“There is something that binds him to that time and place. You will have to find out what it is."
"Before he changed… his mother made him put a ring on and then said—" I stop talking, not wanting to repeat her creepy words.
"What did she say?"
"With this ring, I thee bind."
"That's it then. With him still… attached to you… you’ll have to remove it and say 'with this ring, I thee unbind.' That’s your best shot.”
“Okay, got it. Thank you.” I stand up and realize I have one more question. “What do I do if it doesn’t work?”
She shrugs. “That, I don’t know.”
I decide that there’s no point in waiting. If I’m going to do this, I have to do it now. First thing I do is text Dale.
Me: Can you call and make sure I’m up tomorrow morning?
Dale: Sure? You pulling an all nighter?
Me: Sort of. Thanks!
I don’t want to tell him what I’m about to do, but I also don’t want to leave Stanley alone if… I’m not sure what’s at the end of that if. Could Matthew’s mom bind me too? I guess anything is possible. Just because she hasn’t tried so far doesn’t mean it’s outside the realm of possibility.
I take a warm shower, turn the temperature down so I’ll be more comfortable under the blankets, and take some melatonin. I don’t trust full-on sleeping pills for this, but I have to make sure I actually fall asleep.
Eventually I drift off and wake to find Matthew’s sweatpants body pressed up to mine, his arm wrapped around me protectively. It’s sweet, in a way, being cuddled by pants.
“Matthew… Matthew,” I hiss, turning in his embrace and trying to gently shake him awake. “Hmmm…what’s wrong, Kaitlyn?”
“I’m the wrong Kaitlyn, Matthew.” This seems to get something going in his mind.
He huffs a laugh. “If it’s really 2025, then mom’s right and you’re the only Kaitlyn. The other one is still probably pissed at me for disappearing on her.”
“Matthew, we don’t have a lot of time. Do you want out?” I whisper.
That seems to wake him up. “Of course I do.”
“Enough to come to 2025 with me?”
“2025? What do you mean?”
“I mean, if you want, we can try to bring you to my time. It’s not a guarantee. But that’s the only option I have for getting you out of here.”
“Okay, yes, sure. What do I need to do?”
I swallow, suddenly embarrassed. “It wasn’t my idea,” I start.
“What do you mean? You don’t want me to go to 2025?”
I shake my head, painfully aware that I’m wasting time. “No. I spoke to people who could tell by looking at the pants thatyou were bound. A woman told me that just as I leave this place inside the pants…”
“The only way for you to leave is inside of me.”
He says nothing for a long moment. “Like?”