He only shook harder over me, his laughter still silent. “So…you’re grumpy at night-time.”

My wolf growled again. “Only when I’m tired.” My legs wrapped around his, practically of their own accord, greedy for his heat. “So warm…” I yawned again, mumbling, “You’d better go before I make you stay to be a,” another yawn, “warm brick.”

This time I heard his deep chuckle. “A what?”

“Oh, you know,” I wiggled, getting more comfortable, “back in the old days, Coms would put warm bricks at the foot of their bed under the covers to warm up their bed.”

He snorted a few times, his hard chest actually brushing mine with the movement. “Well now, I wouldn’t want to be a brick.”

I grinned sloppily, poorly singing Brick house by the Commodores.

King Zeller shook hard above me and choked, singing with me in a deep baritone.

Lazily, I grinned. “Not bad, King Zeller.”

He was silent for a long moment. “That’s the first time you have said King Zeller where I didn’t get the impression there was something after it.”

I chuckled this time. “I said you were a quick one that first night, and I was right.”

“Do I want to know?”

“Probably not.”

“Well,” a long pause, “I guess that’s a step in the right direction if you’ve stopped.” A shorter pause. “But you can call me Ezra when we’re alone.”

My lips lifted evilly. “And you can still call me Queen Ruckler.” His Vampire growled quietly, and I blinked open blurry eyes to him. “Now who’s the grump?” When he only stayed silent, his forehead still on mine, I sighed and stated, “Fine, you can call me Lily in private if you leave and let me sleep right now. You see, tomorrow I have my first official day here in the land of King Shadow, and I hear the current boss, King Zeller, is a real ruthless Vampire dick to work with, so I need my shut-eye to deal with him.”

“Funny, I heard the same thing about the badass wolf bitch, Queen Ruckler,” King Zeller, Ezra, rumbled quietly.

My lips curled. “I am a badass bitch.”

“And I am a ruthless dick, so we’re both right.” He pressed his lush lips against mine, and I sighed — there was no way to contain it — and joined his caresses, stroking his soft mouth with mine. Our mouths meshed in a gentle tug of war, not a real battle because I was too tired and he didn’t push, but just enough to quickly satisfy before he lifted his head. “Good night, Lily.”

“Good night, Ezra.” I did manage to stop the whimper that wanted to escape as he lifted to untangle himself from my hands and legs, his warmth receding quickly as he moved to Isa’s now sleeping form to stare down at her for a few moments. I yanked my blanket back and waited until he left my bedroom — without a backward glance — to pull my cell phone from my back pocket, happy for the privacy spell on my bedroom, and dialed.

Waiting until the person picked up, I stated, “Felix, I’m going to need you or Aros to watch King Zeller’s tent. I want an update twice a day on the comings and goings of everyone who enters. Be discreet, I don’t want anyone knowing about this. And tomorrow morning, do me a favor and give me a ring the second he sets foot outside his tent.” I hung up at my elite’s confirmation and set my alarm clock. “Hidden — unpermit Ezra Zeller.” I saw a flash of gold, this time inside the tent’s walls, and I smiled as I snuggled into my chilly bed, loving that Antonio hadn’t said all my room was spelled for.

Just because the man was my husband, and we had a few decent moments, it didn’t mean he earned my instant trust, because I was smart enough to know…he was just like me.

Chapter Eight

“He just left in a hurry,” Aros stated over the line the next morning.

“Thank you,” I murmured, and I hung up my cell phone, glancing at John. “Time for you to go. And I might suggest you leave King Shadow as soon as possible.”

He stared at me for all of a heartbeat, then he nodded once, grabbed the pad of paper and pen he had been using, and stood up from the couch, stuffing them in his leather satchel. “I’ll call when I have news.”

“I know,” I stated, pointing at the front flap to my tent. “Seriously, I’m about to have a visitor and you need to leave posthaste.”

His eyes scanned my face. “Do you need me to stay?”

I couldn’t help but grin, the smile stony because he would only escalate matters. “No. Thank you, though.”

He nodded once then maneuvered around where Isa was playing with her toys. “I’ll find her.” He peered back at me. “And then we’ll kill her.”

“Yes, you will, and no, you won’t.”

His grin was feral. “Not at first, anyway.”

“No, not at first.” I nodded to the tent flap. “Go.” A direct order.

And he stalled for a second just to spite me, then he did as told.

“Damn obstinate man,” I muttered, hoping he got away in time.

John Smith had arrived directly before dawn this morning. Having set my alarm clock to wake me early, I had been ready for him. Like I had known he would, he took the job. After spending forty-four minutes and twenty-eight seconds in my front room with me — I had timed it, and had Ezra held out longer than I had initially bet on — John’s mission was set. He was going to track down Elly Belford, a lion Shifter. She was the individual who had romantic ties to Philip Masterson, the leader of the cult responsible for starting MCWWII, and I believed if we found her, we would be that much closer to tracking down Mr Masterson and, pleasantly, be rid of him.

“Hidden — permit Ezra Zeller.” I wasn’t able to see the flash of gold, but I knew it would be there. And I was right on time because not ten seconds later Ezra shoved aside the tent flap just as he was snapping his phone shut, his cheeks flushed in anger and eyes not exactly what I would call cold and dead…more like livid and glimmering, he was so pissed. I waved a hand at him, taking my boots off my coffee table as he shoved the tent flap down, glaring daggers at me. “Good morning, Ezra.” I stood, picking up the two coffee mugs sitting on the coffee table, and brushed past his statue-like form to set them on the bar. “How do you take your coffee?”

And…I was happy that I had decided to go with the non-attack plan, leaving my weapons off, otherwise he might have gotten a silver knife to his gut when he blurred so fast I couldn’t track him. All of sudden I was lying on my back behind the bar with an extremely heavy, enraged Vampire on top of me, luckily out of Isa’s view.