Page 53 of Gentle Fox

We kept the conversation light as I prepared a late-night dinner. It was good to talk about the town rather than what was going on with me for once. As much as I appreciated how attentive Owen was to what was happening, it was nice to take a break from it. I liked pushing my problems out of my head for a little while.

We were halfway through the meal when Owen’s phone started ringing. He didn’t look happy to be interrupted, but his face changed as soon as he got a look at the screen.

“Hey, Mav. Everything okay?”

I couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end of the phone, but based on the fire in Owen’s eyes, I knew it couldn’t be good.

“Why the hell are you still at the office?”

It was after eight at night. I knew the guys kept odd hours but it seemed late to still be working when there wasn’t anything pressing to deal with.

Well, except my problem, but Lex was all over that.

I put my fork down since I had it hovering in the air with pasta dangling off the tines since he answered the phone. I caught Owen staring at me from beneath my lashes and raised my head to meet his eyes.

“Can’t you tell him to come back tomorrow?”

I raised my eyebrows in question. Who the hell was thehimOwen was referring to?

“Fine, we’ll be there in twenty minutes.”

I glanced down at my outfit. I wasn’t going anywhere looking like this. I didn’t even have a bra on, so I wasn’t sure who thisweOwen was talking about.

“We have to go to the office. Dennis showed up demanding to speak to you.”

I momentarily faltered.

I couldn’t believe Dennis showed up already. I thought for sure he would play some mental warfare just to screw with me.

“He’s there now?”

Owen nodded his head but it was obvious he wasn’t happy to admit that.

“And Maverick wants us to go there and speak to him?”

Another unhappy nod.

I blew out an audible breath. “I guess I better go put something else on.”

Owen followed me into our bedroom and sat on the bed while I riffled through the closet. It didn’t take him long to clear out a good section for me. Even though we had yet to talk about it, I doubted I would be moving into that sublet when it became available. It seemed silly to pay for another place when I would be spending all my time with him here anyway.

“I wish Dennis hadn’t chosen tonight to show up. I know this morning I was in favor of getting this over with, but I’m pissed he’s ruining the good mood I had you in.”

I grabbed a pair of jean shorts and a shirt. Scooping up a bra and a pair of panties, I brought my loot out and dropped it onto the bed next to where Owen sat. Stepping between his legs, I wrapped my arms around his neck and played with his hair.

“I know it’s not ideal, but it just means that when we get back home, you can do it all over again.”

My statement got the desired effect. With his head resting on my stomach, Owen chuckled. “I guess that’s one way of looking at it.”

“It’s the only way. Now let me get ready so we can get this over with. I have no desire to spend more time with Dennis than absolutely necessary.”

Exactly twenty minutesafter Owen got off the phone with Maverick, we were pulling in front of the Willow Creek Security building.

After several reassurances that I was okay with meeting up with my stepbrother, I rushed through getting ready. I didn’t care to impress Dennis, I already knew what he would say regarding my outfit. According to him and his mother, a woman of my stature was supposed to dress the part every minute of the day.

“Wait for me to open the door for you.”

I’m not sure what Owen expected to happen in front of our place of employment but I did as he asked. It was a simple enough request and not worth the argument. Owen rushed around the front of the SUV and had my door open seconds later. He helped me out of the seat and didn’t drop my hand as we walked in together.