Page 37 of Stalker

"Ten thousand DIFFERENT sapient species," June adds. "It's a normal sized toilet."

Laughter ripples through the lecture hall. Even stuffy Professor Chen cracks a smile.

"This could revolutionize long-range spacecraft design." Professor Chen adjusts his glasses. "The energy conversion rate alone..."

I beam with pride as he rattles off calculations. My fingers trace the edge of the collar again, remembering how Bruticus fastened it around my neck. The metal may be cloaked, but its weight grounds me, reminds me of promises made in darkness.

"The maintenance requirements are minimal," I say, forcing my mind back to the presentation. "Annual inspections of the containment field should suffice."

"Excellent work, ladies." Professor Chen nods approvingly. "This could have real applications for deep space missions."

My classmates applaud. June and Eve high-five each other while I gather our materials. Things really are coming together - my grades, my love life, everything. Tonight I'll celebrate with Bruticus, show him just how much his support means to me.

The collar tingles against my skin. Just a few more hours until I'm back in his arms.

"We need ice cream after that presentation." Eve loops her arm through mine. "Come on, my treat."

"Triple scoop for the engineering genius." June grabs my other arm.

The sweet shop's neon sign bathes us in pink light as we settle into our usual booth. Eve licks her spoon with a wicked grin.

"So, how's tall, dark, and bony treating you?"

"Eve!" Heat creeps up my neck.

"See?" June points her spoon at me. "A week ago that would have turned her into a tomato. They're getting serious."

"How can you tell?"

"She's not blushing as deep anymore when we tease her. Plus look at that smile she can't hide."

My hand drifts to my collar, hidden beneath its holographic cloak.

"We need to meet him." Eve leans forward. "Like, yesterday."

"Absolutely." June nods. "Best friend approval is mandatory."

"Girl, you know your best friends are going to look out for you."

The ice cream turns to lead in my stomach. They mean well, but will they understand? A Reaper and a human... Dad's face flashes through my mind, his expression when that womanconfronted him at lunch. What would he say if he knew about Bruticus?

"Thanks guys." I force a smile. "Maybe soon."

June and Eve rush off to their quantum mechanics class, leaving me alone with my melting sundae. The chocolate swirls remind me of Bruticus's dark skin, how it feels beneath my fingers.

I scoop up a spoonful, wondering if he'd enjoy the sweet taste. My cheeks warm at the thought of feeding it to him, watching those red eyes light up with pleasure. Though so far, the only thing I know he enjoys the taste of is... me.

The compad buzzes against the table, startling me from my decidedly not-suitable-for-public thoughts. Dad's face appears on the caller ID.

My stomach drops. He never calls without texting first.

"Hi Daddy-"

"Maryse." His voice cuts through mine, sharp as a blade. "Tell me the truth. Have you been letting an alien stay in the spare condo?"

The spoon clatters to the table. Ice cream drips onto my hand, but I barely notice the cold. My throat closes up as I struggle to form words, any words.

The collar feels heavy against my neck, even through its holographic disguise. Like a brand marking me as a liar, a disappointment.