“Lainie, darlin’, are you muttering to yourself or talking to me?” Hank asked sleepily.

“Muttering to you. Where are we stopping in Miles City?”

“There’s a parking lot across from the rodeo grounds. The contestants’ area doesn’t open until eight.”

“That’s in four hours.”

“Plenty of time for what we’ve got in mind.” Hank turned and slapped Kyle’s thigh. “Rise and shine.”

Kyle grunted.

Lainie ignored his what we’ve got in mind comment and focused on driving.

But Hank wouldn’t let her ignore him. The man was hell-bent on distracting her. He used his rough-tipped forefinger to trace the bones on the back of her hand. “Why’re you white-knuckling the steering wheel? Did the drive make you nervous?”

She shook her head even as her heart raced.

Hank stretched his arm across the back of the seat and stroked the side of Lainie’s neck.

Kyle moved behind her in the backseat, twining her hair around his fingers. “What’re you trying so hard not to think about, sugar?”

“Right now I’m only thinking about driving.” Liar, liar.

“So, you’re not thinking about my hands on your tits, while Hank fingers your clit?”

A wave of desire swamped her and she forced her gaze to stay on the white lines on the road.

“You’re not thinking about how much you’d like us to both have our mouths on your ni**les?” Hank’s finger drifted from the base of her neck down her chest. His big hand squeezed her breast and his palm rubbed her nipple outside the lacy cup of her bra. “I think Lainie needs a little reminder, Kyle.”

“I do believe you’re right, Hank.” Kyle mimicked Hank’s position on her left side. Holding the weight of her breast in his hand. “I can’t wait to get my mouth on you.”


“Hush. I’d suck just long enough to make you squirm. Then I’d use my teeth and give you that tiny bit of pain to drive you wild.”

“Not me,” Hank countered. “I’d suck softly. Swirling my tongue around the tip. Blowing on the wetness to see you shiver. Teasing you until I heard the whimper you make when you need to come.”

Her sex softened and heated.

“I’d kiss down the smooth skin of your belly. Stop to flick my tongue across every indent between the bones of your rib cage.”

“I’d move up. Focusing on this sweet section of skin.” Hank’s thumb swept lazily over the pulse point in her throat. “See how it jumps for the attention of my mouth?”

Lainie choked out, “You guys trying to get me to wreck the damn truck?”

Confident male chuckles.

“No. We’re just refreshing your memory,” Kyle murmured silkily.

“Not that you’re thinking about getting nekkid with both of us or anything,” Hank said in her other ear. “You’re just driving, remember?’

Good Lord. Even their voices got her hot. These men knew exactly how to rev her up. Hands caressed her. Breath teased her. The sexual tension in the truck cab was so thick it prickled across her skin.

“Cat got your tongue?” Kyle asked.

“Maybe Lainie needs a reminder of all the things we can do with our tongues.”


Hank whispered, “No. We want you so ready for us that the crotch of your jeans is soaked clear through. Mmm. I’m getting a whiff of that sweet cream, Kyle. How about you?”

Lainie clenched her thighs together. Ha! Like that would hide her arousal. Heck, it only drew the muscles up tighter and made the ache sharper.

“Now that you mention it, Hank, I am detecting a hint of her hot juices.” Kyle toyed with her hair; his coarse fingertips scraped her ear as if he were fingering her clit.

Hank said, “Exit here.”

Miles City was dead at four a.m. The way to the rodeo grounds was clearly marked with signs—lucky for her, since her concentration was shit. Somehow she continued to hold on to the steering wheel, follow Hank’s directions, and get the truck parked in the back of the lot.

She killed the ignition. The engine clicked and popped as it started to cool. No one moved. No one spoke.

Finally Hank climbed out his side. He rounded the front end and opened Lainie’s door. “We seem to have lost our momentum, darlin’. Lemme see if I can get it back.” Hank didn’t just kiss her; he inhaled her. Turning her sideways on the seat, tugging her closer until she had to hold on to his shoulders or she’d pitch forward onto the concrete.

Not that falling on top of Hank was a hardship.

When his hands clamped onto her butt cheeks, urging her against his body, she circled her thighs around his hips. Hank never broke stride, never faltered a step as he carried her inside the camper.

Once Lainie was on her feet again, Kyle crowded her into the bedroom. Her calves hit the edge of the mattress and she had to grip his biceps to stop from toppling backward.

Not that squeezing Kyle’s muscular arms was a hardship.


By the time she’d gotten naked, Kyle was already in the middle of the bed wearing a come-and-get-it grin, a bright green condom, and nothing else. When he crooked his finger at her, she pounced on him.

Hank chuckled behind them.

Kyle yanked the ponytail holder free and his hands were in her hair, using pressure on her scalp to keep their frantic mouths fused.