Page 22 of Control

“Who’s that?” Forrest asked.

I turned. “Her name is Alana.”

“Alana,” he repeated, a smile playing at his lips. I hadn’t hidden the fact that Evangeline and I were over, so it came asno surprise that Forrest was wearing this stupid look on his face now.

“Where do you know Alana from? I mean, she asked for you specifically, according to Avalon.”

Twisting my neck, my eyes slid to Avalon. She was wearing a huge grin, her eyes dancing with hope. It didn’t take a genius to know what thoughts were running through her mind. But because she was so sweet, I didn’t have the heart to just crush her. The truth was that I was not in any position to get involved with someone else right now. It hadn’t even been two weeks since things ended with Evangeline, and the sting of her betrayal was still lingering.

“I met her the night I learned about Evangeline,” I shared.

His brows shot up in surprise. “Okay, I wasn’t expecting that. I didn’t realize you went out and found a way to bury your sorrows.”

I huffed, shaking my head. “That’s not what happened. I was walking back to my car after what happened with Evangeline, and Alana came racing down the street. She lost control of her car and crashed.”

Forrest’s eyes darted past me toward the parking lot. “Is that why she’s wearing that boot?”


“And now she needs bodyguard services because of it?”

I looked out into the parking lot and watched as Alana pulled away. “She’s a reporter, and she’s reporting on what happened to Annie Sanders.”

“That’s led her to think she needs a bodyguard?”

Returning my focus to Forrest, I explained, “Well, her coworker was the one who was initially reporting on the story, but she wound up being attacked and landed in the hospital. She’s still there. When Alana crashed, it was because she was trying to get away from someone who had approached her at thegas station and warned her to stop her investigation. Now that her news director has insisted that she not cover this story any longer, she’s preparing to do it on her own.”

Admiration and understanding washed over him. “Wow. At least she’s being smart about it. That’s great for her and for you.”

I rolled my eyes. “There’s nothing going on.”

“Not yet.”

“Not ever. I’m not in any position to be getting involved with someone right now,” I insisted.

“Well, if that’s the case,” Avalon interrupted. Forrest and I turned our attention in her direction. “Why are we not charging her?”

I narrowed my eyes.

Forrest burst out laughing. “Oh, boy. Better tell everyone to buckle up, Avalon. We’re about to have our next crisis.”

“That’s not what’s happening.”

Forrest and Avalon ignored me, and Avalon asked, “Do you think I should send out a memo to everyone? It might be easier that way. Plus, I think everyone will be excited. It’s been a year since Paxton and Aria got together. We’ve had some babies born, pregnancy announcements, and a wedding or two, so it seems fitting to have a little turmoil thrown into the mix.”

I sighed and shook my head.

If nothing else, at least my friends knew what to do to keep me in good spirits.



This might have been a mistake.

I didn’t normally spend my time second-guessing myself. In my line of work, I’d learned to rely on my gut instincts. And to this point, it had always served me well to do that.

But right now, my gut was telling me that this might have been a mistake.