“I might meander over there and see what’s what.”

“Good enough. I appreciate your time and I’ll be in touch about that other matter.”

Renner ambled off and Hank stared after him with an odd look.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothin’. It’s strange how things come full circle.”

She frowned. “That’s cryptic.”

Hank refocused on her. “Not when you consider my mom and dad bought the Harkings’ acreage from Rona after Bill died.”

“So it’s part of the Lawson ranch now?”

“It was. We had it a year and then our parents died. We couldn’t make the payments so we sold it to a buyer out of Montana. It’s changed hands a couple of times since then. People claim it’s bad-luck land. So I ain’t surprised he’s curious about his grandpa dying there.” He blinked and the shadows in his eyes vanished. “Anyway, far as I’m concerned, we’re done here.”

They exited out the back entrance and the sun scorched Lainie’s eyes. She slipped on her shades. “If you’re checking bulls, I’ll wander around.”

“You want to meet at the camper later?”

His tone was sexy enough to send a shiver of longing through her despite the heat. “I promised Kyle my free time today.”

“But, Lainie—”

“I didn’t make the rules, Hank, but I’m abiding by them. I’ll see you later.” She whirled around in the opposite direction.

On impulse, Lainie ordered an icy cold draft of Moose Drool beer. She detoured to a secluded shady spot and took out her cell phone.

“How’s the luckiest woman in the world?” Tanna asked in her Texas twang.

“Great. Can you hear me enjoying my tasty beer?”

“Drinkin’ and whorin’ in the afternoon? Dude. I could totally hate you.”

Lainie laughed. “It’s bizarre. I cannot remember the last time I sucked down a cold one in the middle of the day.”

“That said . . . I’ll bet you’re getting used to sucking down lots of things during all times of the day and night, huh?”

She choked on her beer. “Jesus, Tanna, warn me next time.”

“Now, where’s the fun in that? How’s it goin’ with your men, sugar?”


“Just okay? How many times you been the filling in a hot and hard manwich?”

“Define filling.” There. That should get the conversation going.

Pause. “Now, see, it’s a good thing I know you so well, or I wouldn’t recognize your sly way of asking me for advice. So what’s the problem?”

“This is gonna sound so . . .” Slutty? Whorish? Nah. Lainie was just . . . impatient. And that was damned embarrassing to admit.

“Come on, girlfriend. I know those camper walls are rockin’, so it ain’t like you’re gonna shock me with your kinky tales of ménage à trois.”

“When we stopped at Hank’s house in Muddy Gap it was easier to explain that I was just with him. I ended up spending the night in his bed. But Kyle demanded equal ‘alone’ time with me at the next opportunity. So tonight it’s just me and Kyle.”

“I don’t see how that’s a problem. Unless . . . you’ve gotten used to bein’ with both of them at the same time and you prefer a threesome scene to one on one?”

“No, this goes back to your filling comment.” Lainie took another drink of beer. “We’ve done variations on all of us being together, but not what I expected, where they’re both . . .”

Silence. Then, “Ah. The old double-penetration threesome.”

Lord. Her face heated. How could she do it if she couldn’t even say it?

“That’s what you want?” Tanna asked carefully.

“Yes. Wouldn’t you? I mean, didn’t you?”

“Uh-huh. But maybe they’re leading up to it. It does take a bit of choreographing and some preparation, if you get my drift. And, sugar, it’s only been four nights, right?”

Is that all? Then why was she so antsy? “Right.”

“What happened last night with all three of you?”

Lainie drooped against the tree trunk. “I got pissed off about how Hank and Kyle treated Hank’s sister, Celia—the barrel racer I sent you the video about? They spouted off nasty things to her. In front of me and some other people.”

“And you always stick up for the underdog,” Tanna muttered.

“Yes. Anyway, I locked myself in the back bedroom and made them share the upper bunk, so nothing happened. But Hank is pissy. Tonight after the rodeo, while he’s driving to Billings, Kyle and I will be alone together in the camper.”

Tanna sighed. “Look, Hank needs to get over it. Not your job to soothe his ruffled feathers, Lainie. He had his solo shot with you. It’s only fair to give Kyle the same.”

“You make it sound so easy.”

“Sugar, this situation might be fun as all get out, but I never said it was gonna be easy.”

“Great.” She closed her eyes.

“As far as the threesome biz, tell them what you want.”

“I should demand they give me double-rider special?”

A deep, throaty laugh. “Put it that way and I guarantee it’ll happen before you can blink.”

“Thanks, T. You’re the best.” Lainie shut her phone. When she opened her eyes, Kyle stood four feet away. Her stomach cartwheeled. Sometimes she forgot how sinfully hot he was, with that ripped body and chiseled face. Oh, have mercy—he was giving her the look that usually sent her clothes flying. “Um. Hi.”