My head falls back as I look up at the cheap florescent lights. I almost kissed my professor… Or my professor almost kissed me. Either way, I can't believe that just happened.
Chapter Six
It'sbeenthreeweekssince I almost kissed Savannah. I wasthisclose to kissing those pouty lips of hers, and I would have done it if we weren't interrupted. I was too caught up in the moment, in how she made me feel, to stop myself.
Never in my life would I believe I was the type of guy who would end up in this situation. I’m the good one. I’ve always strived to do what’s right, no matter how much I want something. Maybe I’m not the stand-up guy I thought I was.
That's why I've kept my distance ever since. When class is over, I pack up my things in record time and am out the door along with the students.
The good news is that Rebecca has no time to hang around my desk either. Two birds, one stone.
The bad news is that I miss Savannah.
Is it even possible to miss someone you barely know? The chemistry is still there between us, floating around the room during every class while I do everything in my power to focus on my lecture.
“Lucas!” my brother Marcus shouts. “Snap out of it.”
I look around the dinner table at my parents’ house, realizing all eyes are on me.
"Huh? I'm sorry, I was just… thinking about something," I answer back vaguely.
"Yeah, we got that, buddy. What's up with you lately? You've been distracted the last couple weeks," he responds.
Ma gives me a worried stare. "It's because he's taken on too much," she says. "Are you okay, Lucas?"
"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about over here. I was literally just lost in thought. I'm not having some kind of mental breakdown or anything."
"Uncle Lucas, what's a mental breakdown?" my six-year-old niece Sienna asks.
"That's nothing you need to be concerned with at your age, sweetie," my brother Gabe, her father, responds.
It's nice to be close with your family, but sometimes that means you can't hide much from them. Mia is eyeing me inquisitively. I know she isn't buying it, but thankfully she doesn't speak up. Women are so intuitive, and Mia is no exception.
"So, what kind of wine are we trying tonight?" Pa asks, changing the subject with a subtle wink in my direction.
The bottle that Gabe is opening is the new Chianti Classico that we found at a little vineyard in Panzano, Italy. There aren't many bottles in production yet, making it a rare and expensive find.
"Are you sure we should be drinking a Panzano wine? We aren't exactly stocked with an unlimited supply of them," Marcus says.
Gabe looks down at Alexis, his girlfriend, and smiles.
"It's a special occasion," Gabe says as he goes around the table to fill everybody's glass.
When he gets back to his seat, he grabs Alexis's hand.
"What's up?" Mia asks.
"Everybody, Alexis and I have an announcement." Ma and Mia gasp at the table then wait with bated breath for Gabe to continue. "Alexis and I are getting married," he finally finishes.
The table erupts with joy. Ma is immediately crying, Pa stands up to shake Gabe's hand, and Mia jumps on top of Alexis as she screams in her ear.
"Alex is going to be my mommy!" Sienna screams.
I grab my niece and give her a big squeeze. "Yes, she is, squirt,” I tell her.
The rest of dinner is filled with discussions of wedding dates and dress shopping, and any other intrusive questions my family can come up with. Alexis doesn’t have the most supportive family, so she’s always said she loves how close we are. I wonder if she’s reconsidering her words yet.