He met it and shrugged, muttering, “Apparently, he’s happy for us.” He grunted, eyes closing again as he tilted his head back on the chair. “Too bad we aren’t.”

I snorted, letting my head fall back on the couch. “Understatement.” I stared at the Elders who were still wearing blank expressions where they stood at my bar, making themselves at home as they fixed overly large drinks — a few made two drinks. My head cocked as I watched them…and I could have sworn they had a bit more bounce to their actions. “They’re celebrating!” Bewildered, I gawked. “They’re f**king celebrating this!”

Antonio lifted his drink to me in silent cheers, which was odd with his blank expression, but sure as f**k, he then toasted with the other three Elders before they took large swigs of their drinks.

King Zeller had cracked one eye open, watching them, and he grunted. “I might be too if I were them.” His eyes closed as he groused, “Seriously, I need that f**king bottle.”

I stared at King Zeller, shaking my head. “Do you really think a drink will fix this?”

His eyebrows lifted even with his eyes closed. “So says the woman who downed half a bottle of wine not even an hour ago?”

I scowled, not really able to comment since I was very much guilty of that.

His eyes snapped to me, his expression turning serious. “The other King and Queen need to see that first video.” A pause. “And possibly the second one, if we can edit out that last bit of us.”

I nodded once, attempting to be civil with him since he was making the effort. “Antonio can do that easily enough.” Resting my head back on the couch, I eyed King Zeller, still unable to process that the man on those videos had been him at one time…with me. “Do you know who’s able to perform a spell like this on us and them?” I tilted my head toward the celebrating Elders. “I’ve asked Antonio plenty of times, but he could never speak of it.” I knew the Law inside and out, but heaven help me if I knew who actually performed the punishments.

King Zeller’s eyes were tracking over my features as mine were his, but he still answered evenly, “Honestly, I have no clue. That is usually kept private for the Mysticals’ safety.” He ran his hand up and down Isa’s back soothingly, the action appearing second nature.

My lips thinned as I realized he already loved her, which I knew I should be thrilled about, but in a way I was jealous. Jealous that she had another parent now who was going to get half of her attention, half of her love. It was selfish, I knew that, but the emotion — another damn emotion — was there nonetheless.

His eyebrow lifted as he watched me, silently questioning whatever he was seeing on my face, but he didn’t verbalize his questions, continuing with our current conversation. “It’s definitely a Mage, that much is obvious. And one more powerful than Elder Farrar.”

I tapped my fingers on my legs, pushing aside the unwanted emotions coursing through me that were trying to derail my focus. “The individual’s older then. They would have to be because Antonio’s crazy powerful.”

“Thank you,” Antonio chirped from across the room, tilting his head at me as he poured himself another drink.

I did roll my eyes at him before turning my attention back to King Zeller. “What Elders are still alive, Mage-wise, that have that kind of power?”

King Zeller’s jaw clenched and unclenched, his eyebrows furrowing. “There are plenty older than Elder Farrar, but there are only a few still living that have been known throughout history to do remarkable things. That doesn’t mean we should rule out the others. I could put a list together, starting with the Mages with the most recognizable powers, and we could work our way from there.”

I stared. I couldn’t help it. He was being very amenable, extremely helpful. Slowly, my eyes started to narrow, because I wasn’t the naive woman we had watched earlier on the screen. “And what would you want in return for this?” Nothing was ever free in life, especially someone’s knowledge.

Gradually, his lips lifted into that cruel smile I was used to. “No arguments from you when I spend time with Isa.”

Ah, point blank, he wanted me complacent to him being her father.

My jaw clenched because I sure as hell wasn’t complacent where my daughter was concerned. “Wouldn’t you help just to know who did this to us?” I eyed him hard. “Open the option to possibly getting your memories back?” Possibly by force, if needed.

He returned my regard. “Honestly…I’m currently undecided. I really don’t know if I want them back.” No flinching, only brutal honesty. “We did this to ourselves. We broke the Law. It was no one else’s fault but our own.” His chilling gaze touched each part of my face. “You were obviously a weakness to me, and I became reckless while I was with you.” Green eyes stopped roaming my features to meet my gaze straight on. “So no, I’m not positive I want to remember you, or our time together.”

Golden light erupted across the room, glass shattering.

My attention snapped in that direction, and I quickly held up a hand at what I saw. “Antonio, no!”

Antonio’s expression was no longer blank, all the bottles of liquor at my bar having exploded. He wore the wrath of impending death on his features, King Zeller’s death, his exposed skin glowing dimly as he scowled across the room.

“Don’t go all daddy protective on me now.” Keeping my gaze firmly on Antonio, I jabbed a finger at King Zeller. “I don’t disagree with him. I feel the same way.” I amended, “But I absolutely want the option to have my memories back if I eventually choose to have them.” I waved a finger at the mess he had made at my bar, going for distraction. “Now, clean that up, since I think it’s time for you four to leave.” All four stared at me, Antonio slowly gaining control of himself. “You four don’t need to be here for this conversation and you’re only a disruption right now.”

I could tell none of them wanted to leave, but after Antonio waved a glowing hand and everything at my bar was back to normal — enough full bottles of liquor to drown anyone’s worries — they began filing out of my tent.

Quickly, remembering I had something I needed to say which couldn’t wait, I said, “Antonio, can you wait outside for a few minutes? I’d like to talk with you once we’re done in here.”