Jace's next scream cuts off mid-wail and we turn to find Alexa standing there, somehow looking both professional and magical in the evening light.
"A... princess?" Jace hiccups, her face streaked with tears.
"Oh yes." Alexa pulls out the empty chair like she's been invited, like she hasn't just walked into a category five tantrum. "She was the most beautiful princess on all the islands. And you know what?"
Jace shakes her head, tears momentarily forgotten.
"She had the most amazing temper. When she got mad, the volcanos would actually erupt."
"Like that one?" Lukas points to the resort's centerpiece, currently right on schedule with its hourly show.
"Exactly like that one." Alexa leans in conspiratorially. "They say she's still here, watching over all the little princesses who visit. But she only shows herself to the ones who can control their own volcano feelings. The ones who don’t shout in restaurants."
Jace's lower lip trembles, but differently now. "She does... ?"
"Well," Alexa settles in like she's about to share the secrets of the universe, "first, she takes a deep breath. Like this."
She demonstrates, and to my absolute amazement, Jace copies her.
"Then, she thinks about her favorite thing in the whole world. What's yours?"
"Princess hair," Jace whispers, touching the braid Alexa did earlier.
"Perfect. So she thinks about princess hair, and she takes another deep breath, and then..."
"Then what?"
"Then she remembers that real princesses know when their bodies need rest. Because you can't rule a kingdom if you're too tired to keep your eyes open."
I watch in astonishment as my daughter—my stubborn, fierce, absolutely exhausted daughter—considers this.
"Can... can the princess see me now?"
"I bet she can." Alexa points to the volcano, which chooses that exact moment to send up a spray of water. "Look, she's saying hello."
Jace's eyes go wide. The tears are gone.
"Do you think..." She yawns hugely. "Do you think she likes my braid?"
"I think she loves it. And I think she's very proud of you for controlling your volcano feelings."
"Yes," Jace agrees, as if this is her own idea.
"That's your body telling you it's time to rest," Alexa says seriously.
I scoop my daughter up, stunned by the child-whisperer before me. "Say thank you to Miss Minty?"
"Thank you," she mumbles into my shoulder, already half asleep.
"Can you tell us more stories tomorrow?" Lukas adds, also under Alexa's spell.
"I'm here to work," she reminds him. "Write about the resort, remember?"
I shift Jace's weight, noting how her breathing is evening out. Thank freaking God. "Say goodnight, guys."
They mumble, both fading fast. As I stand to leave, I catch Alexa's eye.
"Thank you," I say quietly. "That was... impressive."