
The next morning,Sloan still felt a deep ache in her chest at pushing Rhett away. It was as if she’d found a long-lost friend who filled that ache and then she’d shoved that friend away and hurt herself and him.

Talking to Kathy had helped immensely, and a lot of time on her knees had been invaluable, but she felt guilty for the way she’d treated him. He’d done nothing but help her, rescuing her like a hero from the mud, her cousins, and her own mess.

Kathy told her if she didn’t give Rhett Coleville a chance, she would fly up from Arizona and claim that ‘stud’ for herself. Sloan had only laughed at her friend, though inside she’d agreed that he was a stud and felt the sting of jealousy thinking of her vivacious blonde friend ‘claiming’ Rhett.

Why couldn’t Sloan give him a chance? Why did she have to be so closed off and independent? It was the only way she knew to get through life surrounded by strong, determined men every day. Keep them further than arm’s length.

She had chocolate covered peanuts for breakfast, brushed her teeth, and set off wearing a button-down shirt, slacks, andheels to deal with some county people who had mostly ignored her repeated email requests and phone calls.

She had a chilly and drizzly walk the two blocks to the county offices. Did the rain ever stop? She might need to buy another coat if hers didn’t get clean. Her fingers and face stung from the early morning chill and drops of freezing rain. It would get warmer as the day wore on. She hoped.

Sloan pushed through the double doors just as the office opened at eight.

The gray-haired receptionist set her steaming coffee cup down and smiled pleasantly at her. “Well now, aren’t you a beauty. Not from around here?”

Sloan shook her head. Was it obvious to everyone?

“Where is your coat and umbrella, little girl?” The woman tsked.

Sloan flared inside. She wasn’t around older ladies often, but apparently it wasn’t just men trying to tell her what to do that bugged her. She took a deep breath and smiled. “I took a dump in the mud with it yesterday. Praying my coat gets clean.”

“Ah, beautiful girl. I’ll pray for that too. In the meantime, why don’t you take my sweater? I just love your deep voice, by the way.” She held up a knitted bright red sweater from the back of her chair.

“I couldn’t possibly take your sweater.” She was stunned and had no clue how to react to such a generous offer.

“Well, why ever not?”

Sloan said the first thing she thought of. “You’d be cold.”

“I’ll be fine. I’m not going anywhere but this chair for a while, and I’ve got a heap more padding than you do.” She laughed, standing to hand over the sweater. “Go on now.”

Sloan had no idea how to refuse. She took the proffered cardigan sweater and stared at the motherly woman.

“Well, put it on.”

Sloan wanted to. She slid into the cozy warm sleeves, wrapping it around herself like a hug from a mother she didn’t remember much about. She closed her eyes, savoring the warmth and the kindness. “Thank you,” she whispered, opening her eyes to focus on this charitable lady. “I’ll bring it back when my coat gets clean.”

“It’s a gift, dear. I have plenty. I make them at night while my sweetheart watches all those ball games. Did you know there’s a ball game on every single moment?”

“I didn’t.” Sloan couldn’t even wrap her mind around this lady’s reality. She sat in this office all day and then knitted sweaters while her husband watched sports at night. More baffling, she was happy.

“Well, I’m here to tell you we never run out of ball games.” She grinned. “The sweater’s too big on you, but it’ll keep you warm.”

Sloan imagined it looked ridiculous on her. She’d never worn anything so cozy and perfect. “Thank you again.”

“Of course, dear. Now what I can do to help you this beautiful morning?”

“Oh. Yes.” She’d almost forgotten her purpose in the wake of this lady’s benevolence. “I need to meet with …” She rattled off several names.

“And what’s your name, dear? I’m Annabeth, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Annabeth. I’m Sloan Jensen. The developer of White Pine Properties.”

“Truly?” Annabeth put her hand to her heart. “Are you playing a prank on me?”

“No.” Sloan’s insides twisted. She’d talked to the people in this office many times over the past twenty months, never making much progress with her phone calls. She’d probably even spoken to Annabeth without knowing it.