Most men would be proud to have a son like him, one with a solid moral compass and compassion, but not Hugo Peters. No, he will see this as a betrayal, as an attack against him, and he won’t let the fact that Josh is his son deter him from retaliating. Which means we have to make this work, we have to make everyone believe in us, and then dig up what we can on the Mayor so we can take him down before he ruins us all.
Maddie and I catch up over ice cream, shit talking both her father and brother, until I know she has our backs in this completely. Then I head upstairs to wash off the day. I shower and change into something comfortable to sleep in, climb into bed with Percy Penguin, and then load up an episode of CriminalMinds so I can get my nightly Dr. Spencer Reid fix. What’s a better fantasy to fall asleep to?
That's when my phone lights up with one new text message.
Peter Pan : Wedding sorted. 5pm Saturday.
That’s it, four words that entail an invite to my own wedding, and all I can do is laugh, because I know Josh will have seen this message as completely fine and informative. Which is why I don’t even bother calling him out on the impersonality of it as I type out my response.
Hallie : It’s not even been two hours since I dick punched you, how the hell did you sort it out so fast?
I watch as he begins typing instantly.
Peter Pan : You forget you can get people to do anything for the right price
I roll my eyes at his response because of course I know that. You can’t grow up in our world and not know that, but it doesn’t make it any less weird. Before I can respond my phone lights up again.
Peter Pan : Oh and my dick is fine by the way
His message is innocent, too innocent for the thoughts it immediately provokes in my mind that I have to block out instantly.
Hallie : I also forget what an asshole you are, hence why I’m marrying you
Hallie : And I have no concern for you or your dick
Lie. A big, bold-faced lie, but what’s one more in a sea of thousands when it comes to him.
Peter Pan : That’s the first time a girl has ever told me that
Hallie : What a shame that girl just so happens to be your future wife
Peter Pan : A good wife would kiss it better
I almost drop my phone when I read that last message, my thighs clenching together involuntarily as I imagine doing just that, yet I snap myself out of it. This is Josh, my best friend, who is used to women falling at his feet for his affections, but that won’t be me, it can’t be, not if I am going to protect myself. I will not flirt with him.
Hallie : And a bad wife would punch it again
Hallie : Now stop flirting with me I’m busy
Peter Pan : Watching Criminal Minds while cuddling Percy is not classed as an actual activity, you know that right?
I look between the Penguin I am cuddling in my lap and the TV screen, and scoff. Silently cursing the stupid prick for knowing me so well.
Hallie : Neither is punching you in the dick, yet I enjoyed it just as much
Peter Pan : You better stay away from my dick in future
Hallie : But I thought a good wife would kiss it better?
Peter Pan : You’re a bad wife
Hallie : And yet you’re stuck with me. This is going to be fun
Hallie : Sweet dreams Joshua
Peter Pan : See you Saturday Hallie Bear
When I finally fall asleep it’s to images of my future husband and his dick.