Because you’re not usually among people in their element; you’re stuck inside, missing out on real life.

Activity was minimal inside the arena this time of day. The livestock entrance gate was open at the back of the building. She ducked in, skirting the loading ramps. The familiar odors of manure, dirt, and hot air hit her, but didn’t offer the comfort they usually did.

The concession stands were empty. Cleaning crews mopped the cement floors and cleaned the bathrooms, nattering back and forth in Spanish. For them this was just another day getting ready for the crowds. For Lainie it felt like a new beginning.

She rapped twice on the door of the medical room. Doc motioned her in as he finished a conversation on the phone.

“No, that’s not what we agreed to. Fine. Send it to corporate. Mark it ‘Attention Jackie.’ She’ll straighten it out.” He hung up and sighed. “Remember the good ol’ days, when running a sports medicine team meant I could actually practice medicine?”

“Umm, no. During my tenure the motto’s been: ‘We’re building a family brand as strong as cowboys who depend on us.’ ”

“Smart aleck.” But he said it with a soft smile. “Did you ask for this meeting because you intend on chewing my butt?”


His gaze pierced her. “You talked to your mother.”

Not a question. “Yes. I won’t bore you with the details, except to say I won’t be flying to Cali for my vacation.” Lainie smiled tightly. “However, you are right. I need time off. I’ll take it and come back in three weeks ready to take on whatever you throw my way.”

“Okay,” he said slowly, drawing it out to about four syllables. “What’s the catch?”

“No catch. I just want to know who’s on staff tonight.”

“Marty. Shorty. Me. You. Why?”

“If you’ve got it covered, I’d like to leave right now.”

“You’re really on board with this vacation, Lainie?”

She shrugged. “I understand why you did it. I don’t agree with Sharlene’s railroading you into it. However, I wouldn’t have done it on my own. So I’ll admit I’m looking forward to time off.”

“Lie down. I need to check you for a head injury.”

“Funny, Doc. I’m fine.”

He measured her with his gaze. “You know, you do look better than I’ve seen you in months. I won’t ask what brought it on. I’m just happy that something did.”

Thank God Doc hadn’t demanded specifics.

“Have a great vacation, and I won’t be calling you unless it’s an absolute emergency.” His phone rang again and she sneaked out.

As she debated on calling Hank or Kyle or texting them, she heard, “Lainie?”

She wheeled around. Lo and behold, Hank was there. “Hey, I was looking for you. I didn’t think you’d be here,” she said.

“Sponsors wanted to meet. I just go where they tell me.” He jerked his chin toward the medical room. “Everything all right?”

“Everything is fine. I had to tell Doc I wouldn’t be around for tonight’s performance.”

Hank’s face fell. “What? Lainie, I thought we’d—”

She briefly put her finger to her lips and towed him down the secluded hallway. “I’m not backing out. I need to take care of a few things before I’m gone that long. I thought if I had a head start, I’d be ready to be picked up at my place in Colorado Springs tonight.”

“That’ll work. We’re driving straight through to Muddy Gap. I have a few things to help Abe with on the ranch before I’m gone for that long too.”

“See? This will save us time.”

Hank crowded her against the wall. “I want to kiss you. Right now. Makes me a selfish bastard, because I don’t care if Doc sees or if the cleaning crew sees. I don’t give a flying f**k if the whole blasted arena is watching, Lainie. This is about you and me. About what we bring to each other when we’re alone.”

His mouth descended and she was lost.

Velvety soft lips brushing hers. Crushing hers. His tongue stroked and teased. Coaxing. Devouring. He repositioned his head, taking the kiss down to the depths of her soul.

Ignoring the undertone of possession, Lainie wallowed in the intensity of his kiss. Of his power. Confidence. Lust.

Yet Hank didn’t touch her. He kept one forearm braced above her head. His palm lay flat by her shoulder. But she felt as if they were both naked as he drew her into a cozy world where nothing existed but him. And her.

And Kyle, her conscience prodded.


When she broke the kiss and looked in Hank’s eyes—that bottomless blue, deep and dark enough to fall into—she wondered if she could handle this competitive side of him. Or Kyle.

Was Hank pulling out all the stops because he wanted her more than any other woman? Or did he just want to be the victor over Kyle?

Did Kyle feel the same way? Was she truly a prize in their eyes? Or just a game to be won?

He traced the line of her jawbone. “So serious.”

“That was a serious kiss.”

“A reminder I’m not taking anything that happens between us now, or what happened between us in the past, for granted. Or as a given because you were with me first.”

“Are we supposed to tell Kyle everything that happens between us?”

“It was just a kiss, darlin’.”