Just when Hank thought Lainie was relaxed enough to sleep, she murmured, “Kyle told you, didn’t he?”

“That Celia spilled the beans about my upcoming tryout with the EBS? Yeah.”

“Are you mad?”

His hands stopped kneading. “Why would I be mad? I thought you’d be mad.”

“Why would I be mad? I thought you’d be mad,” she teased. “It’s a great opportunity for you. When it comes to career stuff, I understand why you’d want to keep it under wraps until it’s a done deal. I would’ve done the same thing.”

Hank frowned. “Really?”


“Part of the reason I didn’t tell you is because we’ll still see each other regardless if I’m on the EBS or the CRA circuit.”


When her lack of response lasted longer than he figured it should have, he prompted, “Lainie?”

“Sorry. You’ve definitely worked the kinks out to the point that I’m almost comatose. I think I’ll crash for a little bit. If you’d shut the door on your way out, that’d be great.”

Feeling dismissed, he rolled off the bed and left the room.

Two hours later, Lainie sauntered into the kitchen looking like a million bucks in a green-and-white-checked sundress. She smiled. “Something smells good.”

“Just burgers. You hungry?”

“Starved. But you didn’t have to go to all this trouble for me, Hank.”

“No trouble. To be honest, I like taking care of you for a change.”

Lainie looked away.

Bull’s-eye. Maybe the stubborn woman would get it through her head that he’d like to take care of her all the time. “You want to eat in here or outside?”


After dinner they moved to the porch swing. The night was clear enough to see the explosion of stars above the tree line. A slightly cooler breeze reminded them that they were in the mountains. She shivered and Hank grabbed a fleece blanket from the living room couch.

Then he hauled her onto his lap and tucked it around her.

“This is a beautiful place. Why doesn’t your friend live here full-time?”

“He’s usually on the road. When he has time to get away, he wants to go where no one can find him.”

“And yet you’ve been here before,” she pointed out.

“Me, Devin, Kyle, and the rest of the guys have been buddies most of our lives. Devin’s brought us up here to go huntin’, but we’re sworn to secrecy.” Hank whispered, “And you are now too.”

“Why the cloak-and-dagger business? Is he a secret agent or something?”

“Or something. Ever heard of Devin McClain?”

“The country singer? Yes. My God. I love his music.” She grasped his meaning. “Whoa. This is his place?”


“No wonder it’s so secluded, with every possible amenity. Ooh, just think, I’ll be sleeping in Devin McClain’s bed tonight.”

Hank growled. “Not something I wanna imagine, woman.”

Lainie’s laughter rang out and she lightly elbowed him in the gut. “Sucker.”

For the longest time they rocked together on the swing. Hank could easily imagine spending every night of his life like this, Lainie on his lap, by his side, and in his bed. At times he suspected she might feel the same. But after seeing the dejected look on Kyle’s face as they’d been in the camper earlier, Hank had sworn he wouldn’t address his feelings or their future until the three weeks were up.

When Lainie pressed a warm, sweet kiss to the side of his neck, he had the foolish urge to shout out his love for her, damn the consequences.

She yawned. Again. “You guys wore me out today. How long is the drive tomorrow?”

“Four hours. Kyle will come back and get us pretty early, so maybe we oughta get to bed.”

“Mmm. Where are you bunking? Since I’ll be in Devin’s bed.”

Hank gave her a light head butt. “Come on.”

In the amber glow of the bedside lamp, Hank watched Lainie slip on a skintight white tank top and butt-hugging silver-and-blue boy shorts, which fueled his Dallas Cowboy cheerleader fantasy.

Her eyes narrowed as she climbed into bed beside him. “What’s got you wearing that lewd smirk?”

“Nothin’. But if you say, ‘Rah! Rah!’ even one time, I ain’t gonna be responsible for my actions.” He clicked off the light and lay flat on his back, staring at the ceiling.

Lainie wiggled to get comfy, like she always did. But instead of moving away, like she always did, she scooted next to him. Right next to him. Heck, she practically crawled on top of him. “Cold?”

“No. I just feel like snuggling with you tonight. Is that okay?”

I love it. I love you. “Yep.” He tucked the top of her head under his chin and pulled her closer yet, hoping his actions spoke louder than the words stuck in his throat.

Chapter Twenty

The roar of the crowd was infectious.

Lainie watched two little girls, who were awestruck at the lineup of rodeo queens and dazzled by the rhinestone belts, tiaras, chaps sporting metallic fringe, and big satin sashes.

Hank had scored her a good seat above the bucking chutes. She found herself peering at the contestant area, hoping for a glimpse of him. Without a pair of binoculars it was impossible to discern one cowboy from another. Hank was probably in the back with the livestock, checking out the bull situation anyway.