“Well, I hope we’re on the same table as Dario and Madalina, some of the women I met at my shower were awful.” She shakes her head and strokes her hand over her very impressive bump.It’s looking bigger than ever tonight in the silver, sequin dress she has stretched over it.
“I can already tell you that we won’t be on the same table as them. Mrs Marchetti is very strategic about her table plan, district leaders and their partners are seated together, and in whatever order will suit her husband more profitably.
“I see.” Lorna nods trying not to look disappointed.
“You’ll still be able to hang with Madalina, the sit-down meal only lasts about two hours.”
“Two hours?” She looks horrified.
“Yes, it’s eight courses,” I laugh.
“And where do you suppose I’m going to put eight courses? Because there is no room in this dress.” Her big, brown eyes stare back at me.
“I’m sure you’ll manage.” I rest my hand on her tummy and stroke it with my thumb as I drive on, to the Marchetti mansion.
“Who’s the woman with Gio?” I ask Dario as we watch him parade the leggy blonde he brought around the room. He stops to introduce her to the most important men here and, of course, their wives.
“I have no idea, some escort probably.” Dario sips from his champagne flute.
“Her name’s Bianca Caprioli. I believe her uncles run the Queens district.” Madalina proves she’s been learning her husband's business, and both myself and Dario nod our heads, impressed.
“Another good move from Ferrazza,” I point out as I watch the pair of them work the room like they’re celebrities on the red carpet.
“You were brave wearing heels, your feet must be killing you.” Madalina changes the subject, turning everyone's focus onto the very high heels I told Lornanotto wear. We’ve made it this far into her pregnancy without any accidents or mishaps, the last thing we need is for her tofallat the final hurdle. But, apparently, they make her calves look less chunky so I will just have to be on alert all night.
“They’re okay, at the moment.” She leans forward and lowers her voice so no one else but us four can hear. “I’ll slip them off during the two-hour banquet.” She winks.
“Did you tell Madalina what the doctor said?” I pull my girl closer so I can rub my hand over her belly. I want everyone here to notice how she’s flourishing.
“I don’t think here is the place to be discussing head engagement and cervix softness.” Lorna keeps her voice at the same volume as she turns to look at me.
“Is the baby’s head engaged?” Madalina’s eyes light up.
“Apparently so.” Lorna blows out a nervous breath and smiles at the same time.
“Don’t worry about that too much, Isabella’s head engaged way before the twins came, you probably still have plenty of time,” she assures her, though I’m not sure if it’s what Lorna wants to hear while she’s so uncomfortable.
“Company’s heading our way.” Dario clears his throat as he looks over my shoulder and when I turn around and see Gio and his showpiece, I put on a smile for him.
“Dario, Mrs DeMarco, there's someone I’d like to introduce you to.” He presents the overly made-up female on his arm, proudly.
“It’s a pleasure.” She holds out the hand that has a big, shiny diamond on her finger as if she expects Dario to kiss it and he politely twists it on its side, turning it into a handshake. “We metonce before, Mr DeMarco, at my uncle’s house. You were there playing poker.” Her eyes glance over him, seductively.
“This is my wife, Madalina.” He dismisses her and places his hand around my sister's waist.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Madalina.” She nods her head respectfully, though the way her eyes are still looking fixed on Dario makes it hard to believe.
“I see you have quite the rock there,” Madalina points out.
“Oh, we were going to wait until after tonight’s event to make the announcement, we didn’t want to steal Marina Marchetti’s thunder. I know the effort she puts into this event. The last thing I want to do is upset a district wife, especially if I’m soon to be one myself.”
“Why wear the ring, then?” Lorna laughs, making everyone's head turn to look at her. Dario and Madalina try to hide their amusement while Bianca looks a little shaken.
“I’m sorry, I don’t know who you are.” I’m sure if it wasn’t for the Botox she’d be frowning as she looks at my girl.
“Oh, me? I’m nobody important so you're probably not interested.” Lorna manages to catch a server as they pass and politely grabs herself a flute of orange juice.
“I…I, erm.” Yes, she’s shaken.