He did get it!
"I did," she admitted."I know I'm normally the TMI type, but I never liked people seeing me cry."
"I've seen you cry a lot of times."
"You're not everyone." She smiled up at him, a dreamy expression falling over her pretty face. "You're perfect."
Thornton nearly smiled. "I'm not." What an adorable lunatic she was, with the way she kept saying such things out of the blue.
"You are," she insisted feelingly.
Since today was technically their first day as the C-word, Thornton decided it was best to quit arguing and changed the subject instead. "Not gonna ask where we're going?"
Her voice was basic and without an ounce of hesitation. She had always trusted him without question, and he found this trait of hers touching and humbling. Arousing as hell, too, especially with the way she kept darting glances...at his mouth.
"Stop doing that."
It was his John Wick voice again, but at the same time...it was different. Like it wasn't a warning, but almost like...a gruff...plea?
"It's distracting," he murmured, seeing the confusion in her gaze. "Your eyes."
Said eyes widened.
"They're extremely good at trying to seduce me out of my senses."
"It's saying,you want my mouth on yours."
It did?But then Blake started seriously thinking about it.Well...yeah.Him kissing herhadbeen on her mind the moment he asked her to be his.
The fingers around her wrist suddenly moved, trailing down to twine with hers. When she looked up at him in surprise, his dark gaze captured hers right away. "I want it, too."
Her heart melted. "You do?"
"You were extremely good at making me crazy with desire for you," he divulged in a self-mocking tone that had her flashing him a weak smile of apology.Oops?
"Kissing you was all I could think about for weeks."
"Just kissing?" she couldn't help teasing.
It was Thornton's turn to just let his eyes do the talking, and her throat instantly went dry at the blaze of smoldering need in his gaze.Kissing was definitely just the start, she realized with a gulp.
A powerful shudder rocked Thornton's frame when he finally reached the library's VIP lounge and found it empty.
Blake was also thinking along the same lines.Empty. Empty. Oh my God, the things a man and a woman could do when a room was empty!She could feel her brain cells disintegrating at thethought, could feel her body start trembling and aching as she watched Thornton slowly close the door...and lock it.
He had locked it!
The door!
And when he finally turned—-
She just couldn't bear it anymore.