Page 58 of Heartless

“Anything. I’ll cover for you anytime. Promise.Shit, Winnie, thank you so much. You’re a literal lifesaver?—”

“Sure,” I agree flatly. “Just go take some medicine or something so you’re better fast. Better yet, go to the urgent care center and get a shot in your ass so you’re betterreal fast.” I can see Cass roll his eyes at me, looking baleful, and I’m glad he hasn’t started what I’m sure is a long list of verbal complaints yet. “Text me the address and everything. Her parents know it’ll be me and not you?”

Reagan assures me she’s gotten everything covered, and promises to send me the address. Which she does, while we’re still on the phone. Finally, amidst another round of apologies, I manage to hang up on her without seeming too rude, before flopping back down on the bed with a groan.

“Don’t look at me like that,” I mutter, my eyes closed.

“How do you know I’m looking at you?” Cass sounds amused, and he plucks my phone out of my fingers a few seconds before I hear the soft sound of it being set down on the nightstand.

“I canfeelit.” Something in me uncurls, relaxing, when Cass pulls me into his embrace and I fit along him perfectly, with his body warm against mine. I really do like him without clothes on. I love seeing the marks I leave on his skin, and being given the opportunity to touch him and make more.

To make him seem likemine.

But the thought makes my stomach twist and I can’t help but remember all the things he’s said to me in the past few days, even as my fingers brush over his arm.

He killed Carissa for me.

He would’ve killed my dad for me.

“Can I ask you something?” I murmur, though I’m not surprised when he doesn’t answer. I barrel onward anyway, having already learned not to take the silence personally. “Have you umm…” I trail off, suddenly unsure if I want the answer to my question.

But what the hell. In for a penny, in for a dozen buried bodies, right?

“Have you killed other people?” My words hang in the air of my room, and the only sound is the cats nearby, who still miraculously have way too much energy this early in the morning.

My eyes open when he nuzzles my shoulder, his lips brushing lightly over my skin. “Yes,” Cass breathes against me. His hands shift, though he only moves to splay his fingers over as much of me as he can and hold me tightly against him.

As if he thinks I might run away.

“Anyone I know?”

“No.” He’s either exceptionally good at simple answers, or very bad at conversation. Maybe both. He doesn’t ramble or try to explain. He just answers my questions.

“And you really aren’t the one killing?—”

“No.” This time there’s frustration in his tone and I roll over to face him, eyes narrowed.

“Don’t sound like that. I believe you, okay? I just wanted to ask again. To see if anything had…changed.” Between us, I don’t add. I just want to see if he was lying before to avoid frightening me away.

Cass doesn’t speak.

His answer doesn’t change.

“Why?” When Cass doesn’t answer, I realize I should probably elaborate. “Why did you kill the other people? Did they do something to you? Did they?—”

“Because I wanted to.” He says it so easily and reaches out to stroke my hair back from my face. “If you think the only time I’ve killed someone is because they’ve hurt me, threatened me, or given me reason to, then I have some bad news for you.” He smiles ever so slightly and runs his thumb over my lower lip.

“What if you decide you want to kill me?”

I don’t expect the snort, or the quick roll of his eyes. Nor do I expect him to cup my face in his hand, his fingers warm against my face. Cass kisses me sweetly, teasing at the seam of my lips until I’m panting and grabbing at his hand to urge his touch lower. All thoughts of going back to sleep are quickly fading from my mind, and judging by the feeling of him against me, I’m not alone in that.

“If I’m going to kill you, Winnie, then I might as well just kill myself.” His words make my stomach twist uncomfortably, nervously, and with an excitement that doesn’t feel healthy. “Since you’re the reason for everything I’ve done. Besides, it took me this long to make you see that you’re mine. Why would I go and fuck it all up by killing you, when I’m planning on you making my life hell for a very long time?”

“That sounds like you’re about to propose to me,” I can’t help but quip, stroking my fingers over his chest. “You got a ring somewhere on you right now?”

“No. I’m woefully underprepared. I estimated it taking a few more days before you were willing to commit to me forever, Winnie.” His grin is wicked and sharp, and he moves in to kiss me again.

Just before he can, however, I ask softly, “What if I say no?”