“We don’t know who we’re facing. I’m not planning on using the gun, but I’m not walking in there unarmed.”

She swallowed and said a prayer for clarity to know his purpose, and strength to protect herself if he turned on her. Her pulse spiked, and all her dad’s warnings about contractors and why she needed to stay close to him ran through her mind. She would never concede that her dad was right, but she couldn’t protect herself if a man as fit, big, and armed as Rhett turned on her.

“Sloan.” Rhett said her name softly.

She stared at him, her fingers trembling. She held onto the door more firmly for support, trying to look confident.

“I have been trained how to use a gun,” he said, calm and in control and reassuring, “and I would never use it to hurt anyone who is innocent. I am wearing it to keep you safe.” He paused and studied her, his enticing blue eyes offering another line of reassurance. “Do you believe me?”

Sloan thought about it for a few seconds and found she did believe him. He’d helped her repeatedly and he seemed to read her emotions as well as anyone she’d ever known.

She realized she wasn’t scared of him, but horrified of what she may have walked into. She’d known there would be battles to fight up here, but she’d imagined they would be verbal battles. As she’d finished work in Vegas, packed up, and said goodbye to Kathy and her life there, she’d been anticipating the challenge of rising above the battles, working united with the builders, living in the rustic and laid-back beauty of Montana, proving she could do this—to herself, not to her dad.

She nodded to Rhett. He was her only ally right now, and if he thought he needed to be armed, maybe this situation was worse than she had imagined.

“You okay?”

“As I can be.” Sloan looked around at the beloved cabin. She couldn’t afford an extended hotel stay, but she’d also been looking forward to staying in Grandpa’s cabin. As much as herdad loathed it, she’d always loved the rustic spot. Grandpa would tell her all kinds of stories about her mom. He’d tell her she could do and be anything she wanted to be, help teach her stuff like how to fish or tie a knot. All the memories rushed back just being here, and she remembered something else: Grandpa had always had a rifle or pistol with him. Maybe Rhett wasn’t such an oddity being armed. Not in these parts.


“Yes.” She nodded more resolutely. She was ready to kick whoever was in her cabin out, clean it up, and relax with her bag of chocolate by a cozy fire tonight. By herself. With all the doors barred. What did one bar doors with? Interesting that she’d felt safe and confident in Vegas with its high crime rate but was terrified in remote Montana.

As Rhett moved closer and wrapped his arm around her waist, she felt warm and a little light-headed. Did she have to keep fighting through life by herself? Why wouldn’t she want this surprising man to stick around?

Because she hardly knew him, an hour ago he hadn’t been her biggest fan, and Sloan Jensen didn’t trust anyone but the Savior and Kathy. She’d never had to remind herself of that repeatedly.

They progressed across the once-graveled driveway. Most of the gravel lay in piles at the edges. Had they scraped down to the mud while trying to clear snow? How long had these people been staying in her cabin?

She leaned heavily into Rhett, clinging to his waist with one hand and holding her other hand out for balance. Her hand brushed the holster and reminded her of that black pistol. Thankfully it was on his other hip. She could understand it might be a necessity, but she was still a little uneasy about the gun thing.

“Are you certain I can’t talk you into waiting in the truck?” he asked. “Anybody who’s squatting at a dead man’s house can’t be a friendly visitor.”

“I wouldn’t dream of making you face it alone.” She dredged up her courage. Even Kathy didn’t understand what a pretense her bravery was. It was the only thing that had kept her safe from her father. Kathy asked her to let down her guard with men, but she also commended her on her bravery. Sloan had taken the ‘fake it until you make it’ motto to the extreme. She’d pretended to be confident and independent for so long that it was universally accepted.

“Yep,” Rhett drawled out. “That’s what I’m worried about.”

She actually smiled, liking the sarcasm in his voice. But her grin quickly slid away. “I wonder how long they’ve been here.”

“Have you had someone checking on the place?”

“No.” She shook her head. “I don’t know anyone up here, and since there’s no electricity, I figured I could just start the generator like Grandpa taught me.”

“Hmm,” he said, and she could read his thoughts through the single sound. He thought she was out of her element. She was—a complete fish out of water. But she wouldn’t say the words out loud. She couldn’t think of a time in her life she’d asked for help. Growing up, her dad had done everything for her, no matter how she fought him. As soon as she’d broken free of his net of control, she’d fought fiercely for her independence.

They reached the front porch. Rhett helped her onto it, and she realized she’d left the keys in her coat pocket. She’d put the house key the lawyer gave her after the graveside service on her key chain.

“I left the key. Shall we go back and grab it or knock?”

“Let’s knock. See who we’re dealing with and not take them by surprise. Lot of folks would shoot first and ask questions later if you barged into their house.”

“It’s not their house.” She jutted out her chin when she wanted to hide behind him. Shoot first and ask questions later? Had she driven through two states or into another world? The ethereal beauty surrounding them suddenly seemed more reminiscent of a horror film.

“They don’t think that.” Rhett stepped in front of her. “Can you please at least stay back until I’m certain it’s safe?”

“Fine.” She blew out a heavy breath and drew it in, straightening her shoulders. She acted tough like she’d trained herself to do, but she’d never been more relieved. He seemed to read her mind, and she truly appreciated him more than she could express. He’d rescued her over and over again since she met him an hour ago. Despite the gun, she felt as comfortable around him as any man she’d ever known.

“Thank you, Sloan,” he said, giving her an appreciative look that made her stomach do a happy dance.