“My dad,” she managed. Fear of what he’d say and how she’d react churned inside her. Her stomach revolted and she had to swallow to keep from throwing up. Her legs were weak and her faith faltering.

Please help me be brave, she begged her Heavenly Father.

Rhett turned to face her father, sliding his arm around her waist to support her. That one movement strengthened her. She leaned into Rhett and felt like it was a sign from above. Rhett was the man her Savior had sent her to because of his mama’s prayers. He would strengthen her and hold her up when she was weak. They could stand together, and she wouldn’t be afraid.

Her trembling calmed and she was able to stand on her own. She took Rhett’s hand but stayed straight and tall, even as she longed to burrow into Rhett’s strength and warmth, not face her father, not even look at him.

Her dad marched up, his eyes flickering from their joined hands to Rhett. He was obviously uneasy with Rhett’s size, but nothing intimidated Eric Jensen. He thought he could bully his way through any situation.

“Since you won’t answer my phone calls, I made a trip up here to save you.” He focused the intensity of his dark gaze on her.

“I don’t need you to save me,” she snapped back. She was terrified to fail but even more terrified to let her guard down around her father. If he saw a chink he’d exploit it. Just like when she’d had a real friend in middle school. Bailey. He’d found out about Bailey from a teacher and threatened Sloan to stay away from her. When Sloan refused, Bailey’s dad had mysteriously lost his job and received a better offer in Mesa the next day. Bailey had moved away and she’d never seen her again. Her dad had explained to her that if she didn’t obey he would be forced to ‘fix’ the problems. He’d never wanted her to have anyone to trust or love.

“Oh, I think you do, little girl. You’re in way over your head this time. I took care of your mother and promised her I’d take care of you. Why can’t you trust that I’ll be here for you?”

Sloan felt her stomach flip over. He loved to throw that one at her, claiming he’d promised her mom on her deathbed he would take care of Sloan. His version of ‘taking care of her’ meant she was in his control and a spineless puppet. She had to stay out of his power. The only way she’d found to do that was stay far away from him. Now she was facing him. What would he do to her, or worse to Rhett, if she refused him?

“I don’t need or want you here,” she said as firmly as she could. Even with Rhett’s hand around hers, her voice trembled.

He ignored her, his eyes pinned on Rhett. “Who is this cowboy touching you?”

“Rhett Coleville, sir.” Rhett’s voice was tight but even. He extended his right hand, his left tightening around hers.

Her dad looked at Rhett’s hand with disdain. “Get your hands off of my daughter. She will never be with some redneck cowboy.”

Sloan yearned to keep her fake bravado and never fall to his ploys, but him disparaging Rhett took her determination to the next level. “That is unacceptable, and Rhett is the furthest thing from a redneck,” Sloan hurled at him, her stomach churning uncomfortably. “You are not welcome here. Leave now and never contact me again.”

Her dad glowered at her, but his gaze scanned and sharpened on something behind them.

Sloan glanced over her shoulder to see men making a semi-circle behind her and Rhett, and more coming. Josh Francis was at the front of the group.

“Is this man bothering you, Miss Jensen?” Josh asked, cracking his knuckles.

Her father blanched and backed up. “You all are a bunch of rednecks. You stay away from me.”

Sloan had never seen her father afraid. Never. His money, smooth tongue, and reputation always got him what he wanted. Except with her.

“I came here to save you, Sloan.” His eyes flicked nervously to the crowd of men. “You’re never going to make it financially with this setback, and your insurance won’t pay for a mudslide.” He spoke rapidly, still easing backward. “I’ll buy the property from you, let it settle for a bit, rezone and sell it in a year or two. I can handle the financial hit. You can’t.”

Sloan knew he was right. She was sunk and needed a lifeline.

Terror filled her. Would she have to succumb to him? Was he actually trying to help her?

She prayed for help and felt a clear impression …No.

No. What a powerful word. Her dad wasn’t in control of her, and she’d rather drown in the mud than take the lifeline he’d offer. That lifeline would become a silken cord around her neck until he bound her to his will and she lost all freedom.

Rhett squeezed her hand. She focused on his warm blue gaze and found the strength she needed, strength from him and from heaven above. He nodded to her. “I’ve got you.”

She studied him. She’d never ask Rhett for money, but he was here for her. He’d support her, and they’d work through this together. She’d keep praying, and somehow, it would work out. She didn’t have any idea how but faith was stepping forward and trusting in heaven above. With Rhett and God on her side, she could do anything.

She looked back at her father. He was a lot thinner than she remembered and at the moment she felt strong, empowered. She wasn’t intimidated by him or in his snare.

“I’m not selling,” she said, tilting her chin up. “Especially not to you.”

His face turned red. “You’ll regret this, Sloan. You sell to me … or else.”

“I’ll never sell to you.” Her voice was surprisingly strong.