My lips pinched. “Of course I can.”

He lifted an eyebrow, his eyes still as dead as mine, but intense in their assessment.

Challenge given.

Rolling my shoulders, I placed a hand on the arm of the couch and pushed so I was standing. I blinked, staying on my feet this time, but I muttered, “Well, shit.”

His head cocked. “What?”

I pointed to the left and right about an inch apart. “There are two of you now.”

Again, his lips slowly lifted into that lonely, tiny smile. “May I ask you something…Red?”

I swayed, placing a bracing hand back on the couch. “You may ask.” Answering was optional.

He rubbed his chin, staring at me with that tortured gaze. “What put that look in your eyes?”

My eyes narrowed. “This is why I don’t make friends.” They wanted to share and shit. “I could ask you the same thing, but I’m not, so why go and ruin the mood?” When he only stayed silent, watching, waiting for my answer, my nostrils flared in irritation…but I enjoyed the fact I actually felt irritation. Though not anger or agony, the feeling was enough to placate me, as was he, since he had been the gateway to it through his drugs. I sat on the arm of the couch, sighing heavily, and told the truth, “What you see in my eyes is simply life staring you in the face.”

He went mute, staring at me with an unreadable expression.

I lifted my eyebrows at his silent countenance. “You asked. I answered.” I shrugged, staring at him pointedly. “And please, take notice how I’m not asking in kind. I’m not into group hugs and crying sessions.”

“Neither am I.” He studied me, rubbing his chin again. “May I ask you something else?”

“Is it another personal question?”

His lips lifted, bitty smile showing. “Yes, but not in the way you’re thinking.”

I shrugged. “You may ask.” Again, answering was optional.

Green eyes met mine straight on. “Would you like to stay the night with me?”

I blinked, my eyebrows rising. “I don’t even know your name.”

His gaze roamed down my frame. “Nice try, but until you tell me yours, I don’t believe I’ll tell you mine.” His head tilted toward the bed. “Would you care to?”

Feeling — actually feeling — halfway normal, I let my eyes wander over his impressive frame. I hadn’t had sex in a very long time, my last bed partner…well, I guess I couldn’t actually remember who my last bed partner was. But before that, it had been Finn at King Cave. Honestly, sex hadn’t even entered my mind. Not that I hadn’t had offers from kiss-asses, but I had only ever felt ice water in my veins — I wasn’t the least bit interested, just wanting everyone to stay the f**k back. And now, with drugs and alcohol coursing through my system, I was relaxed in a hazy, tranquil mist.

And what I saw was enticing. “Sex between the damned?” I didn’t even need to see his stash of drugs, his eyes voicing loudly I was in like company. “Would it even be enjoyable?”

He hummed quietly. “There’s only one way to find out.” Sinuously, his thermal shirt came off.

And yeah, I stared at his striking muscles that rippled with the motion and set as he lowered his arms, hardening, revealing a God-worthy body. My eyes roamed over all of that smooth, mocha skin on display, only gradually lowering to stare at the eightpack he had, a thin line of black hair starting below his freaking-perfect belly button, disappearing under the waistband of his black army cargos. Gradually, my gaze lifted back to his wide lips. They were…yummy.


“Thank you for the offer, but I don’t believe so.” There weren’t a whole lot of things I would ‘like’ to do, and sex wasn’t even on that short list. “But, I would love to lie down on your,” my finger waggled at the bed that was calling my name, “bed for a bit, if you wouldn’t mind.” A wee bit of shut-eye would be needed before I was capable of sneaking out of here.

A slow blink. “You would rather…sleep?”

I wobbled on the couch, enjoying watching him try to hide his surprise. “Yes.” Another finger waggle at the bed. “Would that be all right with you?”

Another blink, then he nodded once. “That would be fine, but don’t even think about getting into my bed with your dirty shoes on.”

A glance at my boots proved they were indeed dirty, along with the bottom of my coat, both carrying bits of dirt and grass. “I won’t.” I stood on shaky legs, attempting to undo the buttons on my coat as I moved past his table to his bed. “Thank you.”

He grunted, ignoring me as he pulled his cell phone from his pocket, texting.

The room tilted a little, which was nifty to watch, but it didn’t help my equilibrium. I placed a hand on his bed for support until I got my balance back, but I ended up crawling onto it, the action seeming safer than continuing to stand. Mechanically, I began undressing, placing my coat on the end of the bed and dropping my boots over the edge to the floor, attempting to keep the bed clean as he had asked. I debated for all of a second before I started taking off the guns and knives strapped to my body, then when I yanked at the black down comforter and felt how smooth and soft his blanket and sheets were I got rid of my pants and shirt, looking forward to snuggling down in the softness. When I was finally down to my gloves, bra, underwear, and socks, I heard him make a noise in his throat.

I hadn’t chanced glancing at him yet, just trying to stay vertical long enough to get horizontal, but his noise sounded odd enough that I glanced his way. “What is it?”

He wore a peculiar expression, which I could tell he was trying to hide, but eventually I saw his eyes dip to my br**sts and h*ps and feet, then to my stash of weapons on the bed. “I wouldn’t expect someone who wore pink dancing bears on her lingerie and purple fuzzy socks that,” he stared at my feet, “hugged each of your tiny toes like a glove to have,” his eyes went to my weapons, “three guns and five knives.” His eyes met mine…and I stilled at the look of satisfied calculation there.

And that’s when I saw a flash of something silver in his hand and he…blurred.

Ah, shit.

I pushed back on the bed with my hands and feet, too f**king wasted for this, attempting to get to my weapons. Wrong. I had been f**king wrong on many levels with this ass**le. First, he was a f**king Vampire, not a Shifter. And second, he had got me stoned and drunk to take me down easier. This whole damn thing had been planned perfectly on his part.