Page 21 of Gentle Fox

"Yup. They can see out here but the people waiting can't see what they’re doing back there."

That son of a bitch. I would bet my inheritance Owen was watching me this whole time. And here I was thinking he came in and ignored me.

I mean, I didn't need his attention but it was nice to know he didn't just drop me like a damn hot potato.

"Nope, they conveniently forgot to mention that." All thoughts of how my complaining sounded flew out the window.

Kati plopped her ass on the corner of my desk and the two of us stared at our reflections.

"I'm not surprised. In Maverick's defense, he was probably busy showing you the ropes. I can't say the same for the rest of the guys. Who came out and introduced themselves already?"

I turned back to the computer because staring at myself was just too weird. Maybe the guys had a reason to put the glass in, but it freaked me out. I didn't need to look at myself constantly throughout the day.

"Nolen. I met Lex yesterday when we were on our way here. Otherwise no one else has bothered to show their face."

Kati whistled. "I'm shocked Nolen didn't pass the information along. He's usually the nicest one out of the bunch. Now Hendrix I could see not telling you. That man lives to cause trouble. What was Lex like? He's the only one of the guys I haven't met yet but Easton tells me he's quiet."

I thought about the man I met yesterday and the brief exchange we had before I dashed to the restroom.

"Quiet is a good description. He didn't say more than two words to me when I met him and he never cracked a smile. Honestly, I felt like I annoyed him."

"Huh." The center of Kati's forehead dipped into a V. "It's so strange how different these guys are from one another despite having spent so many years together."

I didn't know any of them well enough to give my opinion, so I kept my mouth shut. Before I could think of what else to say,the glass door behind me opened and a strikingly good-looking gentleman emerged and walked straight into Kati's arms.

"Hey, sweetheart. To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Don't sweetheart me." Kati swatted at his arm. "First, I came to meet Annalee, and second, shame on you for not telling her about the mirror."

Easton at least had the decency to look sheepish when he met my gaze. "In my defense, this is the first time I'm meeting her and how was I supposed to know Maverick or Nolen didn't tell her?"

"Because as much as you claim you don't gossip, I know for a fact you guys do."

Easton chuckled and didn't bother to deny Kati's statement. The love between these two was pouring off them and it was making me wish things in my life were going differently. I’d never before felt the urge to settle down, but now that Dennis was making my life difficult, and I couldn't see myself dragging someone into that mess with me, I suddenly wondered what it would be like to find a person who looked at me the way Easton was looking at Kati.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Annalee, but I think that's my cue to get back to work.” Then to Kati, he said, “Do you need me to pick Lucien up from school?"

"No, Lyla is going to grab him. He asked if he could go to her studio and see some of her pieces now that she's famous."

Easton hooked Kati around the middle and dragged her up until their bodies were flush together. I focused all my attention back on my computer to give them some privacy, even though Easton was doing a poor job of keeping his voice down.

My cheeks flamed hot when he mentioned leaving work early so they could make use of the house to themselves.

"Get back to work," Kati giggled, but as soon as Easton was safely back on the other side of the glass, I chanced a look up. Her cheeks were just as red as mine felt.

"I swear that man is incorrigible." She rolled her eyes but it was obvious she didn't mind.

I wondered what it would feel like to have a man want me that badly, but I needed to change the subject and fast.

"So a famous artist, huh?"

Kati settled back on the edge of the desk. "My son thinks she's famous now that she’s had a private art show. Her pieces are being sold at this posh gallery, but if you ask Lyla, she'll tell you it's no big deal. I think she's afraid if she talks about it too much, it will slip away."

"I would love to see some of her work. I'm a huge fan of art. It's the only thing I don't mind spending money on."

My father used to laugh that I was frugal considering how I was raised. I would remind him the money was his and my mother's. I didn't do anything to earn it besides being born their daughter. To him that was enough but I wanted to prove I could care for myself without their help.

Art was my one exception. As a child I used to love when my parents would take me to art galleries and openings. Most children my age thought it was boring but I was fascinated by the artists’ interpretation of things.