No, if anything, she would’ve used that. It would’ve virtually guaranteed her a place back in the pack long ago, and she wouldn’t have spent so much time out there in the world, alone.

I shut off the engine and step out, taking a moment to just watch her. She’s so focused on the flowers, like they’re the most precious thing in the world. Jade’s nearby, sitting on a blanketwith her nose in a book. Of course. She’s always been good at pretending things are fine, even when they’re falling apart.

When we were young and kids teased her about her weight, she brushed it off. She always tried to play it cool. But I could tell when she was upset. I always knew.

And then she got older, and those curves filled out, and I had a hell of a time keeping my eyes off her.

“Mama, look!” Penny’s voice is all bright and bubbly as she waves the flowers around. Jade’s eyes light up, and the smile that spreads across her face makes her look like a kid again. It’s plain as day that she loves that little girl.

I step closer, and Penny finally notices me. Her little face scrunches up in a goofy grin, and she scrambles to her feet, clutching the flowers like a prize. “Look what I found!” she says, running over to me.

I crouch down, meeting her at eye level. “You’ve been busy,” I say, taking the flowers from her tiny hands. “What are these for?”

“They’re for Mama,” she declares proudly, looking back at Jade with a big smile. “She likes pretty things.”

I glance over at Jade, who’s still pretending to read, but I can see the corner of her mouth twitching like she’s trying not to smile.

For a second, it’s like we’re back in time, just the three of us: me, Jade, and Alec, hiding out in this very spot, back when the world was a little simpler. Back when everything didn’t feel like it was falling apart.

“This is a good spot,” I tell Penny, looking around. “You know, your mom and I used to come here all the time when we were kids.”

Penny’s eyes go wide, like I just told her the most incredible secret. “Really?”

“Really,” I confirm, standing up. “Your Uncle Alec would always bring us here when we wanted to hide out. We’d sneak away from the pack and stay here for hours. It was our secret spot.”

Penny giggles, glancing over at Jade like she’s expecting her to jump in and share some grand story, but Jade just flips a page in her book, keeping her distance. I don’t push it. I know better than to expect any reminiscing from her right now.

Instead, I focus on Penny. She’s got that look, the one kids get when they’re soaking up every word like it’s gospel. And for a moment, I let myself enjoy it. The simplicity of it. The way she looks at me with those big brown eyes, full of trust and innocence.

But then the sun pokes out from behind a cloud, catching her just right, and those brown eyes flash silver.

My breath catches in my throat.

No. I blink, trying to convince myself I imagined it. But when I look again, it’s still there. A glint of silver, just like mine.


This isn’t just a coincidence.

I feel it now, the pull I’ve been ignoring since the first moment I saw her. That connection, that instinctual tie I brushed off as something else. But now? Now it’s slapping me in the face, hard and fast.

Penny’s mine.

I glance over at Jade, who is still sitting there, pretending not to notice, but I can feel her tension from here. She knew. She knew all along.

My blood boils, but I swallow it down, forcing myself to stay calm. Now’s not the time to lose it. Not here. Not with Penny so close. But I’m not letting this go. Not by a long shot.

Penny’s tugging on my sleeve, asking me something about the flowers, but I barely hear her. All I can think about is how everything’s about to change.

And Jade? She’s got a lot of explaining to do.

Chapter 6 - Jade

The moment Damien steps through the door, I know it’s about to happen. Ever since he pulled up on the side of the road, his whole body has been tense, his expression colder than I’ve ever seen it before, and that can only mean one thing: he knows.

I’ve been dreading this conversation since the second I got dragged back to Starfire Hollow, but I hoped to have more time. More time to figure out how to explain myself, how to control this narrative. But no. Damien Lucas never gives anyone time to get their shit together, and now here we are.

As soon as Penny disappears into her room, he turns on me. “You want to explain something to me?”