Jenna saton the cushioned rocking chair in the children’s room and held the little girl she’d examined the night Stella had shown up. The little bundle—a little younger than Oliver—cuddled close and watched everything happening around her with eagle eyes.

Laura Metcalf, the manager of the shelter, sat on the plush carpet and operated the electronic train set for her daughter, Isla, and Oliver. Both toddlers stared with goofy grins and wide-eyed glee as the blue and green trains went round and round the plastic track.

“How’ve Claire and her mother been handling everything since they arrived?” Jenna asked, enjoying the simple moment amidst the constant chaos that had become her life.

Laura swiped her long blond hair over one shoulder and pressed the button that set off three short blasts of the shrill train whistle. “Pretty good. Claire’s the sweetest, and her mama’s been getting braver and braver every day. She’s in group therapy right now.”

“I hope it helps. She’s stronger than she thinks.”

“So are you,” Laura said.

“Hmm. I suppose so, but there are times I doubt that. Especially the last couple days. There are moments I’m not sure I’ll get through. Not sure how to keep going.” She stared down at her son and her heart swelled. “But then I look at Oliver and know I don’t have a choice.”

Laura smoothed Isla’s light curls. “I understand what you mean. But when I made it through the dark times, I came out with so much more than I could have ever imagined. A beautiful daughter and the man of my dreams. Sometimes the curveballs life throws us bring us things we didn’t know we needed.”

“What if life has brought something back I’ve always wanted and messed up before?”

Laura shrugged. “Do you want to fix it?”

“More than anything.” Jenna held Claire close and struggled to put her thoughts into words. “Maybe I’m being punished.”

“What do you mean?”

“My sister was killed because I couldn’t keep her safe. Couldn’t keep her on the right path after our parents died. Because of my choices, I lost Calvin. I put Stella above him and our relationship. And for what? So Stella could go off and finally be clean without me? So I’d be forced to spend day after day with a man I still love, knowing he’s no longer mine and may never be?”

Laura swished her lips to the side as if weighing her words carefully. “I’m sorry for everything you’re going through. None of it is easy, and there are no simple answers. In life, there seldom are. But one thing I’ve learned is that the simplest approach is often the best.”

“I’m afraid to know what you think is a simple approach,” Jenna said, cringing.

Laura chuckled. “If you love Calvin, tell him. What happened to your sister is awful and tragic, but maybe one good thing cancome out of it. It brought you and Calvin back together. Even if only to give you some closure.”

Sighing, Jenna kept rocking back and forth. “You’re right. I’ll always mourn losing Stella. Always regret not having the chance to make things right between us. I have that chance now with Calvin.”

Memories of waking up in his arms came back to her, heating her core. Being beside him in his bed had felt so right.

Had felt like home.

But even if Calvin could forgive her for the hurt and damage she’d caused, things were different now. She had Oliver to think about. Calvin might want her back in his life but that didn’t mean he was ready to be a dad. To step up and take on this child she loved with her entire being. And if Calvin couldn’t be there for Oliver, then she couldn’t be with Calvin.


A soft knock lifted her gaze. Calvin stood in the doorway. His moss green, long-sleeved shirt fit loosely over his muscular frame, probably so it wouldn’t rub against the stitches on his side. His scowl and rigid stance set her nerves on edge.

Laura stood and plucked the baby from Jenna’s arms. “Why don’t I take little Claire and find her mama? She should be out of her therapy session by now. Can you keep an eye on Isla for me? I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

“Sure,” Jenna said, raising to her feet.

Calvin took a step into the room, dropping a smile to Oliver and Isla before fixing his tired eyes on Jenna.

“What’s wrong?”

He scrubbed a hand over his face, a tiny smirk cracking through when he dropped his hand to his side. “Want to go over your scheme again?”

Her lips curled up at the corners. “I told you. I don’t scheme.”

He rolled his eyes. “Your scheme, your plan, whatever you want to call it. I was told Milo’s out of the office until next week, and no one answered his home line. I need another idea on how to get information from him.”

“So what I’m hearing you say is I was right,” she said, beaming up at him.