“Lucky you. You found me.” He spread his hands and gave her his most charming smile, taught to him by his brother Easton, the most ‘rizzy’ of all six brothers.
The woman smiled at that but then her expression grew determined again. She started forward, not watching her step as she was focused on him. Rhett sensed the danger, rocks and mud and roots wanting to grab her pretty pink shoes and rip themfrom her feet. Why this angel sent from heaven above in answer to his mama’s prayers was wearing those ridiculous heels was a topic for another moment.
He rushed forward.
“Mr. Coleville.” Her eyes showed determination and bravery. “I am—” Her sentence ended in a scream of surprise as her legs went out from under her and she flew onto her backside in the muck.
Rhett was a second too late. He failed to catch her before she splatted. He did make a valiant attempt to not gawk at the long legs she revealed. Her knee-length coat and the tight skirt he could now see underneath inched up well above her knees. He squatted down next to her upper body and asked, “Ma’am? Are you all right?”
Her dark eyes grew brighter as if she were close to tears. Ah, no. Rhett had no sisters. His mama was loving but tough and he’d rarely seen her cry, and he spent most of his days with his crews and a variety of sub-contractors. He had no clue how to respond to feminine tears.
“No, I’m not… ” She pushed out a puff of frustration and then she shook her head. He could see an internal resolution fill her dark eyes. She drew back in a steadying breath and straightened her shoulders. Sitting in the mud as she was, it was an intriguing and fearless look. He was impressed and even more drawn to her.
“I’m fine, Mr. Coleville. Let me just… get back on my feet, somehow.” She looked down at the mud surrounding her, stuck out a finger, withdrew it, and clasped her hands together, as if trying to figure out where to place her hands but terrified to do so.
“Let me help.” He stretched his hands toward her.
“No.” Her voice wasn’t sharp, but it was firm.
Rhett drew back in surprise. Her eyes were as determined as her voice. She gave him a look that dared him to say she couldn’t do it on her own. He held his hands up but stayed in his squatted and nearby position. She arched an eyebrow at him and her eyes darted from the mud to him several times. Then once again it was the frustrated breath out before the resolute drawing in of air.
She gave him a regal nod and a resigned smile. “If you don’t mind, some help would be appreciated.”
Rhett was in awe of her. She was independent, brave, and more intriguing to him than any woman he’d ever met.
“Happy to help.” Rhett wrapped his hands around her waist and easily lifted her back onto her feet. She smelled like his mama’s gardenias, the rich, heady scent like nectar from heaven.
The woman placed her hands on his chest. Rhett knew it was to steady herself, but she gave a little gasp and her mouth parted. She stared up at him as if he were the most alluring man on the planet. Her palms and fingers seemed to sear through his damp T-shirt. His pulse sped up and his skin tingled with an unfamiliar warmth. His cowboy hat sheltered both of them from the rain and the world. They were in a sanctuary for only the two of them and he never wanted to leave.
Until he heard a low wolf whistle and some laughter from the roofers. He turned and gave them a pointed look. Rhett was well-liked by all of his crews, but sometimes he had to be stern. The small crowd sobered, exchanged glances and some muttered words, pivoted, and got back to work laying shingles.
Focusing back on the exquisite and muddy lady in front of him, he lost the ability to speak for a moment as their eyes met and held. His grip tightened on her waist, and he was moments away from drawing her closer.
He’d never been captivated so quickly by any of the beautiful, sweet, and accomplished ladies he’d dated.
“You are just a tough and alluring cowboy, aren’t you, Mr. Coleville?” she asked in that breathy and husky tenor that had first drawn him in. He’d never heard a woman’s voice so deep and unbelievably enticing.
“I try, ma’am. I surely do.”
She smiled and the rays of heaven broke through the dark, thunderous skies. He thought he might have found his future, wrapped in a muddy pink coat and teetering on sky high pink heels. His new sisters-in-law would love her.
“You’re very successful at it, Mr. Coleville,” she said softly, her gaze straying down to his lips before meeting his eyes again.
“Rhett, please.”
“Rhett,” she repeated in a sultry tone, and his own name made his blood turn to liquid lava.
What was happening to him? Were Mama’s prayers coming true or was he being bewitched by an angel who was sorely out of place on this quagmire of a construction site?
“Let’s get you back to your vehicle, ma’am,” he said, wishing he knew her name but wanting to ask in a way that furthered the flirtations they’d already shared.
He started to turn her with his arm, but she held onto him, running her hands over his chest muscles and up to his shoulders and making the world spin in the best way possible.
“No, please.” That throaty voice did a number on his mind. He’d do anything she wanted or needed. “I need to come inside.”
Anything except take her inside. His crew and the sub-contractors were great guys, but they were mostly single, twenty-something roughnecks. He didn’t want this alluring lady any nearer to them than she already was. The wolf whistles from earlier would just be the beginning. He could keep them under control, but it wouldn’t be enjoyable for her or him. He was nokind of idiot to place an innocent and misguided sheep in the midst of a wolf pack.