Page 15 of Stalker


"And... I might have taken him home."

Eve's squeal pierces through the lecture hall. Professor Chen's laser glare zeroes in on our row.

"Sorry!" Eve shrinks in her seat. Once the professor returns to discussing pH levels, she leans close. "Details. Now. Was he human?"

The memory of bone spurs under my fingertips makes me shiver.

"Not exactly."

"Ooooh. What species? Vakutan? Kiphian? Please tell me it wasn't a Fratvoyan."

I shiver with disgust.

"God no! I'm not into sex with Teddy Bears. Especially not perpetually drunk ones."

"Okay, let's see..." Eve taps her stylus against her chin. "Andorian? Zentari? Oh! Is he one of those new crystal beings from-"

"If I tell you, will you shut up?"

"Cross my heart."

I lean closer, dropping my voice to barely a whisper. "He's a Reaper."

The color drains from Eve's face. Her stylus clatters to the floor. "A... Reaper?"


"But they're all raiders and pirates!"

"Not this one." The lie tastes bitter on my tongue. "Well, not anymore..."

Eve's eyes light up like a fusion reactor.

"Oh. My. God. You're dating a reformed space pirate?"

"Keep your voice down!" I hiss.

"This is better than those romance novels you pretend not to read. Was he, like, actually a pirate? Did he have a ship? Did he steal-"

I clamp my hand over her mouth. "The entire university doesn't need to know about my love life."

Her muffled squeal draws curious looks from nearby students. Professor Chen clears his throat pointedly.

"Sorry," I mouth, sinking lower in my seat.

Eve peels my fingers away. "You have to tell me everything," she whispers. "Every. Single. Detail."

"Not here. And you have to promise not to tell anyone."


"Eve. Promise me."

"Fine." She pouts. "But you owe me the full story later."

Eve drags me to the station's food court as soon as class ends. The scent of spiced noodles and sizzling meat fills the air, but my stomach's too knotted with anxiety to feel hungry.