They are more of brothers than best friends.

I can talk to Sebastian later when I get home. The conflicted feeling swirling in my stomach is painful to deal with as I walk just a bit further away for the sake of that strenuous tightness on Silas’ shoulders.

I have thought of scenarios where I would see Silas again. I imagine a heartfelt reunion where he had forgiven me for something that I still don’t know I did wrong, but I would be willing to apologize and make it up to him. There were dreams where our meeting would be explosive, and those tend to become nightmares rather quickly.

I just never thought I would be given a cold shoulder. The fury in his eyes is going to burn the forest, but Silas would never let that happen.

That man is determined, if not stubborn. When someone dictates his actions or a deed is being controlled, Silas will go out of his way to do the exact opposite without any regard to danger.

I laugh under my breath at the memories that I have of him being a rebellious young boy against everything any authoritative figure says.

His parents have had a fair share of his rebellious streak, and I would have thought that they did what other parents would do and send him off to boarding school.

Silas has his qualities, and his parents have different ones. They were patient and kind to him, always willing to research methods to control that simmering anger in him. Doctors say he has too much testosterone, but some would shut that idea down because he would be growing to the size of an elephant.

His parents and I still stay in contact because they are best friends with my parents, and all three of our parents would gather around on weekends as triple dates with each other.

I think it’s adorable that they are still able to be in that honeymoon phase after so many years of being old, married couples.

My future goal is to be like them—age unproblematically to retain their youthfulness.

I breathe in deeply, lifting my head up and smiling at a group of people speaking to each other. Despite my track record of being lazy and sleeping most of the time, I am a perfectionist when it comes to my job, and that means researching potential bosses or at least charming investors into the government branch where they fund my work.

Being a mathematician requires a lot of brainwork, and I need to have money so I can retire before I burn all my brain cells.

With the right incentives and a flattering tongue, the men in the group were hook, line, sinker down a rabbit hole of three million dollars. It takes a bit of finessing but playing with the pride of men deserves a spot in the Olympics.

If one backs down from the deal after they have promised, then it would make them look bad in front of their friends.

Would I say that I’m a bad person for exploiting the vulnerability of fragile masculinity? No, because their ego is just as big as their bank account. They’ll bounce back a week later along with their bank account being filled again from whatever revenue they bring in during work hours.

I have secured three million dollars from these men; it’s time to move on to the food table where they have delicate little bites.

Oh, how I wish a juicy burger would manifest itself in front of me.

I search for the group of three that consists of Silas, Sebastian, and a woman that hangs off of the brown-haired man. Women look at Sebastian with awe and adoration.

The client on his arm is not an exception. The group is off to the side while the woman is chatting with another man who seems to look like her. Maybe he’s her brother, but my eyes aren’t on him.

I can’t tear my gaze from the side of Silas’ profile. He has this magnetic effect that compels me to look, and it’s hard to watch him while I’m all the way on the other side. It isn’t long before he turns to me and his eyes change from amicable to a death glare.

Wow, he’s scary.

He snaps his head away, and Sebastian notices it. Before Sebastian can ask him what is wrong, the woman on his arm says something to him, and he’s nodding his head.

I smile at the adorableness. Sebastian looks around and finds me; his hand raises up and waves. It’s safe to say that he’s going to escort her home along with the woman’s friend or brother. He’s too young to be her father or uncle.

I don’t judge, and I don’t want to make assumptions, so I look away. My eyes fall on Silas again, but his movements are sharp and wound-up tight.

Even looking at him offends him. I can’t do anything right when it comes to Silas.

All of them left the hall presumably to where their car is, but I’m swept into another conversation again. I focus on this night as a challenge to get as many interested parties as possible.

Some of them spark an interest, but none of their selling points makes me want to work for them.

Two hours passed and my tummy is filled with stuffed mushrooms and oysters. I’m not fond of raw food, but a hungry woman is more terrifying than a woman scorned.

I keep feeling eyes on me, but when I look back, no one is there. It’s not a curious type of feeling; it’s more like I’m being watched and slightly hunted when I move across the floor.