Ron turned back, still standing in the doorway. Her dad looked to her with a satisfied smile. “You’ll sign the papers and you’ll never breathe a word of this to anyone, or your Uncle Ron will make sure Rhett Coleville dies. Maybe his beautiful house will blow up. Maybe his truck. Maybe it’ll be a job site with a tragic propane leak.”
“Please don’t.” The thought of Rhett’s house or truck blowing up or him dying on a jobsite played through her mind. “No, please.”
Her dad studied her, a smile on his lips. “You always knew you’d come back to me, didn’t you Sloan?”
She nodded. Her palms grew sweaty, despair cloaking her. The property didn’t matter. She’d do exactly what her dad said, just like she had throughout childhood and teenage years. To save Rhett. And once she agreed to this, once he knew she was weak for Rhett, the demands would keep coming.
“I allowed you go off to college and work for DWA after you graduated. Your professors at school and managers at work always kept me informed. I helped you succeed, made you think you could do it on your own.” He smiled. “Your little friend Kathy helped me as well. I always know what’s happening in your life because of her.”
Sloan’s mind protested his words but she feared he was telling the truth. Her professors and managers she could believe, but Kathy … not loyal and amazing Kathy who helped her find her Savior and believe in herself.
“Did you really think I would let you go on your own and not help you?” His look was the patronizing father that she loathed. “You could never have made it on your own.”
She had made it on her own. Right? Had she not? Had he been tugging the strings all along? The sickening realization that he had made her want to vomit. Her hands shook and cold chills raced up and down her spine.But please not Kathy.
He patted her cheek as if she were a small child. “It’s okay, dear. I did it for you. I wanted you to spread your wings but now it’s time to come back home. You are excellent in the commercial construction industry. We’ll soar together and I’ll train you to take over my business someday.”
Bile crawled her throat. She wanted to tell him that would never happen but she felt weak and achy. She feared he was right and she hadn’t accomplished anything without him and she never would. He also held the trump card … he’d hurt or kill Rhett.
“Swear to me on your mother’s grave that you’ll never tell anyone the truth. You’ll share that your ever-patient, loving, and supportive father got you out of a bad situation by buying a lemon of a property.”
To save Rhett, Sloan would swear whatever they wanted. She despised being back in his power, but she had no choice. Heavy black clouds covered the sunshine and any hope in her life.
She’d never done anything on her own. Kathy wasn’t even loyal to her. And she’d never be with Rhett. Her dad would make certain of that.
Uncle Ron yelped in surprise.
Sloan’s gaze darted to the doorway.
Rhett’s large frame filled it up. He yanked Ron’s arm up behind his back and slammed him into the open door, banging Uncle Ron’s forehead against the edge. Blood ran down a cut onRon’s forehead and he whined in protest, flailing to try to get free.
“Rhett,” she gasped, struggling to her feet. He was here. Was there hope or would her father and Ron kill him?
Rhett ripped the pistol out of Ron’s waistband and aimed it at her father. “Stand up nice and slow, Mr. Jensen.”
Her dad stood, holding his hands up. “It was all Ron. You know I’d never hurt my girl.”
“He’s lying,” Sloan gasped out.
At that moment she realized … he was lying. Her dad was a liar and manipulator. Maybe he had interfered with her university and job, but Kathy would never betray her and Rhett wouldn’t either. He’d come for her. The dark clouds parted and there was hope in the world again. She thanked the good Lord above.
“Sloan,” Rhett said slowly, pinning Ron against the door with her uncle’s arm in that awkward position while calmly aiming the gun at her father. “Call 911.”
“It’ll be your testimony against ours,” her dad said. “Nobody’s going to believe the revered Eric Jensen did anything but try to help his daughter get out of a real estate mess, which is what these papers say.”
A cold sweat broke out on Sloan’s forehead. Her dad was right. Rhett, Kathy, and the Savior would be there for her, but no one else would believe her testimony over him. They never had.
“You didn’t act ‘revered’ at the job site today,” Rhett said. “I think a redneck Montana judge will listen to us.”
What if her dad squirmed his way out of being arrested or staying in prison? Would she ever be free of him?
Rhett looked strong, brave, and perfect. And she was descended from a devil.
“You’re okay, Sloan.” Rhett’s calm voice soothed her. “Call the police.”
She eased toward her purse and phone, on the table next to her dad. Pulling the phone out, she held down the side button and said, “Call 911”.
Her dad grabbed her and yanked her in front of him, wrapping one arm around her neck and the other tight around her shoulders. He put pressure on her neck, making it hard to breathe.