He stood as well. “Sloan … I don’t think you could possibly overstay your welcome.” He wanted her here, wanted to grow closer to her, even as a small part of him wondered at the wisdom of falling even harder for her.

She glanced up at him, shook her head, and hurried through the living area and to the front entrance.

Rhett strode behind her, watching her dark curly hair flow behind her and the stubborn set to her shoulders and head. He’d somehow marred this night. By sharing that his family life was good? It seemed a very odd thing for her to get offended about, especially as she’d drawn him out. He guessed if he didn’t have a supportive and loving family, it might be a difficult subject.

Reaching the front entry, she spun to face him. “You don’t have to walk me home. It’s two houses away and a safe neighborhood.”

His brows rose. “I’m going to walk you home, Sloan.”

“Because you’re a gentleman?” she shot at him.

“Yes. And because I care about you, want to make sure you’re safe, and want to spend as much time as possible with you.” He wasn’t going to change who he was or risk her safety. He prayed she wouldn’t take exception to that but could bet she would.

“Rhett,” she began, and he waited for the sparks. Instead, she leaned back against the stair railing as if she couldn’t handle the weight anymore. She shook her head, staring up at him with herdeep-brown eyes suspiciously bright. “I don’t think you should care about me.”

“Excuse me?” Was this the moment where she wrote him off?

“Look at you. You’re the ultra-desirable cowboy contractor who every single woman is after. Why are you trying to break through my walls? Why waste your time on me?” She blinked quickly and shot the words out there before he could rebuttal that it wasn’t a waste. “My dad was a controlling jerk, Rhett, and yours is protective and kind. My mom never stood up for herself or for her only daughter. Your mom is some angel raising six boys with love and taking care of the entire football team in her spare time.” She shook her head. “You and I aren’t going to mesh. Our backgrounds are too different. I’ll push you away sooner or later.” She looked worn down and sad. “It might as well be sooner.” She moved to step around him.

“Sloan.” Rhett wrapped his hands around her upper arms and very gently turned her back to face him. “Please don’t push me away like this. Give me a chance. Give us a chance.”

“Rhett, there is no us.” She stared at him with her deep-brown eyes bright, begging him to prove her wrong.

“There could be,” he insisted. “Look at how brave you’ve been. Fighting through the problems with the development, taking on the county and all the contractors, making friends everywhere you go. Not being afraid of your cousins even though they’ve tried to hurt you and threatened to kill you.”

“I was terrified of my cousins. I only acted brave because you were there.”

“You may have been scared inside, but you were brave on the outside. I’m grateful I could protect you, and I want to be there to support and help you any way I can, but you are a singularly courageous and confident woman, Sloan. You have taken on difficult tasks and people and not only survived but thrived. Iwant to be around you. I want to stand by your side. Please. Be brave about a relationship and give us a chance.”

Sloan studied him for so long he feared she’d slip out that door and he’d be back to footings with no floor joists in sight, let alone walls framed. No, it’d be worse. If Sloan turned him away when he’d laid out there that he wanted to be with her, there would be awkwardness between them. It would keep them apart. At least right now, before she turned him away, he had a chance to build a structure with her.

“Has anyone ever told you that you are the most determined man on the planet?” she asked.

He cocked his head and then shook it. “Just wait until you meet my brothers.”

“Ah, Rhett. I want to meet your brothers and their wives and Mama and Papa and little Presley …” She let out a garbled cry that wrenched at his heart. It was disconcerting and tender at the same time to see such a confident lady break down.

She grabbed his shirt and hauled herself up closer to him.

Rhett was stunned, but he quickly framed her hips and waist with his hands and pulled her in closer.

“Why do I want you so badly, want to be part of your life and your world, when I know I’d never fit there?” she demanded of him, her hands sliding around his shoulders and his neck.

“Sloan. You don’t just fit in my world; you’re the missing piece that makes everything work.”

Her eyes registered shock at his words. “You don’t mean that.”

“I do. I want you in my life, Sloan. In my arms, my heart, my family, my world.”

She drew in a breath and then admitted, “I’m scared.”

His heart missed a beat at this brave and independent woman admitting that. She was being vulnerable, for him.

“I would never take away your independence, but if you want me by your side, I would be there for you, every step of the way.”

He held his breath, waiting for her to refuse him or at least give a rebuttal.

Sloan studied him with those dark eyes and then she arched up and kissed him.