His ass flexed under that soft leather, and I blinked, hardly noticing the file in my lap fall to the ground as my fingers went numb. I sucked in a harsh breath as heat swamped me, and squeezed my eyes shut. Gave my head a decent shake. This was really not the time.

Yeah…didn’t stop me from opening my eyes again to the ass I wanted to sink my teeth in to.

King Zeller’s voice skimmed across my nerve endings like heated silk. “Queen Ruckler?”

“Present.” And his ass was like a present, all gift-wrapped in buttery leather.

He chuckled quietly, all rumbly and cocky as hell, but I didn’t care about his tone when his action caused his ass to visibly flex again.

A hard thump on my forehead had me snapping my attention to Elder Merrick. “What the hell?” I rubbed my forehead, since he hadn’t hit me softly.

He thumped me again, eliciting a growl from me. “Control and discretion goes for you, too, Queen Ruckler.”

My lips pursed when I exercised my normally well-honed self-control to not gaze at the first-rate ass of God’s across the room, since I could see from the corner of my eye he hadn’t moved, his perfectly spiked red and black head of hair turned, green eyes peering over his shoulder at us. “Fuck off, Merrick.” And I firmly ignored how my cheeks flushed in mortification, having been caught acting like a…girl…drooling over a hot man.

And really, it was my first time seeing his ass, so ogling couldn’t be helped.

When Elder Merrick only continued staring at me, all alpha, I mumbled, “Won’t happen again.”

His lips pursed before he sighed. “I’d like to believe that, but—” He gurgled. Stopped. Waved a hand and muttered, “Never mind. Just watch yourself.” His attention turned to Ezra. “And you,” his eyes narrowed, voice turning growly, “don’t ever pull that shit with a Shifter again or you’ll have me to deal with.”

Still from the corner of my eye, I saw Ezra pivot and pull a file off a shelf. He sat at the conference table opposite me, stating, “If this is what you two were discussing before I arrived, Queen Ruckler’s correct. It’s been handled.” A pause, his voice flat. “And don’t threaten me.”

Ignoring their little battle of alpha dominance, I lowered my legs to pick up the file on the ground. And almost dropped it when my hand started shaking again. Quickly, I altered the file to my other hand, fisting the involuntarily trembling one before shaking it out, my muscles tight. And paused before sitting back up, seeing Elder Jacobs, who was sitting on the chair on the other side of me, watching the action. Slowly, his eyes rose to meet mine, and one yellow eyebrow cocked.

Lips pursed, I sat up, kicked my boots back onto the table, and ignored him. “King Zeller, I wanted to talk with you about how heavy your ranks are with Vampires.”

Ezra grunted.


“I’m going to want to change that.” No point in beating around the bush.

His green eyes lifted from his file, meeting mine. “We haven’t lost a battle or mission yet.”

True. “But your casualties could have been less with a more unified structure of multiple factions leading the forces.”

He further relaxed onto his chair. “Are you telling me your previous camp didn’t have more Shifter Commanders than any other faction?”

I could tell by the challenge in his eyes he knew the answer already. “My camp had about forty percent Shifter Commanders, which is only fifteen percent off where it should be ideally for a unified four way split between factions, whereas yours has close to sixty percent Vamp Commanders.” I shook my head, eyebrows rising. “You’re limiting yourself, and this camp, by not using the talents of the other factions.”

Green eyes held mine unblinkingly for a long minute. “I’ll think about it.”

I snorted, peering back down to my file. “All right…and while you’re thinking about it…I’ll take care of the details for camp to be made for the five new alpha Shifter Commanders I sent for, all of which will be arriving here around lunchtime.”

A silent minute ensued until I heard Ezra’s Vampire growl quietly, and he asked harshly, “Are you f**king kidding me?”

Well, that answer was easy. “No.” I placed the file I was reading on the table and unzipped my duffle, pulling out the five black files I had inside. “I don’t need your permission to bring Shifters in to the current ranks since we’re to be running this camp together.” I tossed the files over to him and they landed on the table, spreading wide directly in front of him. “But, I thought it prudent to at least inform you of them and give you their data.”

I lifted my eyes to the furious green ones staring at me, speaking steadily, “And I also have concerns about the Elementals and Mages you currently have placed as Commanders. There are two of each I wouldn’t mind transferring and bringing in stronger ones. I’ve found replacements for them in Virginia Beach and Dallas, and the two Elders that run those camps have already agreed to swap them.” I dug out the two gold folders, one green folder, and one blue folder, also tossing those across the table, which were also ignored by the Vampire across from me who was quickly becoming enraged. I pointed at them. “Of course, the Mages and Elementals transfers would also need your approval.”

Ezra’s jaw clenched and his nostrils flared wide.

He stared, fairly vibrating.

Stared a bit more in the growing, tense silence.

I cleared my throat and decided to throw the big bomb at him, which I hadn’t originally thought would be an issue, but now…

Another clearing of my throat. Scratched at my bicep. Tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “I want you to know I picked each of these individuals based purely on power level, experience, and availability a few days ago while my group was staying at the hotel…before I knew of our…relationship.” I cracked my knuckles then flicked a finger at the farthest file. “That one I’ve had a sexual relationship with.” My lips pursed as I flicked my finger at the next black file. “And that one I offered to have a sexual relationship with, but he turned me down for another partner.”

And Lord have mercy, the air felt damn heavy in the room as I zipped my duffle closed and carefully picked up the file I had been previously reading, setting it in my lap. “Let me know if you have any questions and what your decision is on the Elementals and Mages.”