He shortened his strokes, keeping constant pressure on the slippery nub he could almost feel pulsing beneath his shaft.

Lainie’s thighs trembled and she broke the kiss. “Kyle. Oh. Don’t stop.”

“Shh. Baby, I won’t. Give it to me. Let me see you come.”

Her beautiful neck bowed and she moaned as her orgasm hit. Biting her lip. Nipples stabbing into his chest. Her skin flushing a pale rose.

Watching her come proved to be his undoing. Kyle propelled his hips faster, letting the underside of his c**k head graze across the hard bone of her mound.

Yes. Balls tight. Ass cheeks tight, stomach muscles tight. Almost. Almost. “Yes. Oh, sweet Jesus. Lainie.”

He rammed one last time, resting his c**k on her belly as spurt after spurt shot out on her warm, soft skin.

Everything went fuzzy for a second. Then Kyle pushed up on his palms and looked at her. She wore a catlike grin. “What?”

“You did follow through on your promise to make me come fast.”

“Ditto.” He licked at her lips, placed soft smooches on the corners of her smile, and dipped his tongue into her mouth for a flirty kiss that left them both wanting more.

“Kyle. I have to—”

“I know. But I can’t get enough. I love the way you taste.” He nibbled on the baby-soft section of skin at the base of her throat. “The way you smell.” Kyle brushed his nose over the sweat-dampened hair at her temple. “The way you feel under me. On me. Around me.”

“The way I feel at this moment is sticky. Get off me so I can get cleaned up.”

One last smooch to her chin and he flopped over on his back. His gaze sought the seed he’d left on her belly. Might make him a Neanderthal, but damn, did he love seeing his mark on her.

Then it was gone. Lainie swiped it away with a tissue. She was zipped and buttoned in no time flat.

She gave him a once-over and tossed him his briefs. “Where are the rest of your clothes?”

“In the washer. They’re probably done by now.”

“Want me to throw them in the dryer on my way upstairs?”

Lainie’s thoughtfulness, even for the smallest things, always moved him. “If it’s no trouble.”

“No trouble. See you.” She headed for the door.

“Lainie. Wait.”

She whirled around.

“If Hank asks where you’ve been . . . will you tell him what just happened?”

Indecision warred in her eyes, but she nodded. “The reverse would be true too, Kyle. Anything you want to know about what happens between me and Hank, just ask. It’s only fair.”

The door closed behind her.

Chapter Ten

Turned out it wasn’t Hank that Lainie should’ve been worried about.

She’d just tossed Kyle’s clothes in the dryer when a voice spoke behind her. “Lucky Kyle. You’ll do him and his laundry?”

Lainie threw in two fabric-softener sheets and started the machine before she turned around.

Holy crap—Celia was pissed. Arms folded over her chest. Slim body vibrating with anger. Mouth set in a grim line. Eyes hard and mean.

“It’s not what you think,” Lainie said evenly.

“Oh, it’s exactly what I think. I heard you moaning Kyle’s name. Same for Kyle gasping your name in praise.”

Lainie’s face heated. Not out of guilt. Celia’s eavesdropping on a private moment irked her.

“What kind of woman is all lovey-dovey with my brother one second, and not an hour later she’s f**king his friend?”

“I won’t answer that, Celia.”

“Why not?” she demanded.

Because it’s none of your business. “Because it’s complicated.”

“Maybe when I talk to Hank it’ll uncomplicate things for you.”

Equally belligerent, Lainie pointed to the door. “Go ahead. If you bring it up with Hank, don’t do it in front of his friends.”

“Why not?”

“Because Hank doesn’t deserve to be embarrassed. Especially not by his hotheaded sister, who doesn’t have a freakin’ clue about what’s really going on.”

Worry crept into Celia’s steely eyes. “That’s why I’m asking you, Lainie. What’s goin’ on?”

Lainie yanked the ponytail holder out of her hair. The damn thing was giving her a headache. Right. It was the elastic’s fault her head pounded. Not this sneaking around and lying shit. “Look, Celia, no offense, but I don’t know you or if you can keep a secret.”

“Believe it or not, I’m good at keeping secrets.” Celia snapped, “I’m good at recognizing a bullshit excuse too.”

“The truth is, I’m with both of them.”

“With both of them . . . As in sleeping with both of them?”

She nodded.

Celia’s mouth nearly hit the laundry room floor. “Holy crap. For real? And Hank and Kyle are okay with it?”

“No.” Lainie smiled ruefully. She summarized the situation and finished with, “For obvious reasons Hank didn’t want to share the truth with you and Abe.”

“God. It never even crossed my mind that a hinky thing could be goin’ on between the three of you.” A bewildered look darkened her eyes. “Kyle and Hank aren’t . . . together? And you’re just along as their beard?”

“No. God, no.” Where in the hell had Celia picked up that term?