Page 56 of Stalker

"We're going to have a little chat about proof, Commander. And about your daughter Maryse."

His face goes slack. "Leave her out of this."

"Your daughter is the only reason I am not going to kill you." The words scrape my throat like broken glass.

His shoulders relax a fraction. "What?"

"I love her." The admission burns, but carries truth that cannot be denied. "And killing you would destroy her."

His eyes narrow. "You expect me to believe-"

"Shut up." My claws score deeper grooves in his desk. "You don't deserve her love. You don't deserve to breathe the same air as her. But she loves you, and that's the only thing keeping you alive right now."

"So what do you want?"

"Confession. Full disclosure to IHC about everything - Rakura, the slavery ring, all of it."

A bark of laughter escapes him. "You're insane."

"Maybe. But think about it - plea bargain, reduced sentence. You might even see daylight again someday." My bone spurs retract with a soft click. "Or I can break my word to Maryse and paint these walls with your blood. Your choice."

"You'd give up your revenge? Just like that?"

"Not giving it up. Trading it for justice." The words taste strange on my tongue. "Better than making Maryse cry at your funeral."

Daniels's lips curl into a smirk. "Security will be here any second. You won't live long enough to contact anyone."

"Ah, but I know something you do not, butcher." My bone spurs extend again with a satisfying click. "I was working with a partner. The Vakutan detective you feared so much. She sent me a message this morning containing all the evidence we will ever need to see you executed. If I don't contact her in the next hour, she's going to release it to the media."

The color drains from his face. His perfectly manicured mustache twitches. "You're bluffing."

"The manifest from the Rakura IV incident. The shipping logs. The account transfers. Everything." Each word drives another nail into his coffin. "Vorpa was very thorough in her investigation."

"That's impossible. We destroyed all records-"

"You destroyed the Alliance records. But the Vakutan Intelligence Service kept their own copies." A low chuckle escapes my throat. "Did you really think they wouldn't investigate the death of their citizens?"

His hands clench into fists. "Even if that's true, you'll never make it out of here alive."

"I don't need to. The truth dies with neither of us. Your empire crumbles either way."

The door bursts open. Security pours in, weapons drawn. My muscles bunch as I grip the desk. One heave sends both furniture and Daniels flying at the guards. The crash of bodies and wood drowns their shouts.

Glass shatters as I dive through the window. Wind whips my hair. Five stories of nothing but air between me and the street. The ground rushes up - metal glints - I crash through the roof ofa hover taxi. Pain lances through my shoulder. The impact dents the seat beneath me.

A tinny voice chirps from the front. "Please state destination."

"Anywhere but here!" My heart pounds against my ribs.

"Unable to comply, please provide a specific destination."

Laser fire peppers the taxi's hull. Red bolts reflect off the scratched chrome finish. The droid's head swivels, unperturbed.

"Maryse's place!" The words tear from my throat.

"Insufficient data, please provide-"

My claws sink into the droid's neck joint. Metal screeches as I wrench it from the controls. Wires spark and snap. I toss the babbling heap aside and slide into the pilot's seat. The familiar hum of engines thrums through my palms as I grab the controls.