“You want me ruining that pretty leather seat?”
He smiled and raised one hand. “Do I have a choice?”
She gave him a sassy glare and tilted her head, her wet curls trailing over her pink coat. “You could just make me walk.”
“Unless you ditch those heels and squelch through the mud barefoot, you wouldn’t make civilization until tomorrow night.”
“I’m afraid you’re right.”
Rhett was afraid if left alone, some man similar to her lawsuit-happy cousins would come upon her, and he didn’t like to think of the outcome.
“Let’s get you in there.” He moved to help her.
“Wait.” She held up a hand and then loosed the thick tie around her waist and undid the buttons of her coat. Pulling the muddy coat off, she started to carefully fold it inside out.
Rhett stared. She had on a fitted white button-down shirt and a tight blue and pink checked skirt. They molded to her womanly curves in a way he hadn’t seen in a long time. A very enticing way.
He passed a hand over his face and looked away. He spent far too much time with contractors.
He was even more grateful that he hadn’t let her walk out to her vehicle on her own. Who knows what she would’ve done or who could’ve come upon her from the other construction sites, or his own? Glancing up, he saw five of the six roofers near the edge of the highly pitched and slick roof, gawking down at her. Luckily they were all secured with ropes and carabiners or they might’ve fallen off, as invested as they were in checking Sloan out.
He wanted to bark at them but feared it would scare her. He never barked at his men. What was happening to him?
Sloan set her folded, inside-out coat on the floor mat and smiled up at him. “I’ll rest my shoes on that and keep your truck semi-clean.”
He gestured to his own muddy self. “I appreciate it, but I’m not lily white here either.”
“But it’s your truck. You can get it dirty and nobody will be upset at you.”
Rhett almost told her he could never be upset at her, but he had been. Really upset. Before he met her.
Just another reminder he should never judge somebody without the full story.
She reached for the ‘oh, crap’ bar and started to pull herself up. Rhett’s hands naturally came around her waist and lifted her the rest of the way. Without her coat in the way, the feel of that trim waist and the curve of her hips made his pulse spike. He tried not to notice the irresistible figure she made in that fitted skirt.
She settled into the seat and smiled at him. “Thank you. You’ve rescued me today.”
Did she have any idea how many ways he’d rescued her? Maybe she would’ve been safe hitchhiking out of this remote area, but he wouldn’t place a bet on it.
“Anytime, ma’am.” He tilted his hat to her and then stepped back and shut the door. Then he glanced up at the roofers with a raised brow. They all gave him guilty looks and turned back to their work. Blowing out a breath, he made his way around the truck.
Climbing in, he knew he’d have to wash his floor mats from his boots, again, but at least his rear and back were clean enough he wouldn’t ruin his leather seats. He smiled over at her. “Where are you staying tonight?”
“Grandpa’s cabin,” she said bravely. “Do you know where it is?”
He nodded, apprehension filling him. The cabin was isolated and off the grid. He didn’t like the thought of her being alone, with sketchy cell phone service. Did she even know how to start a fire or generator? How to prime the well if the pump ran dry? “Has the cabin been vacant since he passed?”
“Hmm.” That cabin would be a mess. Almost two years with no occupant. The pipes were most likely frozen, and water or other damage was likely. At best, mice and spiders would’ve taken over; at worst, larger animals could be hanging out in there.
“What?” She studied him.
“The cabin might be a mess, and you’re going to need gas for the generator and wood for the stove.”
She swallowed visibly, and his gut sank. She was in over her head in every which way.
“I can drive you to a hotel in Kalispell,” he said, hoping she’d be reasonable.