wicked thoughts of my wife, when my phone starts to vibrate in my bag. Knowing that my actual phone is sitting in the pocket of my pants, it means that it’s my other phone going off, the burner one that Lincoln Blackwell gave to me.
We have spoken a couple of times but he said he wouldn’t contact me again until he has everything he needs. Well, I guess this means he has everything.
I discreetly reach down into my bag and locate the phone, pulling it out beneath the desk to make sure no one pays too much attention to it, and then click on the new message lighting it up.